In the eyes of the ATF, medical cannabis patients are either unlawful users of drugs, or worse, drug addicts, who should not bear arms. It’s been three years...
Executives at GrowLife manipulated the company’s share price to issue below-market shares to insiders, then dumped millions of shares in the market just before the company was...
A healthy diet is an essential component of combating diabetes. A very widespread disease, it is estimated that nearly 350 million people worldwide are diagnosed. Cannabis is...
Rates of current and lifetime marijuana use among Colorado high school students has dropped since the state made marijuana legal in 2012, according to a press release...
It’s no secret that many of the world’s greatest thinkers, creators and artists throughout history have indulged in mind or mood-altering substances from time to time. It...
Ladybud shares a tasty recipe for cannabis-infused basil gnocchi, which can work with canna-butter or canna-oil. For those unfamiliar with a classic gnocchi, it is basically a...
It seems like there’s a crowdfunding project for just about everything these days. Here’s one you probably haven’t seen before, Operation Grow4Vets: an effort to provide disabled...
Marijuana patients claim in court that San Diego and the California Coastal Commission will foul the air, snarl traffic and force people to grow marijuana indoors, wasting...
Anxiety and marijuana have a complicated relationship, but different types of cannabis may play a role. Leaf Science providers a primer on the relationship, covering topics such...
Seattle police report someone cut a large hole in the wall at a Georgetown medical-marijuana dispensary and made off with $50,000 worth of pot Wednesday morning.
If yesterday’s elections in Hazel Park and Oak Park are any indication, voters in cities and towns across Michigan will be standing up for sensible marijuana policies in November....
The biggest opponents of legal weed are pharmaceutical, alcohol and beer companies, private prison corporations and police unions. Among the largest donors to Partnership for Drug-Free Kids,...
Medical marijuana bills pick up some support in Congress, Maryland and Minnesota issue draft rules, California continues to be a battleground, and more. Let’s get to it:...
Catalonia’s public health agency has proposed strict new measures to regulate cannabis clubs in the region, amid claims that Barcelona is on its way to rivaling Amsterdam...
The D.C. Board of Elections has officially certified Ballot Initiative 71 for November’s general election. If passed by a majority of D.C. voters, Initiative 71 will repeal all criminal and civil...
A North Miami Beach police officer is so worried about the possibility of Florida approving medical marijuana in the November election that he distributed a mass email...
The SEC on Tuesday charged four stock promoters with manipulating prices of microcap companies, “including marijuana-related stocks that the agency has warned investors about in recent weeks.”...
California boasts the world’s eighth largest economy, larger than even Russia. San Francisco Weekly’s Chris Roberts recently estimated the demand for legalized marijuana in California to be...
Supporters of a recreational marijuana ballot initiative in Oregon have raised $1 million in their effort to legalize, regulate and tax use of the drug by adults,...