Category: Best of the Web

(4,087 posts)

The best cannabis posts from around the web

November 6, 2012
If You Care About Medical Marijuana Patients (Among Others), Support I-502

If You Care About Medical Marijuana Patients (Among Others), Support I-502

05:09pm Readers of know that we’ve supported Initiative 502, a ballot measure to legalize and regulate marijuana in Washington State. I-502 has seen the strongest polling...
November 6, 2012
I-502: Too Important to Lose (Steve D’Angelo, Harborside Health Center)

I-502: Too Important to Lose (Steve D’Angelo, Harborside Health Center)

05:46pm The founder of the flagship medical marijuana center, Harborside Health Center in Oakland, speaks out about how important it is to pass I-502 and how...
November 5, 2012
Northern California Town Pushes Back Against Industrial Pot Growers

Northern California Town Pushes Back Against Industrial Pot Growers

Arcata, in Humboldt County, California, will vote on Measure I next week, which would impose a 45% tax on households that use three times the amount of power a...
November 5, 2012
NORML’s Eleven Surprising Things About Marijuana That Seniors Need to Know

NORML’s Eleven Surprising Things About Marijuana That Seniors Need to Know

[Editor’s note: Going into Tuesday’s historic vote in six states on legalization and medical cannabis ballot initiatives, one of the last, but not too unsurprising hold out...
November 5, 2012
Utah Undercover Cops Kill Woman Heroin User

Utah Undercover Cops Kill Woman Heroin User

03:41pm Undercover police officers in West Valley, Utah, shot and killed a relapsed heroin user in the parking lot of an apartment building Friday afternoon. Police...
November 5, 2012
High Times: Morality Poll – Part I

High Times: Morality Poll – Part I

HIGH TIMES is conducting a ‘moral poll to find out how pure your stoner hearts are.’ The first deep question is: “If you were told that by your...
November 5, 2012
Supreme Court Hears Drug Dog Cases

Supreme Court Hears Drug Dog Cases

05:55pm The US Supreme Court heard oral arguments on Wednesday in a pair of cases out of Florida involving the use of drug sniffing dogs. One case is...
November 5, 2012
Israel Pushing Ahead in Medical Marijuana Industry

Israel Pushing Ahead in Medical Marijuana Industry

Israel’s medical cannabis industry is expanding, fueled by a strong research sector in medicine and technology, and with government encouragement. Even influential senior rabbis do not voice...
November 5, 2012

British Columbia Public Supports Marijuana Legalization

04:11pm Support for marijuana legalization in British Columbia has reached a whopping 75%, according to a new Angus Reid poll commissioned by Stop the Violence BC, a coalition of...
November 2, 2012
Piece of the Week | The Dugout

Piece of the Week | The Dugout

This week we’re going to salute a staple piece of paraphernalia that every Weedist should have in their kit, the dugout. While a dugout isn’t nearly as sexy as...
November 2, 2012
Final Week Polls Indicate Washington State Likely to Pass Marijuana Legalization

Final Week Polls Indicate Washington State Likely to Pass Marijuana Legalization

In what is likely to be one of last polls coming out of Washington State prior to Election Day, Initiative 502 to regulate marijuana is still holding strong to...
November 2, 2012
‘Superstring Theory’ Co-founder Admonishes Federal Government for Ignoring Science on Medical Marijuana

‘Superstring Theory’ Co-founder Admonishes Federal Government for Ignoring Science on Medical Marijuana

Physicist John Schwarz speaks out in support of marijuana reclassification, and for prioritizing science over politics. Taking his first public political stance, Dr. John Schwarz, co-founder of...
November 2, 2012
New Cannabinoid Drug Offers Novel Pain Management Therapy for Diabetics

New Cannabinoid Drug Offers Novel Pain Management Therapy for Diabetics

Big Pharma is at it again, Nabilone, a synthetic compound that mimics the cannabinoids in marijuana and has been shown to be effective for pain management in...
November 2, 2012
November 6: An Election to Stop the Drug War

November 6: An Election to Stop the Drug War

09:27pm We are now only five days away from Election Day, and it’s starting to look very much like at least one state will vote to legalize...
November 2, 2012
DEA Sweeps Two San Bernardino Medical Marijuana Dispensaries

DEA Sweeps Two San Bernardino Medical Marijuana Dispensaries

The Drug Enforcement Administration on Tuesday raided two medical-marijuana clinics on Highland Avenue, seizing dozens of pounds of marijuana, hash and edible products containing the drug.
November 2, 2012
Dr. Ali Shaygan’s Saga: Prosecutorial Misconduct in the War on Pain Docs

Dr. Ali Shaygan’s Saga: Prosecutorial Misconduct in the War on Pain Docs

08:07pm In what could become an historic case, a Florida doctor acquitted of drug dealing charges over his prescribing practices is asking the US Supreme Court...
November 1, 2012
Colorado Medical Marijuana Dispensaries: 266 Licensed MMCs, 272 Pending

Colorado Medical Marijuana Dispensaries: 266 Licensed MMCs, 272 Pending

As of last week, there were 266 licensed dispensaries in Colorado, with the possibility for almost double that number by the time the state Medical Marijuana Enforcement...
November 1, 2012
Medical Marijuana Update (2012.10.31)

Medical Marijuana Update (2012.10.31)

06:55pm A California appeals court has made a landmark ruling, the DEA keeps on raiding, and a Montana medical marijuana provider refuses a post-conviction plea bargain,...
November 1, 2012
California Medical Association Calls on Governor Brown to Urge for Marijuana’s Reclassification

California Medical Association Calls on Governor Brown to Urge for Marijuana’s Reclassification

More than two weeks ago, with less fanfare than it deserved, the California Medical Association (CMA) voted to urge Governor Brown to petition the federal government to reclassify...
November 1, 2012
Google’s New Voting Tool Finds Your Personalized Ballot and Nearest Polling Place

Google’s New Voting Tool Finds Your Personalized Ballot and Nearest Polling Place

Google has made it easy to find your nearest polling place and the candidates representing your registered address. The newly-launched Voter Info tool pinpoints Election Day essentials and elegantly...