Category: Best of the Web

(4,087 posts)

The best cannabis posts from around the web

October 2, 2012
Opinion: South Dakota Marijuana Laws Waste Resources

Opinion: South Dakota Marijuana Laws Waste Resources

This war on our neighbors in South Dakota is an epic waste. Republican In Name Only. R.I.N.O. That is what people on the radical religious right call people,...
October 2, 2012
British Columbia Local Governments Call for Marijuana Decriminalization

British Columbia Local Governments Call for Marijuana Decriminalization

03:29pm Municipal leaders across British Columbia last week endorsed a resolution calling for the decriminalization of marijuana. The move came at the meeting of the Union...
October 2, 2012
Synthetic Marijuana Plagues Southwest Florida

Synthetic Marijuana Plagues Southwest Florida

Synthetic marijuana, also referred to as “spice,” is an umbrella term for a variety of designer compounds that produce effects similar to marijuana when smoked. Most of...
October 1, 2012
Federal Cannabis Prohibition Turns 75-Years-Old Today

Federal Cannabis Prohibition Turns 75-Years-Old Today

In a milestone that will no doubt go largely unnoticed by the mainstream media, today marks the 75th anniversary of the enactment of federal marijuana prohibition. On...
October 1, 2012
Peru Coca Crop Keeps Getting Bigger

Peru Coca Crop Keeps Getting Bigger

03:45am Coca cultivation in Peru increased again last year, up 5.2% over 2010, according to the 2011 coca monitoring survey conducted by the United Nations Office on Drugs...
October 1, 2012
CNN: 2012 Cost of Failed War on Drugs Through September

CNN: 2012 Cost of Failed War on Drugs Through September

The utter failure that is the war on drugs has reached a combined $30 billion so far this year and 1.2 million Americans have been arrested for...
October 1, 2012
Gary Johnson Endorses Florida Medical Marijuana Effort

Gary Johnson Endorses Florida Medical Marijuana Effort

Libertarian Party POTUS nominee Gary Johnson endorsed the current effort to put a constitutional amendment to legalize medical marijuana on the Florida ballot in 2014. Will it...
October 1, 2012
Forbes: Credit Card Processors Discriminate Against Medical Marijuana

Forbes: Credit Card Processors Discriminate Against Medical Marijuana

Forbes covers the federal government’s war on medical marijuana: “From the constant threat of raids and civil asset forfeiture, medical marijuana dispensaries also have to contend with payment...
October 1, 2012
Federal Sentencing of Legally Compliant Medical Marijuana Providers Highlights Harmful Obama Policy

Federal Sentencing of Legally Compliant Medical Marijuana Providers Highlights Harmful Obama Policy

Five medical marijuana patients and caregivers will be sentenced in federal court next week, highlighting the human cost of the federal government’s intolerance for state medical marijuana...
September 28, 2012
Piece of the Week | Custom Glass Mushroom Chillum

Piece of the Week | Custom Glass Mushroom Chillum

This week we look to the independent glass artist community to find a custom glass mushroom chillum. This glass mushroom chillum is functional art. If you had...
September 28, 2012
Medical Marijuana Researchers to Present Findings at UCSF

Medical Marijuana Researchers to Present Findings at UCSF

Anyone still on the fence that cannabis has no medicinal value — and especially anyone still on the fence in the medical or healthcare fields — should...
September 28, 2012
Chemist Annie Dookhan Faked Drug Test Results, Could Unravel Thousands Of Convictions

Chemist Annie Dookhan Faked Drug Test Results, Could Unravel Thousands Of Convictions

A Massachusetts chemist, Annie Dookhan, who tested more than 60,000 drug samples submitted in the cases of about 34,000 defendants over nine years has admitted to faking drug sample results, according...
September 28, 2012
Arkansas Medical Marijuana Initiative Fends Off Ballot Challenge

Arkansas Medical Marijuana Initiative Fends Off Ballot Challenge

06:19pm The Arkansas Supreme Court rejected a bid on Thursday to keep the Arkansas Medical Marijuana Act off the November ballot. That means voters there will have the...
September 28, 2012
Washington Marijuana Legalization Measure in Strong Position

Washington Marijuana Legalization Measure in Strong Position

12:51pm A little more than a month out from Election Day, Washington state’s I-502 marijuana legalization, regulation, and taxation initiative looks to be well-positioned to actually win at...
September 27, 2012
Initiative Watch (2012.09.26)

Initiative Watch (2012.09.26)

07:56pm We’re a little more than a month from election day. Here’s what’s going on with the state-level initiatives. California Last Thursday, LA County DA candidates gave...
September 27, 2012
Latin Americans at UN Seek Drug Policy Debate

Latin Americans at UN Seek Drug Policy Debate

06:51pm Wednesday’s United Nations General Assembly session saw not one, not two, but three Latin American heads of state call on it to promote debate on...
September 27, 2012
Cannabis and Heart Disease | Granny Storm Crow MMJ Reference

Cannabis and Heart Disease | Granny Storm Crow MMJ Reference

Here is a very comprehensive list of research articles, abstracts, news stories and other references about cannabis and heart disease. These links are listed under ‘Heart Disease...
September 27, 2012
CNN Video, Rep Barney Frank: Marijuana Law a ‘Great Hypocrisy’

CNN Video, Rep Barney Frank: Marijuana Law a ‘Great Hypocrisy’

Rep Barney Frank (D-MA) talks to CNN’s Erin Burnett on his support for marijuana reform in this 3 minute segment. He makes many great points from the racist...
September 27, 2012
Medical Marijuana Update (2012.09.26)

Medical Marijuana Update (2012.09.26)

03:27am The DEA strikes again in Los Angeles, and the feds are moving to eliminate dispensaries in downtown LA. But the push-back against the crackdown continues....
September 26, 2012
Regulate Marijuana to Improve Public Safety, Yes on Amendment 64

Regulate Marijuana to Improve Public Safety, Yes on Amendment 64

A 36-year Denver PD veteran, a former Lafayette municipal court judge and a former lead felony prosecutor for Clear Creek County urge: “There are lots of reasons...