Category: Cannabis Facts

(580 posts)

Cannabis facts including marijuana research articles

July 30, 2013
CNN Video: Cheryl Shuman VS Rehab Profiteer

CNN Video: Cheryl Shuman VS Rehab Profiteer

In a CNN video from Piers Morgan Live, Morgan Spurlock (filling in for Piers Morgan) talked to Cheryl Shuman, Aimee Shuman, and Howard Samuels about marijuana. Cheryl...
July 30, 2013
Fox News Scared to Have Pro-Weed Lobbyist Defend Pro-Weed Ad

Fox News Scared to Have Pro-Weed Lobbyist Defend Pro-Weed Ad

Something was conspicuously missing from that Fox News clip we posted earlier today, in which the anti-drug bishop Ron Allen rails against the “horrible” nature of a pro-cannabis ad...
By: Andy Cush
July 29, 2013
MPP Ad Pulled From NASCAR Brickyard 400

MPP Ad Pulled From NASCAR Brickyard 400

Thanks to the rotten Drug Free America Foundation, MPP’s “New Beer” legalization ad has been pulled from the Jumbotron at the NASCAR Brickyard 400. Since the ignorant...
July 26, 2013
MPP Airs Ad at Brickyard 400 NASCAR Race

MPP Airs Ad at Brickyard 400 NASCAR Race

NASCAR fans attending this weekend’s Brickyard 400 races at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway will be greeted by an MPP video ad in support of making marijuana legal...
July 26, 2013
Study Suggests That Baby Mice Shouldn’t Do Bong Hits

Study Suggests That Baby Mice Shouldn’t Do Bong Hits

According to a new study, young people and mice shouldn’t smoke weed until they’ve reached adulthood. Researchers from the Maryland School of Medicine found that the rodents they got...
July 24, 2013
Hemp Seed Nutrition

Hemp Seed Nutrition

The sight of a seed in the bowl is never a welcome one, even less so when you discover one half-roasted and hidden beneath the first layer...
July 24, 2013
Animal: Why You’ll Never See “Marijuana” on Our Site

Animal: Why You’ll Never See “Marijuana” on Our Site

ANIMAL has a longstanding policy to not use the word “marijuana.” Cannabis? Sure. Weed? Definitely. Pot? Not my term of choice, but hey, it turns up sometimes....
By: Andy Cush
July 23, 2013
ASA Wake & Learn: A Daily Dose of Rx Cannabis Reality

ASA Wake & Learn: A Daily Dose of Rx Cannabis Reality

Marijuana advocacy group ASA (Americans for Safe Access) announced today that it has launched a project in partnership with (a physician’s Q&A forum run by the...
July 18, 2013
My Favorite Strains: Golden Goat

My Favorite Strains: Golden Goat

Medical marijuana has always had a certain smell that is just impossible for the true cannabis connoisseur to pass up. I’ve had several different batches of Golden...
July 17, 2013
Study: Marijuana Use Decreased Symptoms of Opiate Withdrawal

Study: Marijuana Use Decreased Symptoms of Opiate Withdrawal

Cannabis consumption is associated with mitigated symptoms of opiate withdrawal in subjects undergoing methadone maintenance treatment, according to the findings of a new study published online in The American Journal...
July 16, 2013
Drug Treatment Specialists on Cannabis Law: Don’t Imprison, Make Us Rich

Drug Treatment Specialists on Cannabis Law: Don’t Imprison, Make Us Rich

With medical marijuana gaining steam in Florida, the discussion of marijuana laws has become more widespread in the state. Many people (including us at Weedist, of course)...
July 15, 2013
Scientists Discover Another Way Marijuana Helps Brains Grow

Scientists Discover Another Way Marijuana Helps Brains Grow

Back in 2005, it was discovered that THC promotes neurogenesis, the growth of new brain cells. New evidence shows that CBD also promotes neurogenesis. That’s right, marijuana...
July 12, 2013
Obama Administration Brought 80 Percent More Medical Marijuana Cases Than Bush

Obama Administration Brought 80 Percent More Medical Marijuana Cases Than Bush

As reported on Politix, the Obama administration has imprisoned almost as many medical marijuana growers in the first 6.5 years of this administration, as in the entire...
July 12, 2013
Robert Sharpe: Combat Synthetics with Marijuana Legalization

Robert Sharpe: Combat Synthetics with Marijuana Legalization

Robert Sharpe of Common Sense for Drug Policy states that the use of so-called synthetic marijuana is an effect of marijuana prohibition. He points out the fact...
July 12, 2013
Chronicle Book Review: Race to Incarcerate: A Graphic Retelling

Chronicle Book Review: Race to Incarcerate: A Graphic Retelling

Race to Incarcerate: A Graphic Retelling by Sabrina Jones and Marc Mauer (2013, The New Press, 111 pp., $17.95 PB Amazon) Marc Mauer, the executive director of the The...
July 11, 2013
Weed for Weight Loss

Weed for Weight Loss

Munchies are pretty much always synonymous with smoking marijuana. I have had my share of nights downing a whole pint of Haagen Dazs and an entire bag...
By: Lateralus
July 11, 2013
Taking the Human-Cannabis Relationship Seriously in Health Science & Public Policy

Taking the Human-Cannabis Relationship Seriously in Health Science & Public Policy

Here is the full text of my planned comments during Friday, The Science of Medical Cannabis panel at ASA’s National Medical Cannabis Unity Conference, 2/22-25/13, Washington, D.C. now published in Frontiers in...
July 11, 2013
Chronicle Book Review: Cannabis Nation and Marijuanamerica

Chronicle Book Review: Cannabis Nation and Marijuanamerica

Cannabis Nation: Control and Consumption in Britain, 1928-2008, by James Mills (2013, Oxford University Press, 292 pp., $58.50 HC Amazon) Marijuanamerica: One Man’s Quest to Understand America’s...
July 10, 2013
Study: Cannabis Smoking Not Associated With Pulmonary Risks

Study: Cannabis Smoking Not Associated With Pulmonary Risks

Pulmonary complications associated with the regular smoking of cannabis are “relatively small” and far lower than those associated with tobacco smoking, according to a recent review published in the...
July 9, 2013

Higher Education Potential Indicator of Marijuana Use

A study looking at survey data pooled in 2010/11 comes from Northern Ireland and reveals that marijuana use rates tend to be greater for those engaged in higher...