Category: Best of the Web

(4,087 posts)

The best cannabis posts from around the web

August 6, 2014
Help Us Reach the Marijuana Tipping Point

Help Us Reach the Marijuana Tipping Point

Dear NORML members and supporters, It is nearly impossible to detect the precise moment when support for a change in social policy reaches the “tipping point”, but...
August 6, 2014
Since Marijuana Legalization, Highway Fatalities in Colorado Are at Near-Historic Lows

Since Marijuana Legalization, Highway Fatalities in Colorado Are at Near-Historic Lows

Here’s a month-by-month comparison of highway fatalities in Colorado through the first seven months of this year and last year.  As you can see, highway fatalities this...
August 6, 2014
Why Can’t Americans Grow Their Own Weed Without Fear?

Why Can’t Americans Grow Their Own Weed Without Fear?

As an old farm boy, it has always seemed strange to me that most states, and the federal government, treat someone who grows a few marijuana plants...
August 6, 2014
6 Historical Facts About Medical Marijuana

6 Historical Facts About Medical Marijuana

Leaf Science takes us on a little stroll through medical marijuana history, from 2737 BC China to ancient Greece to 2nd century Egypt, where Egyptians used cannabis as...
August 6, 2014
Cannabinoid Profiles: A Crash Course in CBGa

Cannabinoid Profiles: A Crash Course in CBGa

In this issue of Cannabinoid Profiles, the properties of CBGa are broken down and the therapeutic benefits are explored. Get to know this cannabinoid and discover what...
August 5, 2014
Minnesota Issues Draft Medical Marijuana Rules

Minnesota Issues Draft Medical Marijuana Rules

The Minnesota Department of Health has issued draft rules governing applications and oversight for two medical marijuana manufacturers. These rules are provisional, and may be revised before becoming final....
August 5, 2014
Public Debate of Ballot Measure 2 Will Help Alaskans Weigh Marijuana Legalization

Public Debate of Ballot Measure 2 Will Help Alaskans Weigh Marijuana Legalization

Alaska Common Ground is hosting a free public forum on Alaska’s marijuana legalization initiative, ballot measure 2. The forum will present a balanced panel with experts discussing...
August 5, 2014
D.C. Empowers Physicians to Determine Medical Marijuana Patient Eligibility

D.C. Empowers Physicians to Determine Medical Marijuana Patient Eligibility

On Thursday of last week, Washington D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray took the bold step of putting physicians in charge of determining which of their patients should use...
August 5, 2014
Why Potential Marijuana Investors Should Study Wiretapping

Why Potential Marijuana Investors Should Study Wiretapping

Colorado is the 2nd most active in issuing state and federal wiretap authorizations, and 9 out of 10 such wiretaps concern drug offenses. DailyFinance speculates if the number...
August 5, 2014
Uruguay Looking for Cannabis Growers for Legal Marijuana Program

Uruguay Looking for Cannabis Growers for Legal Marijuana Program

The newly formed department charged with creating and regulating the national cannabis market in Uruguay, the Institute for the Regulation and Control of Cannabis (IRCCA), is accepting...
August 4, 2014
First-Ever Full-Page New York Times Marijuana Ad Runs

First-Ever Full-Page New York Times Marijuana Ad Runs

The New York Times had its first-ever full-page marijuana-related ad run on the heels of its editorial board calling for the drug’s legalization. The ad, from a...
August 4, 2014
Study: Legalized Medical Marijuana Doesn’t Impact Teen Use Rates

Study: Legalized Medical Marijuana Doesn’t Impact Teen Use Rates

The passage of state laws legalizing the physician-recommended possession and consumption of cannabis by qualified patients has not led to an increase in adolescents’ use of the...
August 4, 2014
Crazed Mexicans, Marijhuana Addicted Children and More Reefer Madness From the New York Times Archives

Crazed Mexicans, Marijhuana Addicted Children and More Reefer Madness From the New York Times Archives

The New York Times publicly endorsed the legalization of weed last week, and followed up with numerous articles supporting its position. The paper addressed some of the xenophobic...
August 4, 2014
Does the Smell of Marijuana Smoke Violates Your Rights?

Does the Smell of Marijuana Smoke Violates Your Rights?

Ever since recreational marijuana sales got started earlier this month in Washington state, some residents have been complaining that they cannot relax in their backyard without having...
August 1, 2014
Marijuana Industry Steps Up on Edibles, Retailing

Marijuana Industry Steps Up on Edibles, Retailing

Faced with growing concern about the use of marijuana “edibles” (food products containing marijuana) and taking preemptive steps toward industry self-education and self-regulation, the National Cannabis Industry Association (NCIA)...
August 1, 2014
Medical Marijuana Trucks May Be Coming to Florida

Medical Marijuana Trucks May Be Coming to Florida

Florida pot dispensers could truck their product to patients, under a revised rule proposed by health regulators in advance of a workshop Friday about the state’s move...
August 1, 2014
Weed Activist Rev. Bud Green Claims Responsibility for White Flags Over Brooklyn Bridge

Weed Activist Rev. Bud Green Claims Responsibility for White Flags Over Brooklyn Bridge

A Southern California-based, pro-weed, anti-government activist who goes by the name Reverend Bud Green has claimed responsibility for replacing two American flags on the Brooklyn Bridge with...
August 1, 2014
Congressional CBD-Only Bill Raises Both Hope and Significant Concerns

Congressional CBD-Only Bill Raises Both Hope and Significant Concerns

Yesterday, Representative Scott Perry (R-PA) introduced a bill in Congress that would create an exemption to the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) for cannabis plants and derivatives with...
August 1, 2014
Big Pharma Meds Almost Sent Me to an Early Grave, While Pot Helped Ease My Disease

Big Pharma Meds Almost Sent Me to an Early Grave, While Pot Helped Ease My Disease

After a decade and a couple hundred thousand dollars, I have learned that although prescription drugs worked to an extent for my Crohn’s disease, the Big Pharma drug...
July 31, 2014
Medical Marijuana Update (2014.07.30)

Medical Marijuana Update (2014.07.30)

A pair of federal bills get filed, California’s medical marijuana wars continue, Florida looks set to pass medical marijuana this fall, pressure is rising for New York...