Category: Best of the Web

(4,087 posts)

The best cannabis posts from around the web

July 23, 2012
Gary Johnson, Libertarian POTUS candidate, Endorses Oregon’s OCTA

Gary Johnson, Libertarian POTUS candidate, Endorses Oregon’s OCTA

Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson officially endorsed Measure 80 – The Oregon Cannabis Tax Act (aka OCTA) last Friday. Gary Johnson has also endorsed marijuana legalization measures in Colorado...
July 23, 2012
I-502 to Legalize Marijuana in Washington Now Polling at 55% Yes

I-502 to Legalize Marijuana in Washington Now Polling at 55% Yes

On July 21, 2012, SurveyUSA released the results of a recent statewide poll that showed 55 percent of Washington voters supporting I-502 to legalize marijuana while only 32 percent opposed....
July 23, 2012
Belize Ponders Marijuana Decriminalization

Belize Ponders Marijuana Decriminalization

012, 06:55pm The government of Belize is studying the possible decriminalization of the possession of small amounts of marijuana in a bid to unclog its courts and...
July 23, 2012
I-502, Washington’s Marijuana Bill Grabs 1.25 million in New Cash

I-502, Washington’s Marijuana Bill Grabs 1.25 million in New Cash

I-502, Washington’s initiative to legalize marijuana this November has recently received $1.25 million in new donations for a big TV ad buy in August. The money came from...
July 23, 2012
Montana Marijuana Initiative Comes Up Short

Montana Marijuana Initiative Comes Up Short

04:42pm Montana residents will have a chance to vote on medical marijuana in November, but not on legalization. In a Friday statement, Secretary of State Linda McCullough...
July 23, 2012
The Culture High Movie Projected to Raise $240,000 Using Kickstarter

The Culture High Movie Projected to Raise $240,000 Using Kickstarter

We received an update this weekend from one of our favorite projects: The Culture High. With the current rate of funding KICKTRAQ is projecting a final raise of...
July 20, 2012
Cannabinoids, like those found in marijuana, occur naturally in human breast milk

Cannabinoids, like those found in marijuana, occur naturally in human breast milk

Based on the findings of several major scientific studies, human breast milk naturally contains many of the same cannabinoids found in marijuana. Read more at
July 20, 2012
Will Chris Christie’s War on Drugs Stance Begin to Change GOP?

Will Chris Christie’s War on Drugs Stance Begin to Change GOP?

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s recent acknowledgement that the war on drugs has been a failure was a monumental statement within the GOP, although I personally wish he took it...
July 20, 2012
Robert Platshorn Loses First Round In Parole Fight

Robert Platshorn Loses First Round In Parole Fight

Robert Platshorn (aka. The Black Tuna) has been told by U.S. District Judge Donald Middlebrooks he must remain under the supervision of the parole office and that trying to...
July 20, 2012
Video: VaderVision – Rating and Tasting Cannabis

Video: VaderVision – Rating and Tasting Cannabis

VaderVision is back with a new video. VaderOG was on vacation for a couple of months and kicks it off with some thoughts on how he rates...
July 20, 2012
Video: Seth MacFarlane and Larry King Both Support Legalizing Marijuana

Video: Seth MacFarlane and Larry King Both Support Legalizing Marijuana

Below is a 25 second video segment from Larry King’s recent interview with Seth MacFarlane where they discuss their mutual support for legalizing marijuana. Here’s a transcript...
July 20, 2012
Gary Johnson – Help Him End the War On Drugs

Gary Johnson – Help Him End the War On Drugs

You probably notice a recurring Gary Johnson theme at Weedist… We strongly support candidates who will end the war on marijuana. Personally I like the vast majority...
July 20, 2012
Video: North Island Compassion Club Challenging Canada’s Constitution

Video: North Island Compassion Club Challenging Canada’s Constitution

CTV News reports on British Columbia’s North Island Compassion Club who say they will be challenging Canada’s medical marijuana laws because they are unconstitutional. Club owner Ernest Yacub was in...
July 20, 2012
Medical Marijuana Advocates Sue to Stop Legalization Measure

Medical Marijuana Advocates Sue to Stop Legalization Measure

Sadly as some in the medical marijuana industry fought California’s Prop 19 legalization measure, similar forces are at work for this November’s Initiative 502 ballot measure in...
July 19, 2012
Obama’s Pot Problem, Will It Cost Him Colorado?

Obama’s Pot Problem, Will It Cost Him Colorado?

Will Obama’s war on marijuana cost him to lose a few key swing states and the 2012 election by alienating much of his base? With Amendment 64...
July 19, 2012
Vaporize Me

Vaporize Me

– 11:00AM The last time I smoked a vaporizer was at the High Times office more than nine years ago. (Perhaps it was longer. Who can remember?) It was...
July 19, 2012
Seattle’s Marijuana Group Wants Mayor and Other Public Leaders to Join Book Club to Learn About Real Costs of Prohibition

Seattle’s Marijuana Group Wants Mayor and Other Public Leaders to Join Book Club to Learn About Real Costs of Prohibition

Seattle’s Responsible Marijuana Project has started a PR campaign to get Mayor Mike McGinn, Police Chief John Diaz, City Attorney Pete Holmes and U.S. District Attorney Jenny Durkan to...
July 19, 2012
Simpsons Bongs

Simpsons Bongs

Simpsons fans out there know that Otto is a stoner, and I’m pretty sure that Matt Groening and his talented crew smoked some weed once in awhile coming...
July 19, 2012
Obama Administration to Review Clarence Aaron Commutation Request

Obama Administration to Review Clarence Aaron Commutation Request

10:03pm, (Issue #743) The Obama administration is seeking a fresh review of Clarence Aaron’s request for commutation of his cocaine trafficking sentence, the Washington Post reported Wednesday. Aaron,...
July 19, 2012
Federal Medical Marijuana “Truth in Trials Act” Reintroduced

Federal Medical Marijuana “Truth in Trials Act” Reintroduced

08:25pm, (Issue #743) US Rep. Sam Farr (D-CA) Tuesday introduced House Resolution 6134, the Truth in Trials Act, which would allow defendants in federal criminal prosecutions the...