While it’s apparently taken centuries for scientists to take serious notice of the medical effects of the cannabis plant, virtually all the attention has been on THC,...
We all knew it was coming, self-proclaimed genius Brian Laoruangroch, 29, wants to run a marijuana business like a tobacco business. His goal is to become the “Marlboro...
A dispensary is now open for business in the nation’s capital; several dozen are coming to Arizona; dispensary and cultivation battles continue in California; Massachusetts advocates prepare...
DC has seen its first legal marijuana sale under the city’s medical marijuana law, enacted in 1998 by voters but blocked by Congress for most of that...
By now most medical cannabis activists are aware that several medical marijuana dispensaries in Washington state were raided Wednesday. While the federal government continues to raid medical cannabis...
Las Vegas Senator Segerblom (D) said future Nevada pot dispensary owners are in a perfect position to make millions of dollars because Nevada is the only state...
House Bill 49, known as the ‘Florida Bong Law’ has literally gone up in smoke. News agencies continue to tirelessly spin the story as they deem appropriate, and...
As Colorado prepares to unleash legal retail marijuana, many people are growing nervous about what is to come. Some folks are still convinced that the sky will...
New Hampshire becomes the 19th medical marijuana state, some folks in Kentucky would like it to become one, too; and the local tussling continues in California. And...
In Costa Mesa, CA on Sunday, July 21, the California Democratic party passed two new resolutions at its executive board meeting. The first of the two dealt with President Obama’s...
Colorado’s Department of Revenue released “emergency rules” earlier this month for the recreational marijuana industry, but the rules are being fine-tuned by 5 working groups over the...
013 In a grueling week-long trial, a superior court Judge prohibited defense counsel from bringing evidence to support that cannabis patients may lawfully, collectively cultivate medical cannabis...
Medbox will begin consulting operations in Illinois, Nevada, New York and Oregon, where legislation has recently allowed for medical marijuana dispensary operations. Medbox recently had great success...
Members of the Colorado Department of Revenue were taken to school recently, learning a very important lesson about marijuana plants, and their plans for seed to sale...
Jerry Cox, president of an Arkansas conservative “family values” group that campaigned against legalizing medical marijuana, agreed not to refer in certain ways to Medicine Dispensing Systems...
Just as marijuana reform advocates predicted, marijuana in a legal market will be safer for users. In response to Colorado and Washington’s legalization laws, laboratories are springing...
Doug Fine, Too High to Fail: Cannabis and the New Green Economic Revolution (2012, Gotham Books, 319 pp., $11.20 HB, $12.39 PB Amazon) [Ed: This review was based on...
A dispensary opens in Arizona as more get shut down in California and more California communities move to shut them down or keep them out. There’s more...
Boulder’s city council voted down a proposed additional 10% sales tax, because the city will receive funds from the state marijuana tax. A proposed 15% excise tax...
Since August 2012, Arizona has seen 98 registration certificates awarded for those wanting to open medical marijuana dispensaries. Last December saw the opening of the first dispensary,...