From HighTimes, a recent report by the Marijuana Industry Group indicates that since January, Colorado’s newfound pot trade has created upwards of 10,000 new jobs. The group...
Posted by @blitzkriega Now here is some Instafire straight from the art side, Balloon Dawgy by Blitzkriega. Self-explanatory what’s going on here, but that certainly doesn’t diminish from...
Earlier this year, Kentucky law makers passed a bill (with incredible cooperation and speed, relatively speaking) that would allow for the first legally approved medicinal use of...
014 The federal government can move forward with seizure proceedings against a medical-marijuana dispensary that lost its appellate bid. Uncle Sam filed a federal forfeiture complaint more than...
High Times lets us know there is a free game currently climbing the iTunes charts called “Weed Firm,” which is a pot-slinging simulator for smartphones that allows users...
Under the law passed by the Nevada Legislature and signed by Gov. Brian Sandoval in 2013, the medical marijuana industry will include up to 66 dispensaries statewide...
What began several years ago with a trickle of women tiptoeing into the brave, new weed world has turned into a stream in Colorado. More than two dozen...
The state has issued the first recreational marijuana licenses in Whatcom County to two growers-processors. The state created three tiers for growers based on square footage. Tier 1...
Leaf Science introduces an indoor hydroponic greenhouse that lets you take care of your plants including water, feed and humidity all from an app on your smartphone. The...
I think at this point we’ve just about seen it all. As we’ve written about many times here on Weedist, marijuana infused edibles have gone from your basic pot...
Posted by @diablodabs The best part of legalization is smoking together. If you’re in California and you’re a dabber, pay close attention to this Instafire. Above is your...
Many patients in Massachusetts received certificates from physicians allowing them to obtain marijuana for an array of conditions. But with dispensaries not expected to open until the...
Because marijuana is illegal under federal law, financial institutions are reluctant to serve state-licensed marijuana businesses. These businesses currently operate almost entirely on a cash-only basis, which...
As the pot businesses blossom, a robust supply chain is needed to help grow, package and market legal marijuana. Where there’s weed, there’s also a growing need for everything...
Hemp Bound: Dispatches From the Front Lines of the Next Agricultural Revolution by Doug Fine (2014, Chelsea Green Publishers, 145 pp., $12.16 PB Amazon) Hemp shouldn’t have anything...
Posted by @slingoner1 and @pyrologyglass This one’s for the headies who are foodies too. It’s not often a piece of Instafire gives me the munchies. Shouts out...
Jonathan Ogden, retired Baltimore Ravens offensive tackle, has applied for a medical marijuana dispensary license in Nevada, according to the Las Vegas Review-Journal. There are a limited number of...