Category: Cannabis Facts

(580 posts)

Cannabis facts including marijuana research articles

November 6, 2013
Real Cannabis More Effective Than Cannabis Pharmaceuticals

Real Cannabis More Effective Than Cannabis Pharmaceuticals

An international study found that real cannabis is more effective for patients than cannabis pharmaceuticals.
November 5, 2013
Woman Uses Marijuana to Overcome Lyme Disease

Woman Uses Marijuana to Overcome Lyme Disease

After unsuccessful traditional treatment, a woman uses marijuana to overcome Lyme disease.
November 4, 2013
Marijuana Legalization Will Produce Public Health Benefits

Marijuana Legalization Will Produce Public Health Benefits

Jacob Sullum explains on Forbes that marijuana legalization will reduce drinking, producing public health benefits such as fewer traffic deaths.
October 31, 2013
California Study Suggests Marijuana a Substitute for Alcohol

California Study Suggests Marijuana a Substitute for Alcohol

A New York Times article this week, Few Problems With Cannabis for California, reports that a pending study in the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management by Mark Anderson and...
October 31, 2013
Product Review: Golden Organic Healing Oil

Product Review: Golden Organic Healing Oil

Golden Organic Healing Oil is unique in a cannabis community that offers a myriad of oils and elixirs that provide topical and ingestible relief for a plethora...
By: Anna Diaz
October 29, 2013
Study: CBD Combats Iron In The Brain, Fights Alzheimer’s

Study: CBD Combats Iron In The Brain, Fights Alzheimer’s

In a great article on, Steve Elliott reports on a study which found that CBD can help fight Alzheimer’s by reducing excesses of iron in the...
October 25, 2013
FDA Approves Trials Assessing CBD For Pediatric Epilepsy

FDA Approves Trials Assessing CBD For Pediatric Epilepsy

The US Food and Drug Administration has approved two clinical trials to assess the efficacy of cannabidiol (CBD), a nonpsychoactive plant cannabinoid, in the treatment of intractable pediatric...
October 25, 2013
Pharmacy Group Announces Medical Marijuana Task Force

Pharmacy Group Announces Medical Marijuana Task Force

The National Association of Specialty Pharmacy (NASP) has announced its intent to establish a task force to better educate pharmacists to the management of cannabis therapy. “Medical...
October 24, 2013
MPP’s Dan Riffle Debates Kevin Sabet on Marijuana Policy

MPP’s Dan Riffle Debates Kevin Sabet on Marijuana Policy

Leading up to November’s election, marijuana policy is an increasingly hot topic in Maine. Voters in the city of Portland will soon decide whether or not possessing...
October 24, 2013
Dan Riffle on CNN: Marijuana is Safer Than Alcohol

Dan Riffle on CNN: Marijuana is Safer Than Alcohol

In an excellent article on CNN, MPP’s Dan Riffle explains that marijuana is safer than alcohol, and describes the folly of cannabis prohibition.
October 22, 2013
Cannabis Breathalyzers May Be On The Way

Cannabis Breathalyzers May Be On The Way

A study has found that examining breath for cannabinoids could be far more useful than the blood tests currently used to set the standard for impairment. The...
October 16, 2013
More Anti-Cancer Properties of Marijuana Revealed

More Anti-Cancer Properties of Marijuana Revealed

Studies have shown that marijuana not only helps fight the symptoms of treating cancer but also the disease itself. THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, often gets the credit for...
October 11, 2013
Study: Marijuana Less Likely to Cause Crash Than Other Drugs

Study: Marijuana Less Likely to Cause Crash Than Other Drugs

The presence of various controlled substances in blood is associated with an increased risk of fatal crash involvement, according to data published online in the journal Accident Analysis and Prevention....
October 11, 2013
Legalization: 8 Lies The White House Is Spreading About Weed

Legalization: 8 Lies The White House Is Spreading About Weed

In a great article on Policymic, Christopher Blakely shoots down 8 bits of misinformation still being spread about marijuana and legalization by the White House despite our...
October 11, 2013
Silk Road’s Prices for Cannabis Around the World

Silk Road’s Prices for Cannabis Around the World

Before Silk Road was busted, Price Geek managed to acquire their prices for cannabis from several countries around the world. Prices in the US are relatively low...
October 9, 2013
Cannabis Cosmeceuticals Coming Following Skin Cancer Study

Cannabis Cosmeceuticals Coming Following Skin Cancer Study

Japanese scientists recently found that synthetic cannabinoids act as a powerful anti-inflammatory and reduce skin cancer by 90% in mice. Here come the cannabis cosmeceuticals, folks.
October 8, 2013
Cannabis Information Booth Approved for Denver Health Expo

Cannabis Information Booth Approved for Denver Health Expo

Cannabis Patient Network will have the first approved cannabis information booth at the Denver Rock n’ Roll Marathon Health Expo on October 18. CPN will be educating...
October 7, 2013
Cannabis Cure: Restless Leg Syndrome

Cannabis Cure: Restless Leg Syndrome

Two weeks ago, after years of talking my face off about the benefits of cannabis, my parents finally agreed to try some tinctures. The original plan was...
October 2, 2013
Cannabis Under the Medical Microscope

Cannabis Under the Medical Microscope

Are advocates ready for the side effects of cannabis? Perhaps the most promising development caused by increased leniency toward cannabis’ Schedule I status is the incipient field...
October 2, 2013
Bus Ads Run In Portland In Support Of Marijuana Initiative

Bus Ads Run In Portland In Support Of Marijuana Initiative

Supporters of Question 1, the ballot initiative to remove penalties for adult marijuana possession in Portland, are launching a series of ads on METRO buses and bus...