Category: Best of the Web

(4,087 posts)

The best cannabis posts from around the web

November 16, 2012
Alabama Legislators: No Medical Marijuana Legalization for a Long Time

Alabama Legislators: No Medical Marijuana Legalization for a Long Time

Alabama’s House Health Committee today held a 90-minute public hearing on the pros and cons of medicinal marijuana. At the conclusion, the committee chairman and a legislative...
November 16, 2012
Voters Legalize Marijuana, States Dismiss Hundreds of Pending Marijuana Cases

Voters Legalize Marijuana, States Dismiss Hundreds of Pending Marijuana Cases

Many wondered just what the exact effects of passing a marijuana legalization law would be. Some speculated no good would come of passing a state law while...
November 16, 2012
“Littering” Is New Excuse for Mandatory Federal Checkpoints

“Littering” Is New Excuse for Mandatory Federal Checkpoints

It almost sounds like a headline from The Onion, or a sardonic joke from an apocalyptic novel. But it’s quite true, and dead serious. The American public...
November 16, 2012
Glendale Arizona Medical Marijuana Dispensary Could Be Open as Soon as Friday

Glendale Arizona Medical Marijuana Dispensary Could Be Open as Soon as Friday

A Glendale medical marijuana dispensary will be inspected by state officials on Thursday, and is poised to be the first such establishment to open in Arizona.
November 16, 2012
WA Governor-Elect Inslee: It is in the Best Interest of State and Country to Allow Legalization

WA Governor-Elect Inslee: It is in the Best Interest of State and Country to Allow Legalization

During a press conference today, the governor-elect for the state of Washington, Jay Inslee, defended his state’s recently approved marijuana legalization initiative. He stated that he believes...
November 16, 2012
Advocates for Medical Marijuana Prepare for 2013 Maryland Legislative Session

Advocates for Medical Marijuana Prepare for 2013 Maryland Legislative Session

There will be another push to legalize medical marijuana in Maryland during the 2013 legislative session, which begins in less than two months.
November 16, 2012
Uruguay Marijuana Legalization Bill Allows Home Grows and Sales

Uruguay Marijuana Legalization Bill Allows Home Grows and Sales

03:59pm A Uruguayan bill that would create a system of state-licensed marijuana sales and commercial cultivation was presented to Congress Wednesday, and, according to Reuters, includes...
November 15, 2012
Marijuana Legalization: What Can/Will the Feds Do?

Marijuana Legalization: What Can/Will the Feds Do?

09:30pm In the wake of last week’s victories for marijuana legalization in Colorado and Washington, everyone is waiting to see how the federal government will respond....
November 15, 2012
Marijuana Legalization: States Send Message, Feds Aren’t Listening

Marijuana Legalization: States Send Message, Feds Aren’t Listening

Voters in Washington and Colorado didn’t just pass historic measures legalizing recreational marijuana use last week, they blew smoke in the face of Attorney General Eric Holder and, by...
November 15, 2012
Medical Marijuana Update (2012.11.14)

Medical Marijuana Update (2012.11.14)

04:52pm All eyes may have been on the election last week, but the battles over medical marijuana didn’t go away. Here are the highlights from the...
November 15, 2012
POLL: Americans Evenly Split on Marijuana Legalization, But Overwhelmingly View It As State Issue

POLL: Americans Evenly Split on Marijuana Legalization, But Overwhelmingly View It As State Issue

Polling data released Tuesday by Rasmussen Reports shows the American public is now evenly split on the issue of marijuana legalization, with 45% in support, 45% opposed,...
November 15, 2012
Barney Frank and Ron Paul Urge White House to Respect Marijuana Laws in Colorado, Washington

Barney Frank and Ron Paul Urge White House to Respect Marijuana Laws in Colorado, Washington

Representatives Barney Frank, a Democrat from Massachusetts, and Republican Ron Paul of Texas, polar opposites on many issues, joined together Wednesday in asking the White House to refrain...
November 15, 2012
Increasing Acceptance of Marijuana Is Not the End of the NJ Weedman’s Troubles

Increasing Acceptance of Marijuana Is Not the End of the NJ Weedman’s Troubles

One of the nation’s most patriotic potheads, Ed Forchion, wanted to celebrate the Election Day victories, but the doors to his Los Angeles medical marijuana dispensary were...
November 15, 2012
Decriminalize Drug Use, Say UK Experts After Six-year Study

Decriminalize Drug Use, Say UK Experts After Six-year Study

A 6-year study of Britain’s drug laws by the UK Drug Policy Commission, an independent advisory body of leading scientists, police officers, academics and experts has concluded it’s time for decriminalization and...
November 15, 2012
Marijuana Legalization Victories Are Already Ripping the Drug War Apart

Marijuana Legalization Victories Are Already Ripping the Drug War Apart

01:08pm Of all the fascinating reactions I’ve seen to Colorado and Washington’s successful marijuana legalization initiatives, this is by far the most extraordinary. MEXICO CITY —...
November 15, 2012
Cannabis Use by Seniors and Aging | Granny Storm Crow’s MMJ Reference

Cannabis Use by Seniors and Aging | Granny Storm Crow’s MMJ Reference

Here is a comprehensive list of research articles, abstracts, news stories and other references about cannabis use by seniors and aging. These links are listed under ‘Seniors...
November 15, 2012
Boulder DA Stops Marijuana Possession Prosecutions

Boulder DA Stops Marijuana Possession Prosecutions

05:10pm The district attorney in Colorado’s Boulder County announced Wednesday he will dismiss all pending small-time marijuana and paraphernalia possession cases, saying that given overwhelming support...
November 15, 2012
Legalized Marijuana: What It Means for Workers

Legalized Marijuana: What It Means for Workers

While Colorado and Washington have legalized possession of up to an ounce of marijuana by adults, Marketwatch investigates what it means for workers there.
November 15, 2012
This Week’s Corrupt Cops Stories (2012.11.14)

This Week’s Corrupt Cops Stories (2012.11.14)

04:00pm A tweaked out former Oklahoma police chief cops a plea, a Mississippi cop admits to running interference for supposed drug traffickers, and a Louisiana narc...
November 14, 2012
82 Percent of Americans Think the U.S. Is Losing the War on Drugs

82 Percent of Americans Think the U.S. Is Losing the War on Drugs

Only 7% of American adults think the U.S. is winning the war on drugs, says a new Rasmussen telephone poll, while 82% say the U.S. is losing...