Category: Best of the Web

(4,087 posts)

The best cannabis posts from around the web

September 26, 2012
Lady Gaga Is A “Slut,” Says Staten Island Borough President

Lady Gaga Is A “Slut,” Says Staten Island Borough President

Staten Island borough president James Molinaro is riled up about Lady Gaga: “Stop glorifying the drug use. There’s Gaga. Here’s this… this… I would call her a slut. This...
September 26, 2012
This Week’s Corrupt Cops Stories (2012.09.25)

This Week’s Corrupt Cops Stories (2012.09.25)

04:55pm It’s been a fairly quiet week on the corrupt cop front, but we’ve still got some Missouri jail guards in trouble, a Houston cop accused...
September 26, 2012
End Of Democracy Watch: Springfield, Missouri

End Of Democracy Watch: Springfield, Missouri

When a dedicated group of activists hoping to reform Springfield, Missouri’s punitive marijuana laws turned in thousands of signatures they had collected fair and square, they thought...
September 25, 2012
Montana Medical Marijuana Restriction Initiative IR-124 Trailing

Montana Medical Marijuana Restriction Initiative IR-124 Trailing

03:50pm An effort to undo a more restrictive medical marijuana law in Montana faces an uphill battle, according to a poll done last week. The Mason Dixon...
September 25, 2012
Baltimore Man Swallows Drugs During Arrest, Dies

Baltimore Man Swallows Drugs During Arrest, Dies

06:26pm A 46-year-old Baltimore man died Friday night after allegedly swallowing drugs as police attempted to arrest him. The as yet unidentified man becomes the 47th person...
September 25, 2012
Marijuana Decriminalization Gets Conservative Support in Indiana

Marijuana Decriminalization Gets Conservative Support in Indiana

Marijuana reform is a hot topic of conversation in state legislatures around the country, and not just in traditionally liberal states like California and Rhode Island. In...
September 25, 2012
Drug Czar Ignores Failure of Marijuana Prohibition to Curb Use

Drug Czar Ignores Failure of Marijuana Prohibition to Curb Use

In a press conference this morning, representatives from the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) announced...
September 24, 2012
If I-502 Passes in WA, How Will Federal Government Respond?

If I-502 Passes in WA, How Will Federal Government Respond?

Jonathan Martin explores how the federal government might respond if Washington voters pass I-502 and legalize recreational marijuana sales. Arrests of state-licensed marijuana growers? A big legal fight...
September 24, 2012
Colombia Okays Prescriptions for Addicts in Bogota

Colombia Okays Prescriptions for Addicts in Bogota

02:09am President Juan Manuel Santos has given the go-ahead to Bogota Mayor Gustavo Petro’s plan to prescribe otherwise illicit drugs to addicts in the Colombian capital,...
September 24, 2012
Seattle Times Editorial Board: Approve I-502, It’s Time to Legalize

Seattle Times Editorial Board: Approve I-502, It’s Time to Legalize

The Seattle Times editorial board which supports I-502, poses “the question for voters is not whether marijuana is good. It is whether prohibition is good. It is...
September 24, 2012
Latino and Black Law Enforcement Groups Endorse Colorado Marijuana Initiative

Latino and Black Law Enforcement Groups Endorse Colorado Marijuana Initiative

Two national law enforcement organizations, Blacks in Law Enforcement of America and the National Latino Officers Association, announced their support last Thursday for Amendment 64, the ballot initiative to...
September 24, 2012
America’s Destructive War On Marijuana: A Drug Dealer Protects His Turf

America’s Destructive War On Marijuana: A Drug Dealer Protects His Turf

David Sirota lays out a sound case for the utter hypocrisy of Colorado Gov. Hickenlooper, who made his fortune from selling a more damaging drug.  “Alcohol peddlers and...
September 24, 2012
British Columbia Marijuana Decriminalization Initiative Approved

British Columbia Marijuana Decriminalization Initiative Approved

05:29pm British Columbia election officials announced Thursday that they had approved, in principle, an initiative petition that would decriminalize the possession and use of marijuana by...
September 21, 2012
Marijuana Activist Dana Larsen Launches BC Canada Pot Petition

Marijuana Activist Dana Larsen Launches BC Canada Pot Petition

Marijuana activist, and former New Democratic Party leadership candidate, Dana Larsen has launched an initiative petition to stop British Columbia police from enforcing simple possession laws for...
September 21, 2012
Future Shock: What Happens if Colorado Legalizes Pot?

Future Shock: What Happens if Colorado Legalizes Pot?

Scot Kersgaard explores how daily life might change in Colorado, from the workplace to going to ball games,  if Amendment 64 passes, allowing adults to possess, grow, consume and...
September 21, 2012
Raids Shut Down Big Medical Marijuana Suppliers in Oregon

Raids Shut Down Big Medical Marijuana Suppliers in Oregon

Hundreds of medical marijuana cardholders in eastern and southern Oregon will have to find a new way to get their pot after federal authorities raided and shut...
September 21, 2012
Swiss Move to Decriminalize Marijuana Possession

Swiss Move to Decriminalize Marijuana Possession

012, 05:48pm Switzerland is on the verge of decriminalizing the possession of up to 10 grams of marijuana after the lower house of Parliament  agreed on Thursday to...
September 20, 2012
Romney Campaign Uses Raids to Swing CO Voters, Insults Everyone’s Intelligence

Romney Campaign Uses Raids to Swing CO Voters, Insults Everyone’s Intelligence

The Romney campaign has finally stooped low enough to try to trick the medical marijuana community into voting Romney into office. In an article titled “Dear Marijuana Reformers:...
September 20, 2012
Initiative Watch (2012.09.19)

Initiative Watch (2012.09.19)

07:49pm Three marijuana legalization initiatives, two medical marijuana initiatives, and one sentencing reform initiative are on state ballots this year. We’ll be running a feature story...
September 20, 2012
Tens of Thousands Join MassCANN/NORML on Boston Common for 23rd Annual Freedom Rally

Tens of Thousands Join MassCANN/NORML on Boston Common for 23rd Annual Freedom Rally

This past weekend, tens of thousands of marijuana reform advocates joined MassCANN/NORML on the Boston Common for the 23rd Annual Boston Freedom Rally. This year’s event was...