Skiing pumps about $3 billion annually into Colorado’s economy, says Colorado Ski Country USA. Hunting, fishing and wildlife tourism brings in another $3 billion to the state, says...
NORML recently interviewed Pennsylvania State Senator Daylin Leach regarding marijuana law reform and the role it has played in state politics and his campaign. While serving in...
The Colorado Symphony Orchestra said it will play a series of “cannabis-friendly” fundraising concerts sponsored by the state’s burgeoning pot industry. The orchestra hopes the unusual shows dubbed,...
With more states weighing legalization of marijuana, weed is expected to flourish into a $10.2 billion market by 2018, according to the research arm of cannabis investment network ArcView...
American law enforcement can now forcibly pull motorists over based solely on the anonymous “911” tips they receive from highway rats. High Times reported the U.S. Supreme...
Today, NORML PAC is pleased to announce its endorsement of Virginia State Senator Adam Ebbin in his campaign for U.S. House of Representatives in Virginia’s 8th Congressional District....
The Florida Senate overwhelmingly approved a proposal Monday legalizing a strain of marijuana that could stop life-threatening seizures in children with a rare form of epilepsy. Supporters of...
On April 28, 2014, Quinnipiac University released poll data showing that Coloradans still “feel good” about legalizing marijuana. With a 14 percent margin (52-38 percent), voters believe marijuana legalization has been...
Researchers at the American Academy of Neurology reviewed more than 30 studies that compared the effects of medical marijuana to those of placebos in treating people with several conditions. They...
Ohio could be next to secure medical marijuana rights through an amendment being proposed to the state’s constitution called the Ohio Cannabis Rights Amendment.
Bolstered by growing public acceptance and hints of support from Gov. Cuomo, proponents of pot as medicine believe newly re-drafted legislation will be approved in Albany this spring,...
Recently the folks over at Fox News (you know, that bastion of journalistic integrity) dropped a story with the following headline: “Marijuana use may lead to heart...
Leaf Science shares a report which followed 628 individuals who used cannabis for medical purposes during 2011 and 2012, revealing a pattern of systematic obstacles to accessing legal,...
Voters in California adopted the country’s first medical cannabis law in 1996, but the state has lagged behind in implementing it. The Medical Marijuana Program Act (SB...
Even if bills are approved by both chambers before the scheduled end of session next week, Gov. Scott of Florida might sink the effort with a veto. Scott signaled...
The genus Selfie of the family Narcissus contains many species. There is the Selfie brunch and the Selfie drunk. But naturalists have only just begun to study a fascinating new breed, the...
Several factors converged on the road to marijuana legalization in CO: changing politics; the creation of strong medical marijuana regulatory structures; a smaller number of voters to...
Two former Los Angeles County Sheriff’s deputies were charged with planting guns at a medical marijuana dispensary to support the arrest of two men in 2011, prosecutors...
llinois patients can have guns, but New Hampshire patients can’t grow their own medicine. And California counties stay busy as the legislature ponders actually regulating medical marijuana...