Category: Cannabis Facts

(580 posts)

Cannabis facts including marijuana research articles

August 15, 2012
Pest Prevention Part 3, Ventilation and Air Quality

Pest Prevention Part 3, Ventilation and Air Quality

Air control is almost as important as cleanliness for pest prevention. Keeping the air at the right temperature and humidity and properly controlling air flow can make...
August 14, 2012
Infographic: Hemp vs. Cotton

Infographic: Hemp vs. Cotton

If you’ve always wondered about the advantages of hemp in regards to paper, textile, and food purposes, check out this infographic from ounodesign. It’s easy to see hemp’s...
By: Lateralus
August 13, 2012
Pest Prevention Part 2, Keep the Grow Room Clean

Pest Prevention Part 2, Keep the Grow Room Clean

Cleanliness is the most important part of pest prevention. Keeping the grow room clean will eliminate potential habitats for pests and kill germs and spores. If you...
August 10, 2012
Differences Between Hashish and Marijuana

Differences Between Hashish and Marijuana

Hashish and marijuana both come from the Cannabis sativa plant (as does hemp). Hashish and Marijuana Defined: Hashish: Etymology: Also known as hash, it is believed that...
August 10, 2012
Scientific Review: “There Is Now Clear Evidence That Cannabinoids Are Useful For The Treatment Of Various Medical Conditions”

Scientific Review: “There Is Now Clear Evidence That Cannabinoids Are Useful For The Treatment Of Various Medical Conditions”

For the second time in recent months, a scientific paper published in a peer-reviewed journal has thoroughly rebutted the present Schedule I status of cannabis under US federal law, which states...
August 9, 2012
Medical Marijuana: 10 Health Benefits That Legitimize Legalization

Medical Marijuana: 10 Health Benefits That Legitimize Legalization

International Business Times points out the hypocrisy of medical marijuana being demonized versus the many legal prescription drugs with track records of fatalities. It also lays out...
August 9, 2012
How To Make Green Dragon Cannabis Tincture

How To Make Green Dragon Cannabis Tincture

Green Dragon cannabis tincture is a great way to administer cannabis for non-smokers or those just looking to be discrete. Green Dragon tincture is made by leaching cannabis compounds...
August 9, 2012
Stop Using Pesticides! Pest Prevention is Safer and Cheaper.

Stop Using Pesticides! Pest Prevention is Safer and Cheaper.

The two most important factors in indoor pest prevention are air control and cleanliness. Never spray your crops with pesticides of any kind. Many large-scale growers (both legal and...
August 8, 2012
Infographic: Arguing Against Schedule I Marijuana

Infographic: Arguing Against Schedule I Marijuana

Here’s a great infographic from RehabToday, commenting on the Schedule I marijuana by going straight to the Schedule I definition and then demonstrates how cannabis does not...
August 7, 2012
Olympic Athlete’s Expulsion for Marijuana Raises Questions

Olympic Athlete’s Expulsion for Marijuana Raises Questions

05:23pm An American Olympic judo contender, Nick Delpopolo, was expelled from the London 2012 Olympic Games Monday after he tested positive for marijuana, and that has...
August 3, 2012
Why You Think Cannabis is Illegal, Why Cannabis is Really Illegal

Why You Think Cannabis is Illegal, Why Cannabis is Really Illegal

Why do you think cannabis is illegal? This infographic went around the Internet 3-4 months ago but it’s timely to look at again with our 2012 Presidential...
August 3, 2012
Sexing Your Marijuana Plants: Is it Male or Female?

Sexing Your Marijuana Plants: Is it Male or Female?

Here’s a short video guide to sexing your marijuana plants, or how to determine if you have a male or female plant. As you may know, only...
August 2, 2012
“Pot is The New Gay” says NY Medical Marijuana Screener

“Pot is The New Gay” says NY Medical Marijuana Screener

Kenny Toglia is on a mission to legalize medical marijuana in New York and save marijuana users from the lack of quality control and health standards that...
August 1, 2012
Obama Campaign Raises Money With Hemp Products While Banning Farmers From Growing Hemp

Obama Campaign Raises Money With Hemp Products While Banning Farmers From Growing Hemp

Read at the Huffington Post about the “made in the USA” hemp scarf Obama has for sale in his re-election campaign store. Rather ironic since American farmers...
July 31, 2012
Five Scientific Conclusions About Cannabis That the Mainstream Media Doesn’t Want You to Know

Five Scientific Conclusions About Cannabis That the Mainstream Media Doesn’t Want You to Know

Here are five recent examples of scientific findings about cannabis that the mainstream media (and the Feds) don’t want you to know about: Cannabis use is associated...
July 31, 2012
Marijuana is Safer than Soda – Share this Information

Marijuana is Safer than Soda – Share this Information

Coca-Cola vs. Marijuana   Prohibitionists in government have always said that marijuana is illegal because it is not safe. This is an outright lie....
July 31, 2012
Brain Imaging Study Evaluates Effects of Ingredients in Marijuana On Brain Functioning

Brain Imaging Study Evaluates Effects of Ingredients in Marijuana On Brain Functioning

Individual ingredients in marijuana appear to affect regions of the brain differently during processing functions involving responses to certain visual stimuli and tasks, according to a report...
July 31, 2012
Tailoring Your High: Compounds in Cannabis, Properties and Boiling Points

Tailoring Your High: Compounds in Cannabis, Properties and Boiling Points

What are the major compounds in cannabis? In prior weeks we’ve summarized the major cannabinoids in cannabis, the basics of temperature control with a vaporizer and how...
July 30, 2012
Mothers and Responsible Marijuana Usage

Mothers and Responsible Marijuana Usage

Sarah Eyre at xoJane writes on the unwarranted social stigma that mothers can’t responsibly use marijuana to relax in the evening but it’s acceptable to drink wine...
July 30, 2012
Cannabis Decarboxylation – THC Preparation for Unheated Edibles

Cannabis Decarboxylation – THC Preparation for Unheated Edibles

Cannabis decarboxylation is the process of transforming relatively inert THCa into psychoactive THC. Technically speaking decarboxylation is a chemical reaction that releases water (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2), what this means for you...