Michigan’s Medical Marihuana Program (MMP) has a surplus of $23,534,952.42, accumulated over the Program’s almost 5-year existence, from overpayment of fees. MI’s legislature approved in this year’s budget...
Earlier today, MPP released a new poll finding that a clear majority of Rhode Islanders support “changing Rhode Island law to regulate and tax marijuana similarly to...
Wyoming Rep. James Byrd has sponsored House Bill 49, which would decriminalize up to an ounce of cannabis in the state. Someone caught with up to a half...
Wisconsin State Representative Melissa Sargent (D – Madison) is asking her colleagues to sign on to her bill to replace Wisconsin’s marijuana prohibition with a system that...
New research from the Colorado School of Medicine, which was published in the New England Journal of Medicine, highlights the dangers of using synthetic marijuana, marketed under such brands...
Just moments ago, the Florida Supreme Court issued an opinion approving a medical marijuana initiative for the November ballot. The initiative, the Use of Marijuana for Certain Medical Conditions constitutional amendment,...
Seeking Alpha reports the meteoric rise of CannaVest, Inc. over the past year, asking if the sky-high valuation and 37-fold increase in market cap, is justified.
Patrick Kennedy, chairman of anti-pot crusading Project SAM, has finally admitted that marijuana is safer than alcohol. He still argues in favor of prohibition.
Big congratulations are in order for our German brethren. They have scored a major publicity and resource coup that will definitely help them advance the cause. Cannabis...
Senator Scutari of New Jersey plans to introduce legislation similar to Colorado’s Amendment 64, rightly claiming that legalization would generate and save millions.
The Florida Department of Elections reported today that the Use of Marijuana for Certain Medical Conditions initiative has more than enough valid signatures to qualify for the November ballot. The department...
Attorney General Eric Holder said Thursday that the Obama administration would soon announce regulations that would allow banks to do business with legal marijuana businesses. Financial institutions have been scared...
Steve Elliott slams ignorant mainstream reporters for repeatedly reporting marijuana poisoning in pets. Marijuana is not poisonous to pets, or any mammal.
For the first time since the CBS News Poll first asked the question back in 1979, a slim majority of Americans support marijuana legalization. In the latest CBS...
Drugs, Crime, and Violence: From Trafficking to Treatment by Howard Rahtz (2013, Hamilton Press, 141 pp., $25.98 PB Amazon) The Drug Wars in America, 1940-1973 by Kathleen Frydl (2013,...