Category: Best of the Web

(4,087 posts)

The best cannabis posts from around the web

February 27, 2015
Nip It in the Bud: How Skunk DOES NOT Cause Psychosis

Nip It in the Bud: How Skunk DOES NOT Cause Psychosis

A new study was released last week showing that smoking skunk-type cannabis can increase the risk of psychotic episodes. Unfortunately for the researcher, and the legion of...
February 27, 2015
Legal Marijuana Begins in Washington, D.C. as ‘Green Rush’ Is On

Legal Marijuana Begins in Washington, D.C. as ‘Green Rush’ Is On

Possession of small amounts of marijuana became legal in the District of Columbia on Thursday, launching a pot “green rush” despite a face-off between local officials and...
February 26, 2015
Medical Marijuana Patients in California Are Being Denied Organ Transplants, but That Could Soon Change

Medical Marijuana Patients in California Are Being Denied Organ Transplants, but That Could Soon Change

Americans for Safe Access estimates hundreds of medical marijuana patients throughout California are being denied organ transplants that could save their lives. But that may soon change....
February 26, 2015
Jamaica Decriminalizes Marijuana in Small Amounts

Jamaica Decriminalizes Marijuana in Small Amounts

After many years of dialogue about the culturally entrenched drug, and emboldened by changes to drug laws in U.S. states, Jamaica’s Parliament on Tuesday night gave final...
February 25, 2015
Marijuana May Be Even Safer Than Previously Thought, Researchers Say

Marijuana May Be Even Safer Than Previously Thought, Researchers Say

Compared with other recreational drugs — including alcohol — marijuana may be even safer than previously thought. And researchers may be systematically underestimating risks associated with alcohol...
February 25, 2015
Alaska Becomes 3rd State With Legal Marijuana

Alaska Becomes 3rd State With Legal Marijuana

Smoking, growing and possessing marijuana becomes legal in America’s wildest state Tuesday, thanks to a voter initiative aimed at clearing away 40 years of conflicting laws and...
February 24, 2015
Medical Marijuana May Soon Be Marketed as Kosher

Medical Marijuana May Soon Be Marketed as Kosher

Medical marijuana may soon come with a kosher seal of approval. The Orthodox Union that offers kosher certification is in early discussions with parties interested in offering...
February 23, 2015
Holland’s New Marijuana Laws Are Changing Old Amsterdam

Holland’s New Marijuana Laws Are Changing Old Amsterdam

Since 1976, authorities across the Netherlands have chosen to openly ignore that cannabis use is illegal here, and they prosecute no one in possession of less than...
February 20, 2015
Marijuana Charges Dropped Against Cancer Patient Who Faced Years in Prison

Marijuana Charges Dropped Against Cancer Patient Who Faced Years in Prison

The federal government has dropped all charges against a Washington medical marijuana patient who was recently diagnosed with late-stage cancer, in a high-profile case that involves the...
February 19, 2015
Marijuana Legal in New Jersey? This New Coalition Launches Effort to Legalize It, Tax It

Marijuana Legal in New Jersey? This New Coalition Launches Effort to Legalize It, Tax It

A group of activists gathered in New Jersey’s largest city today to announce a new coalition that will advocate for the legalization, taxation, and regulation of marijuana...
February 18, 2015
Vermont Could Be Next State to Legalize Recreational Marijuana

Vermont Could Be Next State to Legalize Recreational Marijuana

Vermont could become the first state in history to legalize recreational marijuana via state legislature with a new bill submitted Tuesday that aims to end prohibition of...
February 17, 2015
Marijuana Law Classes Take Hazy Place in College Curriculum

Marijuana Law Classes Take Hazy Place in College Curriculum

Across the country, college students from Colorado to Ohio are clamoring to sign up for law school classes focusing on marijuana. At the Moritz College of Law...
February 16, 2015
Everything You Wanted to Know About Medical Marijuana, but Were Too Afraid to Ask

Everything You Wanted to Know About Medical Marijuana, but Were Too Afraid to Ask

Humans have been using cannabis for more than 5000 years. So why don’t scientists know more about it? Three experts gathered here at the annual meeting of...
February 13, 2015
Former University President Turns to Selling Marijuana

Former University President Turns to Selling Marijuana

Former University of Nevada-Reno president Joe Crowley has found a new line of work — selling marijuana. The well-liked former university boss is president of Sierra Wellness...
February 13, 2015
Judge Weighs Whether U.S. Marijuana Law Is Unconstitutional

Judge Weighs Whether U.S. Marijuana Law Is Unconstitutional

A federal judge hearing a case of nine men charged with illegally growing marijuana on federal land in California said Wednesday she was considering arguments that the...
February 12, 2015
The Debate Over Running While High

The Debate Over Running While High

The grueling sport of ultramarathon has fostered a mingling of two seemingly opposite camps: endurance jocks and potheads. “If you can find the right level, takes...
February 12, 2015
Colorado’s Pot Tax Tally Has Lessons for Other States

Colorado’s Pot Tax Tally Has Lessons for Other States

Marijuana makes money. But legalizing it doesn’t eliminate the black market or solve a state’s budget problems. Those are the lessons from Colorado’s first full year of...
February 11, 2015
Virginia House Allows Marijuana Oils for Epilepsy

Virginia House Allows Marijuana Oils for Epilepsy

Virginia’s Republican-dominated House of Delegates voted Tuesday for a bill that would protect users of a form of medical marijuana from state prosecution. The legislation, which passed...
February 11, 2015
Cannabusiness: Alaska Still Figuring Out Legal Pot

Cannabusiness: Alaska Still Figuring Out Legal Pot

Although Alaska will now join Washington, Oregon and Colorado among the ranks of the enlightened, the ink was barely dry on the new law before local governments...
February 10, 2015
Landmark Study Finds Marijuana Is Not Linked to Car Crashes

Landmark Study Finds Marijuana Is Not Linked to Car Crashes

In “the first large-scale study in the United States to include drugs other than alcohol,” NHTSA found that, once the data were adjusted for confounding...