Last Tuesday, all eight members of the Illinois Senate Public Health Committee who were present at the public hearing voted to advance a bill that would add seizure conditions...
The Missouri Senate committee is considering legislation to legalize marijuana use by patients diagnosed by a physician with a debilitating medical condition. Zayden, 4, has a condition that...
The New Jersey State Municipal Prosecutors Association now officially supports legalizing the possession of marijuana, which is quite an unlikely source of support, since they are the...
Mega ILL cafe, a pizzeria in Vancouver, Canada is making headlines this week for its marijuana-infused pizza pies. Said to be the city’s first pizzeria-cum-vapor lounge, the cafe is...
“Charlotte’s Web” is a strain of marijuana grown in Colorado that is named for Charlotte Figi. Charlotte and others with severe epilepsy have found relief from seizures by ingesting...
Colorado expected to see a decline in patients seeking medical marijuana with the advent of the state’s newly-legalized recreational pot industry, but recent statistics indicate there was...
This afternoon, “The Simple Possession of Small Quantities of Marijuana Decriminalization Amendment Act of 2013” was signed by the mayor after being approved by the city council in a...
In a new set of rules, the Oregon Health Authority seeks only to ban marijuana-laced products that are made or packaged in ways that might appeal to...
The 18-year-old question as to whether or not legalizing medical marijuana causes an increase in crime seems to be answered in a recent study by a team of researchers...
The bill for marijuana oil trials to help children who suffer uncontrollable seizures received its final legislative approval on Monday and was sent to Gov. Steve Beshear...
The small South American country will soon become the first in the world to legalize, regulate and participate in the production, sale and taxation of marijuana. Uruguay’s “weed...
A local ban on all medical cannabis cultivation stands, after the California Supreme Court refused to hear an appeal on Wednesday in Maral v. Live Oak, an appellate...
Colorado plans to crack down on medical marijuana patients, state health department authorities announced Friday, saying it would challenge patients and medical pot growers with permission for...
On Wednesday, medical marijuana patients and advocates held an emotional press conference slamming Gov. Mark Dayton for bowing to law enforcement and stalling on a medical marijuana bill currently...
In the Caribbean, marijuana is illegal, yet it is widely used, freely sold and openly puffed. Now, for the first time, Caribbean leaders — much like a...
It’s a sobering thing to hear the Congressional Research Service accurately talk about the penalties of violating federal marijuana laws. Usually, they try to sugar coat things and act...
Medical marijuana has been in the US since 1996 and is now legal in twenty states & DC. Yet reported teen marijuana use has remained essentially flat....
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Posted by @potheadprincess_ Google Glass, Galaxy Gear, Nike Fuelband…the list goes on–it’s all about wearable tech these days. Well how about some wearable smoke tech?! Dope fam,...
One of the parents of severely epileptic children who lobbied for the bill, testified to just how transformative medical marijuana treatment can be for kids like her...
An Idaho state trooper arrested and searched a 70-year-old Washington man solely because of his license plate from Colorado, where marijuana is legal, the man claims in...