Category: Cannabusiness

(916 posts)

Cannabis business news, commentary and analysis

January 21, 2014
EuroNews: Cannabis Tourism Takes Off in Colorado

EuroNews: Cannabis Tourism Takes Off in Colorado

EuroNews covers the Colorado cannabis tourism industry from a tourist’s perspective, and notes that the industry is still too young to thoroughly examine.
January 21, 2014
Hillsboro, OR Temporary Dispensary Ban Won’t Be Permanent

Hillsboro, OR Temporary Dispensary Ban Won’t Be Permanent

A proposed temporary dispensary ban in Hillsboro, Oregon is not meant to become permanent, according to Planning Director Colin Cooper.
January 21, 2014
WA State Attorney General Approves I-502 Moratoriums

WA State Attorney General Approves I-502 Moratoriums

With the recent opinion on I-502 moratoriums released by WA State AG, it seems that local governments can effectively ignore the state laws and ban even state-backed...
January 20, 2014
Stoner App Review: Weedmaps

Stoner App Review: Weedmaps

With so many different medical marijuana dispensaries in so many states, it’s natural that patients would want a resource to figure out where the best meds are....
January 17, 2014
HuffPost: Illinois Pharmacists Want in on Medical Marijuana

HuffPost: Illinois Pharmacists Want in on Medical Marijuana

With Illinois officials working out the kinks of the new medical marijuana law, pharmacists have shown interest in dispensing the meds.
January 17, 2014
Arizona Patients Bought 3 Tons of MMJ Last Year

Arizona Patients Bought 3 Tons of MMJ Last Year

Medical marijuana patients in Arizona purchased over 3 tons of cannabis in 2013.
January 17, 2014
Legalization Will Hurt Mexican Cartels, But How Much?

Legalization Will Hurt Mexican Cartels, But How Much?

Special to the Chronicle by Bernd Debusmann, Jr., who is currently studying for an MA in International Journalism at City University London. Prior to that, he lived and worked...
January 16, 2014
Parents Come Out of the Pot Closet

Parents Come Out of the Pot Closet

Adults, from parents to baby boomers, are lining up to purchase recreational cannabis in Colorado. Many are giving marijuana a try for the first time ever or...
January 15, 2014
Entrepreneur: Hopes and Truths for Legal Marijuana Market

Entrepreneur: Hopes and Truths for Legal Marijuana Market

Entrepreneur’s Brian Patrick Eha describes the history, hopes and truths of America’s legal marijuana market.
January 14, 2014
Jamaican Pot Growers to Form Association

Jamaican Pot Growers to Form Association

Growers in Jamaica are coming together to form the Cannabis Future Growers and Producers Association, launching January 18.
January 14, 2014
Colorado Dispensary Taps Bitcoin to Evade Federal Laws

Colorado Dispensary Taps Bitcoin to Evade Federal Laws

A Colorado dispensary has begun accepting bitcoin. Banking laws prevent dispensaries from accepting credit card payments, so they are otherwise cash-only.
January 13, 2014
LA Cracks Down on Marijuana Shops

LA Cracks Down on Marijuana Shops

Los Angeles’ city attorney obtained an injunction against a real estate business that brokered a deal for a medical marijuana dispensary, and said he would step up...
January 13, 2014
Instafire: 75 Gram Slab of Northwest Oils BHO Shatter

Instafire: 75 Gram Slab of Northwest Oils BHO Shatter

Have ya ever wondered what all my crazy errl looks like before packaging? SSSSSLLLAAABBBB. Shout out to my good buddy Kyle over at Northwest Oils for posting...
January 13, 2014
Colorado Sushi Joint Teases Cannabis Pairing Menu

Colorado Sushi Joint Teases Cannabis Pairing Menu

I knew it was only a matter of time! Colorado’s Hapa Sushi restaurant, in what I assume is an effort to both a) support the legal cannabis...
January 10, 2014
France’s Ministry of Health Approves Cannabis-Based Sativex Medicine

France’s Ministry of Health Approves Cannabis-Based Sativex Medicine

France’s ministry of health announced Thursday that it has approved Sativex, a cannabis-based mouth spray produced by GW pharmaceutricals. Sativex will be available in France in 2015...
January 10, 2014
Medical Marijuana Update (2014.01.08)

Medical Marijuana Update (2014.01.08)

Regulated dispensaries are coming to Oregon, it’s looking increasingly likely that a medical marijuana initiative is coming to Florida, New York’s governor sticks a toe in the...
January 10, 2014
Top 5 Strains Available From Colorado Legal Marijuana Stores

Top 5 Strains Available From Colorado Legal Marijuana Stores

There are some amazing strains you have never heard of that you can’t get in (insert wherever place you’re from that still has nothing but illegal drug...
January 8, 2014
Washington State Faces Prospect of Too Many Pot Growers

Washington State Faces Prospect of Too Many Pot Growers

Washington officials have received over 2,600 applications from pot growers, which is a concern because of a set limit on the amount of space for growing.
January 8, 2014
Stoner App Review: Weed Laws

Stoner App Review: Weed Laws

With Colorado allowing businesses to sell marijuana recreationally (Washington soon enough) and many more allowing some form of medical marijuana, it’s understandable that many people would have...
January 7, 2014
Third Dispensary Opens in New Jersey

Third Dispensary Opens in New Jersey

New Jersey’s third dispensary opened its doors to a limited number of patients Friday.