Category: Cannabis 101

(266 posts)

Introduction to cannabis and medical marijuana

June 4, 2014
Cannabinoid Profiles: Meet Your CB Receptors

Cannabinoid Profiles: Meet Your CB Receptors

The Leaf Online explains CB1 and CB2 receptors, which are the main receptor sites for the body’s endocannabinoid system. A scientific understanding of these receptor points, and how the 70+ cannabinoids...
May 29, 2014
My Favorite Strains: Deadhead OG

My Favorite Strains: Deadhead OG

The Grateful Dead are one of the biggest musical forces in cannabis culture and pretty much have been since the entire concept of a “cannabis culture” was...
May 8, 2014
My Favorite Strains: Jilly Bean

My Favorite Strains: Jilly Bean

Working in the legal marijuana industry in Colorado for the last several years has taught me that there are many different kinds of smokers, each with a...
May 8, 2014
CBDs: The RX for Productivity

CBDs: The RX for Productivity

Irony. How bitter sweet is the irony that a smoker as hard as me is in love with nugs that get me less high. I’ll say it...
April 21, 2014
NIDA’s 9% Cannabis Addiction Rate Is 98% BS

NIDA’s 9% Cannabis Addiction Rate Is 98% BS

I’m not sure how this story slipped by me, but I want to be sure this information gets out there. Nearly every cohort of anti-pot activists/lobbyists love...
April 16, 2014
Prospero’s Favorite Denver 420 Events 2014

Prospero’s Favorite Denver 420 Events 2014

This weekend marks the first legal 420 in Colorado, the first state in the nation to allow recreational marijuana sales. Cannabis-related tourism has brought plenty of visitors...
April 8, 2014
My Favorite Strains: Glass Slipper

My Favorite Strains: Glass Slipper

Some strains are just so heady that they are too strong for some smokers. For me, sativa strains of flower have always been the first go-to for...
March 25, 2014
Carb Caps : Welcome to Low Temp Dabbin’

Carb Caps : Welcome to Low Temp Dabbin’

(Highly Educated Domeless Nail w/ matching Carb Cap.) “Let that nail cool down,” I got told and I feel like it’s a tip passed on to every...
March 12, 2014
Medical Marijuana and ‘The Entourage Effect’

Medical Marijuana and ‘The Entourage Effect’

Mechoulam believes all the components of the cannabis plant likely exert some therapeutic effect, more than any single compound alone. Marijuana may offer its most profound benefit as...
March 3, 2014
Reefer Madness Continues: Can Marijuana Kill You?

Reefer Madness Continues: Can Marijuana Kill You?

(Dr. Mitch Earleywine was elected as the Chairman of the NORML Board of Directors in February 2014) A recent headline reads: “Can Marijuana Kill You? German Scientists Say...
February 27, 2014
My Favorite Strains: Rubicon

My Favorite Strains: Rubicon

  CBD is a cannabanoid that has been getting a lot of press in the last few years, both here on Weedist and on much larger forums like CNN. Its...
February 20, 2014
Tip for Buying Legal Weed in Colorado: Take It Slow With Edibles

Tip for Buying Legal Weed in Colorado: Take It Slow With Edibles

This past month marked the first month of legal marijuana sales in Colorado and the United States as a whole, and as a retail worker in one...
February 18, 2014
Instafire: His and Hers Toro Double Macros

Instafire: His and Hers Toro Double Macros

Posted by @garagegrow420 Regretting that lame Valentine’s Day gift you bought your significant other? Why not go with the gift that keeps on dabbin’–his and hers Toro...
February 18, 2014
Aesliip’s Grow: Final Vegetative Weeks

Aesliip’s Grow: Final Vegetative Weeks

After 11 weeks of vegetative growth, my Blue Dream plants have reached a good size and it’s now time to move into the flowering stage. The main...
February 6, 2014
My Favorite Strains: Cinex

My Favorite Strains: Cinex

Cinex is a strain I have been seeing on my dispensary shelf for a while now and my budtender is always trying to get me to give it...
February 4, 2014
How I Know I’ve Smoked Too Much Cannabis

How I Know I’ve Smoked Too Much Cannabis

Even though weed is about as super-safe a substance as you could hope for, it is still possible to consume too much cannabis. Physiologically, you’re not in...
February 4, 2014
How to Increase the Strength of Any Flower: Add some Wax!

How to Increase the Strength of Any Flower: Add some Wax!

As a butender who works 40+ hours a week at a Denver recreational marijuana dispensary, I see a good deal of customers (previously patients at an mmj...
January 10, 2014
Top 5 Strains Available From Colorado Legal Marijuana Stores

Top 5 Strains Available From Colorado Legal Marijuana Stores

There are some amazing strains you have never heard of that you can’t get in (insert wherever place you’re from that still has nothing but illegal drug...
January 7, 2014
How to Simple Flash your Wax and Other Full Melt Concentrates

How to Simple Flash your Wax and Other Full Melt Concentrates

When I first heard about earwax, shatter, and the entire concept of dabbing, I was pretty much instantly sold on the idea of getting my THC in...
December 27, 2013
Parents4Pot – A Group Whose Time Has Come

Parents4Pot – A Group Whose Time Has Come

Parents4Pot (P4P) is a newly formed group that went from zero to over five thousand “Likes” in just a couple of weeks on Facebook. With twenty-one legal medical...
By: Anna Diaz