Medical marijuana is helping seniors across the country trade some of their pills for pot, and get off drugs that cause as many problems as they solve.
NORML filed an “amicus curiae” brief with the Massachusetts Supreme Court on Tuesday, February 18, urging the court to place more limits on police questioning and searches...
At a Maryland State Senate hearing to discuss decriminalizing marijuana Tuesday, a high-ranking law enforcement official betrayed his total ignorance about marijuana when he claimed that decriminalization...
Polling data released today by Quinnipiac University revealed that a majority of Ohio voters support legalizing marijuana for recreational use, and nearly 9 out of 10 support...
On Friday, more than 40 state lawmakers in Maine co-signed a memo authored by State Representative Diane Russell that was delivered to the Appropriations & Financial Affairs...
As more and more Americans support ending marijuana prohibition and an increasing number of states consider marijuana policy reform legislation, it is sometimes easy to forget that...
Friday, February 21, was the deadline to introduce new bills for the 2014 legislative session in California. There are three bills that will be a priority for...
Gov. Martin O’Malley has stated repeatedly that he opposes decriminalizing marijuana, a sensible measure already adopted by 16 other states, including red states like Nebraska and Mississippi. Gov. O’Malley does...
This skeleton backpack is just too cool, found at the Roor Shop Amsterdam. (h/t Slits for finding this gem!) Roor Skeleton Backpack This is obviously a one-off...
The District of Columbia’s attorney general, Irvin Nathan, has issued an opinion saying that the proposed DC marijuana legalization initiative should not go before the voters because it violates...