Category: Cannabis Facts

(580 posts)

Cannabis facts including marijuana research articles

July 26, 2012
Grow Your Medicine, Save Your Money. It’s Easy!

Grow Your Medicine, Save Your Money. It’s Easy!

How much money would you save if you could smoke all the free weed you wanted? It can happen if you grow your own, and it’s easier...
July 26, 2012
The Culture High Exceeds Goal Raises Over $190,000 on Kickstarter

The Culture High Exceeds Goal Raises Over $190,000 on Kickstarter

The Kickstarter Project: The Culture High has reached their goal of raising $190,000! This is a huge step toward bringing more awareness to the problem of the...
July 26, 2012
Red Eyes and Marijuana – Why, Why Me and What to Do About It

Red Eyes and Marijuana – Why, Why Me and What to Do About It

Red eyes and marijuana consumption often go hand in hand. Lets dive right into the reasons why it occurs, probability factors and what to do about it: Red...
July 26, 2012
L.A.’s reefer madness

L.A.’s reefer madness

Amanda Reiman writes an opinion piece on The Los Angeles Times about the recent LA ban on medical marijuana dispensaries and the devious “constant framing of dispensaries as...
July 25, 2012
Study: Cannabis Extracts Mitigate Muscle Stiffness In Multiple Sclerosis Patients

Study: Cannabis Extracts Mitigate Muscle Stiffness In Multiple Sclerosis Patients

The oral administration of cannabis extracts significantly reduces muscle stiffness in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS), according to just published clinical trial data published in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery...
July 25, 2012
Bong Water Temperature – Does It Matter?

Bong Water Temperature – Does It Matter?

Start a thread on bong water temperature on any major cannabis forum and you’re likely to flare up a bong war. I’ve personally experimented with different water...
July 24, 2012
Debating the Virtues of the Wake and Bake

Debating the Virtues of the Wake and Bake

To wake and bake, or to not wake and bake? This is the ultimate question for those regular tokers with a busy schedule. For those with a...
July 20, 2012
Video: VaderVision – Rating and Tasting Cannabis

Video: VaderVision – Rating and Tasting Cannabis

VaderVision is back with a new video. VaderOG was on vacation for a couple of months and kicks it off with some thoughts on how he rates...
July 19, 2012
Marijuana Tolerance Break? What? Why?

Marijuana Tolerance Break? What? Why?

For weedists using cannabis 4-7 days a week on a consistent basis, are your highs not as epic lately? On the plus side you are so used...
July 18, 2012
Wasted Potential Infographic

Wasted Potential Infographic

Here’s a fun marijuana infographic (circa 2008) showing among other things the lost tax revenue of cannabis prohibition…over $700 million in lost tax revenue, while we spend...
July 17, 2012
Marijuana and the Reality of the War On Drugs: It’s a Cash Crop for Appalachia

Marijuana and the Reality of the War On Drugs: It’s a Cash Crop for Appalachia

In 2008 alone, Appalachia grew four billion dollars worth of marijuana. Read at the Washington Post on the lifestyle and economic realities of this green region and...
July 16, 2012
Video: Know Your Medicine Presents “Terpene Interplay”

Video: Know Your Medicine Presents “Terpene Interplay”

Hats off to Weedmaps and SC Laboratories for producing the Know Your Medicine series. Educating the public is the key to legislative victory in the war against...
July 16, 2012
Pot-smoking Moms Tired of Being Judged by Wine Drinkers

Pot-smoking Moms Tired of Being Judged by Wine Drinkers

MSNBC writes a great piece on the hypocrisy of the stigma put on mothers that responsibly use cannabis whereas consuming alcohol is just fine. Only 46% of women...
July 16, 2012
Round 1: Marijuana Safer Than Peanuts, Round 2: Caffeine

Round 1: Marijuana Safer Than Peanuts, Round 2: Caffeine

If you recall from Round 1 of our public health menace cage match fight, marijuana lost to peanuts. Peanuts kill 100 people every year, is the most...
July 13, 2012
Book Review: “Marijuana Legalization: What Everyone Needs to Know”

Book Review: “Marijuana Legalization: What Everyone Needs to Know”

04:45pm Marijuana Legalization: What Everyone Needs to Know by Jonathan Caulkins, Angela Hawken, Beau Kilmer, and Mark Kleiman (2012, Oxford University Press, 266 pp., $16.95 PB) Marijuana...
July 13, 2012
Video: Why Does Marijuana Give You the Munchies?

Video: Why Does Marijuana Give You the Munchies?

Health Decoder put up a short 2.5 minute clip explaining how THC in cannabis causes the munchies. They take a few loving pot shots at weedists but the information...
July 13, 2012
How Much Energy Does It Take to Grow Marijuana Indoors?

How Much Energy Does It Take to Grow Marijuana Indoors?

Even in sunny California a lot of medicinal cannabis is grown indoors under perfectly climate controlled conditions.  Lighting and humidity is set to allow the cannabis to...
July 12, 2012
Time-lapse Cannabis Growing

Time-lapse Cannabis Growing

A great video if you want to see what the cannabis plant looks like as it grows. I personally love time-lapse video of plants growing, it reminds...
July 12, 2012
Cannabis vs. Marijuana vs. Hemp

Cannabis vs. Marijuana vs. Hemp

For many growing up in the United States, there has always been confusion on the meaning of the words cannabis, marijuana and hemp. A major source for this...
July 11, 2012
Video: The Benefits of Smoking Weed!

Video: The Benefits of Smoking Weed!

SourceFed has a great 2:29 power  video (I’m not even sure they take a breath) on the recent scientific study that  THCV and Cannabidiol  in cannabis can help treat obesity-related diseases...