Category: Best of the Web

(4,087 posts)

The best cannabis posts from around the web

August 31, 2012
Montana’s First Medical Marijuana Caregiver Dies in Prison

Montana’s First Medical Marijuana Caregiver Dies in Prison

03:15pm The first person to register as a caregiver under Montana’s now gutted medical marijuana program has died in federal prison. Richard Flor, 68, died at...
August 31, 2012
Reddit Yet Another Platform for Obama to Ignore Marijuana

Reddit Yet Another Platform for Obama to Ignore Marijuana

President Obama took to on Tuesday to answer questions from users in an AMA, or Ask Me Anything. Obama ended up answering a mere ten questions...
August 30, 2012
Mexico’s “Caravan for Peace” Heads to Washington

Mexico’s “Caravan for Peace” Heads to Washington

09:40pm The Mexico-based Caravan for Peace and Justice and its American allies are now more than halfway through their 6,000-mile, 27-city journey to focus attention on the drug...
August 30, 2012
Book Review: Drugs, Insecurity, and Failed States: The Problems of Prohibition

Book Review: Drugs, Insecurity, and Failed States: The Problems of Prohibition

03:55pm Drugs, Insecurity, and Failed States: The Problems of Prohibition, by Nigel Inkster and Virginia Comolli (2012, Adelphi, 163 pages) Longtime readers of Drug War Chronicle...
August 30, 2012
Medical Marijuana Update (2012.08.29)

Medical Marijuana Update (2012.08.29)

04:56pm The battle of Los Angeles continues, Arizona prosecutors don’t like their medical marijuana law, and a bill is pre-filed in Kentucky. There’s also lots more...
August 30, 2012
Cannabis and Addiction | Granny Storm Crow’s MMJ Reference

Cannabis and Addiction | Granny Storm Crow’s MMJ Reference

Here are some of the best research articles, abstracts, news stories and other references you will find on cannabis and addiction on the Internet. What follows is...
August 30, 2012
This Week’s Corrupt Cops Stories (2012.08.29)

This Week’s Corrupt Cops Stories (2012.08.29)

03:21am There’s something funny going on in Georgia, the DEA is investigating missing drug evidence in West Virginia, more prison guards get in trouble, and an...
August 30, 2012
Medical Marijuana Advocates File Signatures for Referendum to Overturn Los Angeles Dispensary Ban

Medical Marijuana Advocates File Signatures for Referendum to Overturn Los Angeles Dispensary Ban

With plenty of time to spare, medical marijuana advocates filed more than 50,000 signatures today in an effort to overturn a recently passed ban on dispensaries throughout the city. Despite...
August 29, 2012
California Drug Overdose Prevention Bill Passes

California Drug Overdose Prevention Bill Passes

04:18pm A bill aimed at saving the lives of drug overdose victims by protecting those who would come to their assistance from prosecution on drug charges...
August 29, 2012
Politicians Ignore Failed ‘War on Drugs’ at Their (and Our) Peril

Politicians Ignore Failed ‘War on Drugs’ at Their (and Our) Peril

The Huff Post challenges Democrats and Republicans to show the moral courage to support the people’s desire to end the one trillion dollar failed war on drugs...
August 29, 2012
Springfield, MO, Decriminalizes Marijuana Possession, But…

Springfield, MO, Decriminalizes Marijuana Possession, But…

03:03am The Springfield, Missouri, city council voted 6-3 Monday night to adopt an ordinance decriminalizing the possession of small amounts of marijuana, but immediately announced plans to...
August 29, 2012
RNC vs. DNC – Will Medical Marijuana Decide the Election?

RNC vs. DNC – Will Medical Marijuana Decide the Election?

“Can Broken Promises Lose an Election? 1 Million Medical Marijuana Patients Will Decide.” ASA explores on the Huff Post if Obama’s stance on medical marijuana could cost...
August 28, 2012
Pot Smokes Jobs as Colorado Race Seen Turning on Social Issues

Pot Smokes Jobs as Colorado Race Seen Turning on Social Issues

Business Week expects the critical swing state Colorado to see strong voter turnout due to Amendment 64 for recreational marijuana legalization being on the ballot and analyzes...
August 28, 2012
Medical Marijuana Tests Boss-Worker Relations

Medical Marijuana Tests Boss-Worker Relations

In Arizona, Esther Shapiro claims she was fired from her new job because she uses medical marijuana for pain relief from fibromyalgia. The 17 states that permit medical marijuana...
August 28, 2012
Video: Young Turks Talk With StoptheDrugWar Founder On Obama Pot Raids

Video: Young Turks Talk With StoptheDrugWar Founder On Obama Pot Raids

In this six minute news segment, The Young Turks talk about the flurry of California medical pot raids, look back on four years of war on medical...
August 28, 2012
Cannabis Carbon Footprint: Marijuana Industry’s Environmental Impact

Cannabis Carbon Footprint: Marijuana Industry’s Environmental Impact

The Huff Post dives into the environmental impact and carbon footprint of cannabis, an often overlooked cost of marijuana prohibition which drives grow operations indoors.  
August 27, 2012
Oregon Medical Marijuana Backers Trying 3rd Time to Add PTSD

Oregon Medical Marijuana Backers Trying 3rd Time to Add PTSD

Oregon medical marijuana advocates are trying for the 3rd time to add PTSD to the list of qualifying conditions. Oregon has an estimated 300,000 veterans living in the...
August 27, 2012
WI Teen Hit with Marijuana Possession After Mom Lets Cop Search Car

WI Teen Hit with Marijuana Possession After Mom Lets Cop Search Car

John W. Gemeinhardt, an 18 year old in WI, has been charged with marijuana possession after he didn’t allow a cop to search his car, but his...
August 27, 2012
Massachusetts Medical Marijuana Initiative Polling Very Well

Massachusetts Medical Marijuana Initiative Polling Very Well

07:34pm It looks like Massachusetts is set to become a new medical marijuana state. According to a new Public Policy Polling survey, the medical marijuana initiative there...
August 27, 2012
Alabama Narcs Kill One, Wound One

Alabama Narcs Kill One, Wound One

05:21pm Undercover narcs with the Hueytown Police shot and killed one man and wounded another in nearby Brighton Wednesday afternoon. Calvin Robinson, 21, becomes the 44th person...