Category: Cannabis Facts

(580 posts)

Cannabis facts including marijuana research articles

July 11, 2012
How to Call Michele Leonhart and Ask Why the DEA Ignores Science On Marijuana

How to Call Michele Leonhart and Ask Why the DEA Ignores Science On Marijuana

Check out this handy page at Firedoglake, which provides the DEA’s phone number and a sample script to use when asking how DEA Chief Michele Leonhart maintains her...
July 11, 2012
What is Weed?

What is Weed?

Here’s a fun image from our friends at Northern Wisconsin NORML. What is Weed to you? To me, weed is my drug of choice. A nice indica...
July 11, 2012
Tailoring Your High: Intro to Temperature Control With a Vaporizer

Tailoring Your High: Intro to Temperature Control With a Vaporizer

In June we covered the major cannabinoids in cannabis and its impact on your high. At least 85 different cannabinoids have been found in cannabis to date,...
July 10, 2012
Video: Proof That Marijuana Can Cure Cancer!

Video: Proof That Marijuana Can Cure Cancer!

The below YouTube video is a compilation from two different partial sources, providing exciting insights into how cannabis can possibly cure some cancers, such as leukemia.
July 9, 2012
THCV and Cannabidiol in Cannabis May Fight Obesity

THCV and Cannabidiol in Cannabis May Fight Obesity

GW Pharmaceuticals believes two compounds in cannabis, THCV and Cannabidiol may help fight obesity-related diseases. Read more at UPI.
July 6, 2012
Prohibition, Black Markets, and What is Best for Our Children

Prohibition, Black Markets, and What is Best for Our Children

One of the most prevalent scare tactics from prohibitionists is how a sensible taxation and regulation policy for marijuana will turn our children into 24/7 couch-locked stoners since they’ll...
July 5, 2012
Raw Story: The ‘Gateway Drug’ is Alcohol, not Marijuana

Raw Story: The ‘Gateway Drug’ is Alcohol, not Marijuana

If you are a weedist, you already know cannabis is not a gateway drug. Guess what is, and is 100% legal…alcohol says a The Journal of School Health study....
July 5, 2012
Industrial Hemp Uses

Industrial Hemp Uses

You’ve probably heard quotes from the United States Presidents about how important industrial hemp was to the fledgling US economy: “Make the most you can of the...
July 3, 2012
Government-Sponsored Study Destroys DEA’s Classification of Marijuana

Government-Sponsored Study Destroys DEA’s Classification of Marijuana

A must read at The Raw Story; A government-sponsored study concludes that marijuana provides relief to some chronic pain sufferers and that more clinical trials are desperately needed, utterly...
July 3, 2012
The Union – The Business Behind Getting High – Full Movie (free)

The Union – The Business Behind Getting High – Full Movie (free)

The independent film The Union – The Business Behind Getting High is a must see. The Union crew (Adam Scorgie, Brett Harvey, Graeme Flannigan, Stephen Green, Kieran...
June 29, 2012
The Endogenous Cannabinoid System, a Biological Perspective

The Endogenous Cannabinoid System, a Biological Perspective

For those folks who must know how it works, here is a biology geek deep-dive into the endogenous cannabinoid system from Cannabis Science video magazine.  According to...
June 28, 2012
Major Compounds in Cannabis and the Impact to Your High

Major Compounds in Cannabis and the Impact to Your High

Here’s a 101 primer on the major compounds in cannabis and how it impacts the high you experience.  With 6,000 Americans trying marijuana for the first time...
June 27, 2012
Tobacco Cigarettes versus Cannabis Joints

Tobacco Cigarettes versus Cannabis Joints

I don’t know about you, but I’m a little tired of hearing comparisons of corporate-made, old-fashioned cigarettes to a 100% medical-quality cannabis joint.  Once in a while...
June 21, 2012
Ronald Reagan Lied About Marijuana Effects (1980s)

Ronald Reagan Lied About Marijuana Effects (1980s)

Why is it that every red-blooded Republican LOVES Ronald Reagan?  Maybe it was because he just looked the part of the President?  Well for the non-believers, here...
June 19, 2012
Prohibition Losing Its Grip Brings More Subtle Reefer Madness

Prohibition Losing Its Grip Brings More Subtle Reefer Madness

Times are getting tense for our prohibition overlords with more and more states adopting medical and decriminalization measures as well as a few striving for legalization.  If...
June 19, 2012
Please Help Me With My Gateway Drug Math 101 Homework

Please Help Me With My Gateway Drug Math 101 Homework

Even if racial profiling, pharma loving, reefer madness politicians want to ignore the countless scientific studies rolling out debunking the marijuana gateway theory, we can all perform...
June 14, 2012
How Does Eating Cannabis Work?

How Does Eating Cannabis Work?

As an alternative to vaporizing or combusting, cannabis may be ingested. However, to have as much effect, the cannabis or its extract must be sufficiently heated or...
June 12, 2012
Video: The Flower

Video: The Flower

This is a very creative YouTube video demonstrating the truth about cannabis, and more specifically how we’re just talking about an unrefined flower… …cannabis flowers are no...
June 8, 2012
Marijuana, Safer Than Peanuts!

Marijuana, Safer Than Peanuts!

  Statistically speaking this is true, no deaths have ever been attributed to marijuana use, while peanuts kill 100 people every single year!  Who knew that peanuts...
June 3, 2012
Cannabis and Human Evolution

Cannabis and Human Evolution

An interesting video that asserting that the sea squirt, our evolutionary great-great-great…great-grandparents, has a nervous system that reacts to cannabinoids.  It passed that biology down to homo...