Category: Best of the Web

(4,087 posts)

The best cannabis posts from around the web

July 11, 2012
What is Weed?

What is Weed?

Here’s a fun image from our friends at Northern Wisconsin NORML. What is Weed to you? To me, weed is my drug of choice. A nice indica...
July 11, 2012
DEA To Legalize Natural THC, But Only For Big Pharma

DEA To Legalize Natural THC, But Only For Big Pharma reports the DEA is in overdrive to get the THC cannabinoid reclassified to a Schedule III substance so Pharma can legally crank out naturally derived THC pills.
July 11, 2012
Arizona’s “25 Mile” Law Threatens Growing Medical Marijuana At Home

Arizona’s “25 Mile” Law Threatens Growing Medical Marijuana At Home

Once dispensaries come online in Arizona, medical marijuana patients living within 25 miles of a dispensary won’t be allowed to grow at home. 126 dispensary licenses will be awarded...
July 10, 2012
Video: San Francisco Medical Marijuana Delivery Driver Test

Video: San Francisco Medical Marijuana Delivery Driver Test

Ok the “M” probably stands for Monster Energy drink and not Marijuana, but this is a adrenaline-pumping gorgeous video of a 650 horsepower Ford Fiesta tearing it up...
July 10, 2012
Video: Proof That Marijuana Can Cure Cancer!

Video: Proof That Marijuana Can Cure Cancer!

The below YouTube video is a compilation from two different partial sources, providing exciting insights into how cannabis can possibly cure some cancers, such as leukemia.
July 10, 2012
A Comically Dishonest Defense of the Drug War

A Comically Dishonest Defense of the Drug War

03:55am There’s a fun little debate series over at World News & Report featuring some of the usual suspects squaring off over whether the drug war...
July 10, 2012
Massachusetts Medical Marijuana Initiative Makes Ballot

Massachusetts Medical Marijuana Initiative Makes Ballot

06:03pm Voters in Massachusetts will have the chance to decide in November whether to legalize the medicinal use of marijuana. A spokesman for Secretary of State William...
July 10, 2012
Obama Administration Forces Closure of One of Most Popular San Francisco Medical Marijuana Dispensaries

Obama Administration Forces Closure of One of Most Popular San Francisco Medical Marijuana Dispensaries

The Vapor Room, a popular San Francisco medical marijuana dispensary in the Lower Haight is being forced to shut down from continued pressure from the U.S. Attorneys’...
July 9, 2012
Video: The Young Turks Shreds DEA For Equating Dead Children With Winning War On Drugs

Video: The Young Turks Shreds DEA For Equating Dead Children With Winning War On Drugs

The Young Turks Network shreds Drug Enforcement Agency Chief Michele Leonhart for saying “It may seem contradictory, but the unfortunate level of violence is a sign of success in...
July 9, 2012
Will Obama Fight Mexico’s Desire to Throw in the Towel On Failed War On Drugs?

Will Obama Fight Mexico’s Desire to Throw in the Towel On Failed War On Drugs?

Even though the US uses both the carrot and the stick in strong arming other nations into supporting the failed war on drugs, nations like Mexico can’t...
July 9, 2012
THCV and Cannabidiol in Cannabis May Fight Obesity

THCV and Cannabidiol in Cannabis May Fight Obesity

GW Pharmaceuticals believes two compounds in cannabis, THCV and Cannabidiol may help fight obesity-related diseases. Read more at UPI.
July 9, 2012
Federal Government Strikes Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Again

Federal Government Strikes Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Again

Last Friday’s SF Weekly article “Cash-Only Pot: Credit Cards No Longer Accepted at Medical Marijuana Dispensaries” was a stark reminder that prohibitionists won’t go down without a...
July 9, 2012
3 Accounting Tricks the Obama Administration Uses to Hide the Cost of the Drug War

3 Accounting Tricks the Obama Administration Uses to Hide the Cost of the Drug War

Check out Mike Rigg’s detailed article at Reason on how the Obama administration finds clever ways to cook the drug war books, including funding the attack on industrial hemp...
July 8, 2012
Drug War Snapshot: Ocean City, Maryland

Drug War Snapshot: Ocean City, Maryland

07:04pm, (Issue #742) Ocean City, Maryland, is a popular East Coast beach vacation destination, but it’s also the scene of a major push for marijuana arrests,...
July 8, 2012
Drug War Snapshot: Nueces County, Texas

Drug War Snapshot: Nueces County, Texas

06:00pm, (Issue #742) Nueces County, Texas (pop. 340,000), sits on the Gulf Coast halfway between Houston and the Mexican border, astride drug trafficking corridors headed from...
July 8, 2012
Drug War Snapshot: Volusia County, Florida

Drug War Snapshot: Volusia County, Florida

04:51pm, (Issue #742) Volusia County, Florida, situated midway up the state’s Atlantic Coast, has just under half a million people, and if its July 6 county...
July 6, 2012
This Week’s Corrupt Cops Stories

This Week’s Corrupt Cops Stories

02:57pm A crooked narc scandal in Florida just keeps on giving, a sticky-fingered Kansas City cop goes to jail, a former Arizona cop is in trouble...
July 6, 2012
17 Reasons to Legalize Marijuana

17 Reasons to Legalize Marijuana

Check out the cool slideshow at Esquire Magazine called “The Best Reasons to Legalize Marijuana.”  It lists 17 reasons with gems such as “about half of the...
July 6, 2012
War On Drugs is “The Worst Bad Solution”

War On Drugs is “The Worst Bad Solution”

Don Winslow writes a wonderfully stinging piece on the utter failure that is the War on Drugs in America with its destructive and checkered history.  Check out the “The...
July 5, 2012
Video Interview with Adam Scorgie, Marijuana Documentary Film Maker

Video Interview with Adam Scorgie, Marijuana Documentary Film Maker

Urban Rush interviews Adam Scorgie, who made the amazing 2007 marijuana documentary “The Union: The Business Behind Getting High” which really helped changed the perspective of many prohibitionists....