A new poll was released Monday showing increased support for allowing medical marijuana in West Virginia. The poll, which was commissioned by MPP and conducted by Public...
Fusion examines the media’s tendency to refer to the fact that marijuana is less dangerous than alcohol as some unproven claim by legalization proponents.
A French research team says pregnenolone, a precursor to all steroid hormones that was thought to be otherwise inactive, appears to reduce THC intoxication, memory loss and increased...
Following the Wednesday release of a national survey on teen drug use, sponsored by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), the Marijuana Policy Project (MPP) called...
This year’s annual Monitoring the Future (MTF) survey on the habits of 8th, 10th, and 12th graders was released Wednesday, and most of the results were uncontroversial. But with...
As part of my/our ongoing quest to combat misleading, incomplete, or down right bad “facts” about marijuana, I recently found myself perusing the cannabis page at Above...
Cananbidiol (CBD), a non-psychotropic cannabinoid, alleviates psychotic symptoms and may hold promise as an alternative antipsychotic treatment, according to a review published in the November issue of the...
In a great stride for the future of medical cannabis, the AHP (American Herbal Pharmacopoeia), who’s mission is “to promote the responsible use of herbal products and...
It’s happening everywhere. Maybe in your very own neighborhood. People enjoying themselves with marijuana…but not suffering all the agony of smoking it! They’re using these mysterious new gadgets which...