Category: Cannabis Facts

(580 posts)

Cannabis facts including marijuana research articles

October 1, 2013
NORML Match Grant Extended to Lament Founding of Prohibition

NORML Match Grant Extended to Lament Founding of Prohibition

Dear NORML members and supporters, Over the last month, $26,650 has been raised by NORML members and supporters in a $100,000 donor match put forward by new NORML...
September 30, 2013
John Morgan: Oxycontin Users Would Be Better Off Smoking Pot

John Morgan: Oxycontin Users Would Be Better Off Smoking Pot

Orlando attorney and medical marijuana advocate John Morgan compared medical marijuana and oxycontin, noting that marijuana is a safer, non-addictive substitute for the popular pain pills.
September 26, 2013
NORML Advances to Round 2 of Super Bowl Ad Contest

NORML Advances to Round 2 of Super Bowl Ad Contest

Thanks to NORML members and supporters who pushed NORML’s proposed Super Bowl ad in an ongoing Intuit ad contest to the number one position. This morning, Intuit...
September 25, 2013
Marijuana Users Face Plenty Of Unknowns

Marijuana Users Face Plenty Of Unknowns

In a great article on The Spokesman-Review, Adrian Rogers describes the warning labels that will appear on Washington recreational marijuana. He notes the lack of studies about...
September 24, 2013
Deny Organ Transplants to Marijuana Users?

Deny Organ Transplants to Marijuana Users?

In a video and article on Medscape, Arthur L. Caplan, PhD notes that organ transplant centers routinely deny organ transplants to patients that test positive for drugs...
September 24, 2013
Legal Marijuana Should Cost $4.44 A Pound

Legal Marijuana Should Cost $4.44 A Pound

A great article on Beyond Chronic describes the fair market price of legal marijuana before the dawn of prohibition; up to a whopping $0.33 per pound in...
September 23, 2013
If You Still Think Pot Should Be Illegal, You Are An A**hole

If You Still Think Pot Should Be Illegal, You Are An A**hole

In one of the best-titled articles I’ve read in a long time, Huffington Post’s John Michael explains why even well-intended folks that think pot should be illegal,...
September 23, 2013
Study: £1.25 Billion Annually Taxing Marijuana in England

Study: £1.25 Billion Annually Taxing Marijuana in England

013 The Institute for Social and Economic Research, with the University of Essex, recently concluded a study into a cost benefit analysis of regulating and taxing marijuana in...
September 13, 2013
Grassley Says Marijuana Prohibition Is Based on Science

Grassley Says Marijuana Prohibition Is Based on Science

“Marijuana’s continued presence on the statute’s list of illegal substances isn’t based on whim. It’s based on what science tells us about this dangerous and addictive drug....
September 13, 2013
Study: Cannabis Plays Little Role in Global Disease Burden

Study: Cannabis Plays Little Role in Global Disease Burden

Cannabis use is not a significant contributor to the global burden of disease, according to an epidemiological review published in The Lancet. An international team of researchers from Australia and...
September 11, 2013
Cannabis for IBS Relief

Cannabis for IBS Relief

Let’s face it: No one wants to talk about irritable bowel syndrome. Yet it affects between 7% and 10% of the world’s population. Twice as many women...
By: Lateralus
September 11, 2013
Big Marijuana? How About Be Afraid of Big-time Prohibitionists?

Big Marijuana? How About Be Afraid of Big-time Prohibitionists?

A fellow named David Frum recently wrote an anti-cannabusiness screed on entitled “Be Afraid of Big Marijuana.” Frum is a Prohibitionist yammerer who’s on the Board of Directors...
September 9, 2013
Hemp Beer!? Can It Be True?

Hemp Beer!? Can It Be True?

OK, this might just be me, but does anyone else think that Corona tastes like weed? It kind of smells like weed, too. I discovered this a...
September 6, 2013
Cannabis-Based Medicine Shows Promise for Opiate Dependence

Cannabis-Based Medicine Shows Promise for Opiate Dependence

According to the Associated Press, “Sales of the nation’s two most popular prescription painkillers, oxycodone and hydrocodone, have exploded across the U.S. in the last decade.” The increasing abuse of...
September 6, 2013
25 Years Ago: Judge Ruled Cannabis Should Be Reclassified

25 Years Ago: Judge Ruled Cannabis Should Be Reclassified

Friday, September 6, 2013 marks the 25-year anniversary of an administrative ruling which determined that cannabis possesses accepted medical utility and ought to be reclassified accordingly under...
September 4, 2013
Fibromyalgia and Cannabis: Helping My Mother See Green

Fibromyalgia and Cannabis: Helping My Mother See Green

I recently had dinner with my mother, who is in her late 60’s, and has long suffered from fibromyalgia, a disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain accompanied by...
August 30, 2013
Landon Riddle, One of the Cancer Patients That Changed Dr. Gupta’s Mind On Cannabis

Landon Riddle, One of the Cancer Patients That Changed Dr. Gupta’s Mind On Cannabis

A Colorado mom says she’s at odds with the medical establishment and specifically, her oncologist, as the mother is refusing to restart chemotherapy and choosing to treat her 3-year-old son,...
August 30, 2013
Geraldo At Large: Mason Tvert VS Rehab Profiteer

Geraldo At Large: Mason Tvert VS Rehab Profiteer

Mason Tvert of Marijuana Policy Project was recently on “Geraldo At Large” to talk about the “New Beer” ad that was pulled from a recent NASCAR event. Also...
August 30, 2013
Study: Cannabis Gives Improvement in Palliative Oncology Care

Study: Cannabis Gives Improvement in Palliative Oncology Care

The consumption of cannabis is effective in treating symptoms associated with cancer and conventional anti-cancer therapies, such as nausea, weight loss, pain, and fatigue, according to observational...
August 28, 2013
High Scientist: Precision Medicine, Breakthroughs in Cancer Treatment

High Scientist: Precision Medicine, Breakthroughs in Cancer Treatment

Being diagnosed with cancer is likely one of the most frightening things that can happen in life. Not only can the disease be fatal, the treatment itself...