Category: Best of the Web

(4,087 posts)

The best cannabis posts from around the web

November 14, 2012
Law Professor: US Should Honor States’ New Pot Laws

Law Professor: US Should Honor States’ New Pot Laws

Mark Osler, a law professor and former federal prosecutor, says the federal government should “step back from continuing marijuana prosecutions in Colorado and Washington.” In the conflict of “two...
November 14, 2012
Inside a California Marijuana Grow House in the San Fernando Valley

Inside a California Marijuana Grow House in the San Fernando Valley

There is a warehouse in the San Fernando Valley that looks like any other, but inside there are rows of marijuana plants under intense lighting, fans, classical...
November 14, 2012
RI and ME Lawmakers to Announce Recreational Marijuana Initiatives Tomorrow; VT and MA to Follow

RI and ME Lawmakers to Announce Recreational Marijuana Initiatives Tomorrow; VT and MA to Follow

On Election Day, voters in the states of Colorado and Washington approved ballot initiatives to remove criminal penalties for adult marijuana use and regulate the substance in...
November 14, 2012
How The Federal Government Lies About Everything

How The Federal Government Lies About Everything

It started almost 50 years ago, when even I was a kid. The assassination of JFK shook people’s faith in stability, but it took the Warren Commission report to shake their...
November 14, 2012
How to Invest in Legalized Marijuana

How to Invest in Legalized Marijuana

Mark Twain is said to have remarked that a gold rush is a good time to be in the pick and shovel business. Investors may be able...
November 14, 2012
WA Governor Meets with DOJ on Marijuana Legalization

WA Governor Meets with DOJ on Marijuana Legalization

03:06pm Washington state Governor Christine Gregoire (D) met Tuesday with Deputy Attorney General James Cole to discuss her state’s passage last week of an initiative that...
November 14, 2012
Marijuana Sales in Colorado, Washington Pose Risks for Banks Faced With Federal Law

Marijuana Sales in Colorado, Washington Pose Risks for Banks Faced With Federal Law

U.S. banks in Colorado and Washington state, where voters last week legalized recreational marijuana use, shouldn’t disregard federal laws that consider pot sales criminal, a bank regulator...
November 14, 2012
Citing Marijuana Legalization Vote, Latin Leaders Call for Policy Review

Citing Marijuana Legalization Vote, Latin Leaders Call for Policy Review

03:06pm Last Tuesday’s legalization votes are reverberating not just across the country, but across the hemisphere. Five conservative Latin American heads of state said in a joint...
November 13, 2012
British Columbia Marijuana Activist Wins $25M Lottery Jackpot

British Columbia Marijuana Activist Wins $25M Lottery Jackpot

CBC News is reporting that Robert Erb, a construction worker living in British Columbia who once ran for office on the B.C. Marijuana Party ticket, won $25...
November 13, 2012
Meet the Members of Congress Who Will Make Marijuana Reform an Issue in 2013

Meet the Members of Congress Who Will Make Marijuana Reform an Issue in 2013

Mike Riggs @ Reason covers who in Congress will lead the charge in 2012 for cannabis reform in a post Amendment 64 and I-502 world and how...
November 13, 2012
Medical Marijuana Stock Prices Soar Following Legalization Votes

Medical Marijuana Stock Prices Soar Following Legalization Votes

02:58pm The Medical Marijuana Business Daily reports that several publicly traded companies serving the medical cannabis industry have soared in the stock market since the election:...
November 13, 2012
Will CO and WA Campuses Change Their Marijuana Policies?

Will CO and WA Campuses Change Their Marijuana Policies?

04:38pm A USA Today article predicts colleges in Colorado and Washington won’t be changing their marijuana policies soon: “If someone thinks they are going to walk around...
November 13, 2012

CNN Video: CA Gov Jerry Brown Champions States’ Rights On Cannabis

California Governor Jerry Brown was on CNN’s State of the Union this past Sunday November 11, 2012. Candy Crowley and Governor Brown discussed the recent election results, his push...
November 13, 2012
New York Being Pressured to Legalize Marijuana for Medical Uses

New York Being Pressured to Legalize Marijuana for Medical Uses

“We’re going to negotiate this bill with the wind at our backs. There’s tremendous support to legalize medical marijuana in New York,” said state Sen. Diane Savino,...
November 13, 2012
Head of Maine Medical Marijuana Program Dismissed

Head of Maine Medical Marijuana Program Dismissed

John Thiele, who headed the Maine medical marijuana program within the Department of Health and Human Services, told attendees at a Medical Marijuana Caregivers of Maine event...
November 13, 2012
Another Reason for Mexico to End Its Drug War

Another Reason for Mexico to End Its Drug War

01:51pm Along with catalyzing devastating violence that has claimed 60,000 lives thus far, there’s another good reason for Mexico to end its ill-fated drug war —...
November 12, 2012
Marijuana Votes Have Mexicans Talking Legalization

Marijuana Votes Have Mexicans Talking Legalization

04:18pm With US public support for marijuana legalization now at the 50% mark, and state legalization efforts now starting to come to fruition, people are naturally...
November 12, 2012
Marijuana in Colorado: Ready for Business, Complete with Regulations

Marijuana in Colorado: Ready for Business, Complete with Regulations

Time covers the Colorado cannabis business ecosystem and why it’s ready for legalized recreational marijuana after the state’s solid experience with medical marijuana.
November 12, 2012
Colorado Dems to Seek Federal Exemption from Marijuana Prohibition

Colorado Dems to Seek Federal Exemption from Marijuana Prohibition

11:43am All three Democratic members of Colorado’s Congressional delegation are planning legislation for next year that would exempt states enacting legalization systems for marijuana from the...
November 12, 2012
Bill Maher To Mason Tvert: Help Cali Legalize Cannabis and I’ll Fund It

Bill Maher To Mason Tvert: Help Cali Legalize Cannabis and I’ll Fund It

Mason Tvert, Executive Director for the Campaign to Regulate Marijuana like Alcohol, was on last Friday’s episode of Real Time with Bill Maher on HBO, and talks...