Category: Best of the Web

(4,087 posts)

The best cannabis posts from around the web

June 22, 2012
Statistics & Economics of Our Prison Nation

Statistics & Economics of Our Prison Nation

Great article, Prison Nation: Economic reasons to legalize marijuana, on the failed war on drugs and the cost of being a prison nation.  Two of my favorite numbers...
June 22, 2012
Wait, Banks Don’t Pay Interest on Weed Deposits?

Wait, Banks Don’t Pay Interest on Weed Deposits?

A woman in Florida accidentally deposited nearly 2 ounces with her bank slip. Spoiler alert, she found out the bank doesn’t pay interest on marijuana.  See more...
June 21, 2012
NH Governor Vetoes Medical Marijuana Bill

NH Governor Vetoes Medical Marijuana Bill

04:53pm New Hampshire Gov. John Lynch (D) Thursday made good on his threat to veto a medical marijuana bill, Senate Bill 409, approved by the legislature. Lynch...
June 21, 2012

Uruguay To Sell Weed

The government of Uruguay is awesome and the South American country is pushing a proposal forth to sell weed to citizens who are registered to buy it.
June 19, 2012
How to Score Political Points by Stopping Marijuana Arrests

How to Score Political Points by Stopping Marijuana Arrests

08:01pm Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel shows how you can please almost every political constituency by not arresting people for marijuana possession.   In giving his blessing...
June 12, 2012
Video: The Flower

Video: The Flower

This is a very creative YouTube video demonstrating the truth about cannabis, and more specifically how we’re just talking about an unrefined flower… …cannabis flowers are no...
June 6, 2012
Star Wars Bongs

Star Wars Bongs

Every so often we see some gear that is so outrageous that it has to be shared. Today we take a look at some Star Wars inspired...