Category: Cannabusiness

(916 posts)

Cannabis business news, commentary and analysis

May 24, 2013
NPR: Go East, Young Marijuana Dealer

NPR: Go East, Young Marijuana Dealer

Chuck used to sell marijuana in California. But the legalization of medical marijuana in the state meant he was suddenly competing against hundreds of marijuana dispensaries. So...
May 23, 2013
Guardian Data Systems: Providing Cannabusinesses Merchant Services

Guardian Data Systems: Providing Cannabusinesses Merchant Services

Guardian Data Systems, Inc. they’ve got you covered like nobody else. Their slogan promises “compassionate payment solutions.” Guardian Data Systems has been designed to counter the discrimination...
By: Mercedys
May 23, 2013
Beaumont, California Bans Medical Marijuana Dispensaries

Beaumont, California Bans Medical Marijuana Dispensaries

The Beaumont City Council voted to ban medical marijuana dispensaries and to extend a moratorium on them until the ban can be put in place. Beaumont Mayor...
May 23, 2013
Medical Marijuana Update (2013.05.22)

Medical Marijuana Update (2013.05.22)

From the US Supreme Court to the local city council chambers, medical marijuana continues to be a contentious issue. Here’s the latest. National On Monday, the US Supreme...
May 23, 2013
Cannabusiness: Get Rich or High Trying

Cannabusiness: Get Rich or High Trying has a nice synopsis of the state of the cannabusiness industry. Included: Mason Tvert (MPP), Troy Dayton (ArcView Group), Tripp Keber (Dixie Elixirs), Jessica LaRoux (Twirling...
May 23, 2013
Hemp Legalization Amendment Introduced for Farm Bill

Hemp Legalization Amendment Introduced for Farm Bill

Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) Monday introduced an amendment to the omnibus farm bill to allow farmers to grow industrial hemp, the Huffington Post reported. The move picked up support...
May 23, 2013
LA Voters Approve Medical Marijuana Dispensary Regulation, Cap

LA Voters Approve Medical Marijuana Dispensary Regulation, Cap

Voters in Los Angeles Tuesday approved one of two active initiatives aimed at ensuring that medical marijuana dispensaries will be allowed in California’s largest city. The winning...
May 22, 2013
CA Senate Approves Medical Cannabis Regulation Bill

CA Senate Approves Medical Cannabis Regulation Bill

The California Senate approved SB 439 on Monday. The bill, which is co-authored by Senate President Pro-Tem Darrell Steinberg (D-Sacramento) and Senator Mark Leno (D-San Francisco) clarifies the scope...
May 22, 2013
Marijuana-Fed Pigs Are Bigger and ‘More Savory’, Farmers Say

Marijuana-Fed Pigs Are Bigger and ‘More Savory’, Farmers Say

Susannah Gross, who owns a five-acre farm north of Seattle, is part of a group experimenting with a solution that seems to make the most of marijuana’s...
May 21, 2013
CSU Predicts Coloradans Will Buy Over 2 Million Ounces in 2014

CSU Predicts Coloradans Will Buy Over 2 Million Ounces in 2014

A study from Colorado State University predicts that about 12% of Coloradans will each buy an average of 3.5 ounces in 2014. That’s well over 2 million...
May 21, 2013
Time: How Much Will a Legal Marijuana Habit Cost You?

Time: How Much Will a Legal Marijuana Habit Cost You?

If you’re an average marijuana smoker in Colorado—paying average prices for average-quality marijuana—you can expect to spend around $650 on weed next year. That’s estimating 3.5 ounces annually…...
May 21, 2013
Medical Marijuana: Big Pharma’s Campaign to Eliminate State-Sanctioned Cannabis Competitors?

Medical Marijuana: Big Pharma’s Campaign to Eliminate State-Sanctioned Cannabis Competitors?

Professor Benjamin Leff, a tax law expert at American University Washington College of Law, thinks he has a clever solution to free legit marijuana dealers from the Feds...
May 20, 2013
Tully’s Coffee Owner Would Consider Selling Marijuana in His Shops

Tully’s Coffee Owner Would Consider Selling Marijuana in His Shops

Patrick Dempsey, the ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ actor and owner of Seattle-based Tully’s Coffee said, “Coffee is good for your mind—it’s basically a legalized drug. The next step is selling...
May 17, 2013
WA Releases Draft Rules for Marijuana Industry

WA Releases Draft Rules for Marijuana Industry

Washington’s Liquor Control Board released draft regulations for the state’s legal marijuana industry yesterday. The draft regulations include: Tracking marijuana from seed to store, most likely setting...
May 17, 2013
Stopping the IRS War on Medical Marijuana Providers

Stopping the IRS War on Medical Marijuana Providers

Dispensaries providing marijuana to doctor-approved patients operate in a number of states, but they are under assault by the federal government. SWAT-style raids by the DEA and...
May 16, 2013
LA Has 3 Medical Marijuana Regulation Measures Up for Vote

LA Has 3 Medical Marijuana Regulation Measures Up for Vote

We all know what a mess California’s medical marijuana regulations are, unless we are in denial about it. The city of Los Angeles now has 3 different...
May 16, 2013
Medical Marijuana Update (2013.05.15)

Medical Marijuana Update (2013.05.15)

The feds stay on the attack in California, and fallout from last week’s state Supreme Court decision allowing local dispensary bans mounts. There’s news from other states...
May 16, 2013
This Marijuana Security Firm Struck Gold After Solving One of the Toughest Problems in Legalization

This Marijuana Security Firm Struck Gold After Solving One of the Toughest Problems in Legalization

Canna Security America, led by Dan Williams, might be the furthest thing you think of when you hear the term “marijuana business.” Williams and his partners have...
May 15, 2013
San Diego City Attorney Sends Marijuana Ordinance to Mayor

San Diego City Attorney Sends Marijuana Ordinance to Mayor

DRAFT MARIJUANA ORDINANCE SENT TO MAYOR, CITY COUNCIL On April 23, the City Council provided direction to the Mayor and City Attorney with respect to medical marijuana...
May 15, 2013
Garden Grove, CA Orders Dispensaries to Close

Garden Grove, CA Orders Dispensaries to Close

The city of Garden Grove, California sent cease-and-desist orders to over 60 medical marijuana dispensaries last week. The action comes after a California Supreme Court ruling to...