Category: Best of the Web

(4,087 posts)

The best cannabis posts from around the web

July 19, 2012
Video: Steve DeAngelo Interview on Fox News

Video: Steve DeAngelo Interview on Fox News

After the recent US Attorney threats to Harborside Health Center, executive director Steve DeAngelo argues his marijuana clinics obey the law.
July 18, 2012
This Week’s Corrupt Cops Stories (2012.07.18)

This Week’s Corrupt Cops Stories (2012.07.18)

04:04pm More trouble on the border, more prison guards get caught, and a Puerto Rican cop goes away for a long, long time. Let’s get to...
July 18, 2012
Medical Marijuana Takes Another Step Towards Legitimacy in Alberta, Canada

Medical Marijuana Takes Another Step Towards Legitimacy in Alberta, Canada

Medical marijuana takes another step towards legitimacy in Alberta, Canada, thanks to Alberta Health Services deviating from their federal government’s hostile stance. Thanks to AHS, the Sheldon...
July 18, 2012
Discovery Channel Filming Show In Siskiyou County California

Discovery Channel Filming Show In Siskiyou County California

ABC’s KDRV 12 News reports The Discovery Channel will be filming a show in Siskiyou County California  “on the multiple problems posed by large-scale marijuana growers,” such...
July 18, 2012
Jesus Smoked Weed

Jesus Smoked Weed

I came across this surreal video from the short film “The Holy Cow” by John Young and Cracka Smile with “Jesus Smoked Weed” playing in the background...
July 18, 2012
Wasted Potential Infographic

Wasted Potential Infographic

Here’s a fun marijuana infographic (circa 2008) showing among other things the lost tax revenue of cannabis prohibition…over $700 million in lost tax revenue, while we spend...
July 18, 2012
The Wall Street Journal Covers First Licensed New Jersey Medical Marijuana Provider

The Wall Street Journal Covers First Licensed New Jersey Medical Marijuana Provider

Great to see publications like The Wall Street Journal covering the business of medical marijuana. Read more about the Greenleaf Compassion Center, the first licensed provider of medical...
July 18, 2012
Some States Move on Sentencing Reform

Some States Move on Sentencing Reform

04:51pm With state budgets devastated by the 2008 financial crisis and subsequent slow economic growth, the impulse to incarcerate is being blunted by fiscal realities. This...
July 18, 2012
Video: Roseanne Barr “I’ll Tell You This Obama: You Get My Joint When You Pry It Out of My Cold, Dead Fingers!”

Video: Roseanne Barr “I’ll Tell You This Obama: You Get My Joint When You Pry It Out of My Cold, Dead Fingers!”

Roseanne Barr was on the Late Show with David Letterman last night and she held no punches back on Obama’s war on medical marijuana. It’s a short clip,...
July 18, 2012
Bipartisan Group of House Members Introduce Bill To Give Some Protection Against Federal Medical Marijuana Charges

Bipartisan Group of House Members Introduce Bill To Give Some Protection Against Federal Medical Marijuana Charges

Yesterday the Truth in Trials Act, H.R. 6134, was introduced by Rep. Sam Farr (D-Calif.), and 15 other House Democrats such as Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.), and three...
July 17, 2012
Medical Marijuana’s Most Unlikely Supporter is a 78-Year-Old Billionaire

Medical Marijuana’s Most Unlikely Supporter is a 78-Year-Old Billionaire

Peter Lewis, a billionaire and former chairman of Progressive Insurance, has funded $525,000 or 99.8% of the funding for The Massachusetts Medical Marijuana Act. Read more about this...
July 17, 2012
Marijuana and the Reality of the War On Drugs: It’s a Cash Crop for Appalachia

Marijuana and the Reality of the War On Drugs: It’s a Cash Crop for Appalachia

In 2008 alone, Appalachia grew four billion dollars worth of marijuana. Read at the Washington Post on the lifestyle and economic realities of this green region and...
July 17, 2012
Video: “True OG” Strain Showcase from Pot Spot Collective in Los Angeles

Video: “True OG” Strain Showcase from Pot Spot Collective in Los Angeles

Gil from WeedMaps reviews a True OG nug from Pot Spot Collective in Los Angeles. It’s always a joy to watch someone knowledgeable and passionate review a product,...
July 17, 2012
Mitchell Lawrence | Age 18 | Berkshire County, MA | March 2006

Mitchell Lawrence | Age 18 | Berkshire County, MA | March 2006

Guest Editorial: Injustice in Massachusetts — Two Years in Jail for One Joint 4/14/06 by Anthony Papa of The drug war reached the pinnacle of cruelty when Mitchell...
July 17, 2012
The Black Market Strikes Back Against Washington’s I-502

The Black Market Strikes Back Against Washington’s I-502

Nick Hagen writes an article to combat scare tactics being spread by some illegal drug dealers and a small group of medical marijuana advocates, who are telling their Washingtonian customers...
July 17, 2012
Feds Invade Venice Beach For First Time At Pacific Collective Medical Marijuana Dispensary

Feds Invade Venice Beach For First Time At Pacific Collective Medical Marijuana Dispensary

Not to feel left out by all the raids occurring in NorCal, Venice Beach’s Pacific Collective medical marijuana dispensary was served a search warrant by the Feds...
July 17, 2012
Have the Feds Finally Taken Medical Marijuana Assault Too Far?

Have the Feds Finally Taken Medical Marijuana Assault Too Far?

Scott Morgan poses the question have “the feds have finally taken things too far” with their coordinated attacks on legitimate medical marijuana businesses? Read Scott’s convincing answer at...
July 17, 2012
Comparing Marijuana Legalization Measures in Oregon, Colorado, and Washington State

Comparing Marijuana Legalization Measures in Oregon, Colorado, and Washington State

Check out National Cannabis Coalition’s thorough and useful table comparing the three states with marijuana legalization on the November ballot; Oregon’s Oregon Cannabis Tax Act vs Colorado’s Amendment 64...
July 16, 2012
Flint (MI), Springfield (MO) Marijuana Petitions Turned In

Flint (MI), Springfield (MO) Marijuana Petitions Turned In

04:43pm Voters in two Midwest cities may have the opportunity to vote on marijuana law reforms this November. Advocates of a Flint, Michigan initiative that would...
July 16, 2012
Marijuana Initiative Sues Oregon over Signature Counts

Marijuana Initiative Sues Oregon over Signature Counts

03:52pm There could yet be not one, but two legalization initiatives on the Oregon ballot in November. The Oregon Marijuana Policy Initiative (OMPI) filed a lawsuit in Marion...