Category: Best of the Web

(4,087 posts)

The best cannabis posts from around the web

September 11, 2012
Children’s Alliance Endorses I-502 Marijuana Legalization Initiative

Children’s Alliance Endorses I-502 Marijuana Legalization Initiative

 The Children’s Alliance, a Seattle nonprofit whose members include major social services agencies, endorsed Washington State’s I-502 due to the racially disproportionate impacts of current marijuana laws,...
September 11, 2012
Former DEA Heads Urge Holder to Oppose Marijuana Legalization Measures

Former DEA Heads Urge Holder to Oppose Marijuana Legalization Measures

04:53pm Every former head of the DEA since it was created by Richard Nixon in 1973 has signed onto a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder urging him...
September 11, 2012
13 Key Moments In Marijuana History (PHOTOS)

13 Key Moments In Marijuana History (PHOTOS)

Huff Posts shares 13 photos that capture key moments in America’s marijuana history, ranging from Louis Armstrong to Bob Dylan to Oaksterdam.  
September 11, 2012
Join MassCann/NORML this Saturday for the East Coast’s Largest Pro-Marijuana Rally

Join MassCann/NORML this Saturday for the East Coast’s Largest Pro-Marijuana Rally

This Saturday, MassCann/NORML will be hosting the 23rd annual Freedom Rally in Boston, MA. The rally will be held on the Boston Common on September 15, 2012 beginning at...
September 10, 2012
NHTSA and NIDA Teaming Up For Marijuana DUI Study

NHTSA and NIDA Teaming Up For Marijuana DUI Study

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the National Institute on Drug Abuse are about to conduct the first DUI study to analyze the effects of inhaled...
September 10, 2012
NJ Medical Marijuana Patients Say Finding a Doctor Can Be Difficult

NJ Medical Marijuana Patients Say Finding a Doctor Can Be Difficult

New Jersey’s first medical marijuana dispensary is scheduled to open in Montclair this month, but some physicians registered with the program aren’t participating or won’t accept new patients leaving...
September 10, 2012
Alabama Man Kills Himself in Drug Raid

Alabama Man Kills Himself in Drug Raid

12:11am A Buhl, Alabama, man apparently shot and killed himself as members of the Tuscaloosa County Sheriff’s Office went to serve a possession of a controlled...
September 10, 2012
VP Candidate Paul Ryan On Medical Marijuana: “I Support States’ Rights”

VP Candidate Paul Ryan On Medical Marijuana: “I Support States’ Rights”

In a clear departure from his more socially conservative top-of-the-ticket running mate Mitt Romney, vice presidential candidate Congressman Paul Ryan, in an interview this afternoon on KRDO in Colorado...
September 10, 2012
Federal Judge: Criminalization of Marijuana is “Absurd”

Federal Judge: Criminalization of Marijuana is “Absurd”

Judge Richard Posner serves on the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit in Chicago, he also wants marijuana to be legalized. During a September...
September 10, 2012
The 2012 Democratic National Platform on Drugs

The 2012 Democratic National Platform on Drugs

04:58pm The Democrats are on their way home from the national convention in Charlotte, and now is a good time to examine their official stand on...
September 7, 2012
UCLA Study: Number of Pot Shops Less Than Half of City Estimates

UCLA Study: Number of Pot Shops Less Than Half of City Estimates

There are 472 medical marijuana dispensaries in Los Angeles as of September 4, less than half the number often cited by city officials, according to a UCLA study....
September 7, 2012
Colombia, FARC Rebels Set Peace Talks

Colombia, FARC Rebels Set Peace Talks

05:54pm For the first time in nearly a decade, the Colombian government will sit down for peace talks with the Marxist guerrillas of the FARC, which...
September 7, 2012
Drug Policy in the 2012 Elections I: The Initiatives

Drug Policy in the 2012 Elections I: The Initiatives

10:28am The Labor Day weekend has passed, summer is behind us, and the November elections are just two months away. When it comes to drug policy...
September 7, 2012
Piece of the Week | Nate Dizzle Guitar Pipe

Piece of the Week | Nate Dizzle Guitar Pipe

The Nate Dizzle guitar pipe is a clever hand made glass pipe that has the added benefit of being a fully functional guitar! Nate Dizzle Guitar Pipe...
September 7, 2012
Drug War Chronicle Book Review: The Lebanese Connection

Drug War Chronicle Book Review: The Lebanese Connection

10:16am The Lebanese Connection: Corruption, Civil War, and the International Drug Traffic, by Jonathan Marshall (2012, Stanford University Press, 261 pages) It’s harvest time in Lebanon...
September 7, 2012
‘Smoking Weed with The President’ Video

‘Smoking Weed with The President’ Video

– 05:30PM Actor and pothead stereotype Kal Penn is a terrible person. Not only did he try and make a political propaganda ad to appeal to the...
September 6, 2012
Study: Non-Psychotropic Cannabinoid “Proven To Be Safe” In Humans

Study: Non-Psychotropic Cannabinoid “Proven To Be Safe” In Humans

The oral administration of the non-psychotropic cannabis plant constituent cannabidiol (CBD) is safe and well tolerated in humans, according to clinical trial data published online by the journal Current Pharmaceutical Design. Investigators...
September 6, 2012
College Campus Marijuana Flyer: Who is Calling ‘Bullshit’?

College Campus Marijuana Flyer: Who is Calling ‘Bullshit’?

A Reddit user shared the above photo from their college campus, Wentworth Institute of Technology. I am not advocating cannabis usage by minors or abuse by anyone....
September 6, 2012
Medical Marijuana Update (2012.09.05)

Medical Marijuana Update (2012.09.05)

07:59pm Los Angeles dispensaries got a reprieve last week–or did they? The busts there continue, despite the ban on the ban. And there’s more news from...
September 6, 2012
Gary Johnson: Obama Doesn’t Care About The War On Drugs

Gary Johnson: Obama Doesn’t Care About The War On Drugs

Libertarian presidential nominee Gary Johnson was the big draw of North Carolina NORML’s event outside the Democratic National Convention. Gary Johnson talked about his marijuana experiences, the failed war...