014 Two California dispensaries are first to complete certification program with pending certifications in six states. Patient advocacy group Americans for Safe Access (ASA) certified the first...
Weedists: Meet Rowshan Reordan “Weedists are the people who are out there fighting the good fight and these are their stories.” Green Leaf Lab celebrated its grand opening...
The other day I was perusing Seattle Craigslist and thought, just for the fun of it, I would enter “marijuana” into the search field under the jobs page....
I’ve always been impressed with how many things THC can be infused in to. I’ve seen hard candies, chex-mix, all manner of cookie, cake, and brownie; I’ve...
According to a recent Quinnipiac University Poll, 51% of overall Colorado voters said that recent legal marijuana measures are bad for the state’s wholesome image (with a margin of error of...
It has now been one month of legal marijuana sales on the books in Colorado. As a customer service representative at a very busy Denver dispensary that has...
My homeboy Kevin Sabet is at it again. He dropped this tweet about an article on medical marijuana dispensaries and crime, and I salivated: The anti-pot...