The main adviser to Mexico’s president-elect said Wednesday that votes legalizing recreational marijuana in the U.S. states of Washington and Colorado will force Mexico and the United...
05:16pm Not a day has passed since legalization initiatives passed in two states, and ominous words have already been spoken. According to CBS, “rug laws remain...
It’s a rare day when Canada looks to the United States as a picture of liberalism. On Tuesday, voters in Washington state Washington state and Colorado approved initiatives legalizing the recreational use of...
04:23pm We’ve covered the two-out-three victories for the statewide marijuana legalization initiatives and we’ve covered the medical marijuana initiative victory in Massachusetts, but there was more...
In a legal fight spurred by today’s vote on an Arkansas medical marijuana initiative, vending machine distributors claim that a Christian group defamed them by falsely claiming...
Reclassifying cannabis under state law limits police from going on “fishing expeditions” when they encounter it in “plain view” — such as in someone’s home or car....
If you grow six marijuana plants in BC, prepare to spend six months in the slammer. Canada’s drug prohibition laws got tougher as a component of Bill C-10...
Colorado voted to legalize smoking marijuana Tuesday, but the governor John Hickenlooper warned tokers not to “break out the Cheetos or Goldfish” just yet, since the federal government...
12:13am Sensible Washington, which opposed I-502 due to concerns over the initiative’s DUI provision, has issued a gracious response to the victory, congratulating the 502 campaign and calling...
Despite the passage of ballot initiatives in Washington and Colorado legalizing recreational marijuana, “the Drug Enforcement Administration’s enforcement of the Controlled Substances Act remains unchanged,” a DEA...
10:39pm Massachusetts voters Tuesday supported a medical marijuana initiative decisively by a margin of nearly two-to-one, according to partial results Tuesday evening. With half the vote...
In the hot, crowded Hotel Andra in Belltown, I-502 campaign manager Alison Holcomb has just finished an emotional speech to supporters of the movement. And, she declared, “Today,...
01:44am Colorado voters made history Tuesday night, passing a constitutional amendment to legalize, tax, and regulate marijuana and becoming the first state in the US to...
02:59pm Cornbread Mafia: A Homegrown Syndicate’s Code of Silence and the Biggest Marijuana Bust in American History, by James Higdon (2012, Lyons Press, 375 pp., $16.47...
Undoubtedly most all cannabis law reformers’ eyes will be fixated on both the presidential election (a contest between the former leader of Hawaii’s Choom Gang and expert...
Two men facing drug charges cannot exclude surveillance images of their marijuana grow site that police captured without a warrant, a federal judge ruled. Law enforcement installed...
Two weeks ago, five ambulances were called to Manchester High School Central for students suffering drug-use symptoms. Police said one case was a reported overdose likely involving...
Why Election Day Marks the Beginning of the End of Marijuana Prohibition via The criminalization of cannabis is a policy that has been in place federally...
Preventing physician assistants and nurse practitioners from certifying medical cannabis patients burdens doctors and harms access to care, says the Rhode Island Medical Society.