Families on Realm of Caring’s out-of-state wait list received emails this week that Charlotte’s Web Hemp Oil™ will now be available for shipping to all 50 states....
According to the Huffington Post, the state of New York may see the regulation and taxation of marijuana for legal recreational use as early as 2015. State...
Puff, puff, pass the paperwork. About 9.74% of Americans have gone to work under the influence of marijuana, according to a survey conducted by SurveyMonkey for Mashable....
Our first-ever medical marijuana update with no news from California. But there are things going in places that are not the usual suspects–a sign of changing times,...
An Israeli start-up has developed a new type of vaporizing device, which they believe will give more doctors the confidence to prescribe marijuana. The Syqe Inhaler is...
Pennsylvania lawmakers returned to the Capitol from their summer recess Monday, while medical marijuana supporters rallied for Senate Bill 1182, or the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis...
The so-called “no welfare for weed bill,” which would block pot shops from accepting welfare debit cards, passed the House of Representatives Tuesday. The Preserving Welfare for...
Confronted with a room full of teary parents with sick children, Colorado health authorities on Tuesday changed course on a plan to limit marijuana caregivers to 10...
Adding to his ever-growing series of pro-cannabis law reform song parody videos, as well as in support of his home state’s current efforts to pass a medical cannabis...
On any given Sunday in the NFL, winners and losers can be hard to predict, as every fan and athlete knows. Now medical cannabis advocates are tasting...
In this issue of Terpene Profiles, the properties of myrcene are broken down and the therapeutic benefits are explored. Get to know this terpene and discover what...
The state of New York could legalize marijuana for recreational use as early as 2015. State Sen. Liz Krueger (D) will reintroduce the Marijuana Regulation and Taxation...
Rhode Island’s next legislative session begins in January, so it’s important that we continue to build support for taxing and regulating marijuana like alcohol. If you are a...
About 200 people came out to audition for a new web reality show in Denver Saturday. The director of the project calls “The Marijuana Show” The Apprentice...
NORML PAC has endorsed long-time marijuana law reform supporter Paul Zuckerberg in his campaign to become the first elected Attorney General for the District of Columbia. “DC’s...
New Jersey remains a poor excuse for a medical marijuana state, and patients continue to suffer the consequences. Currently, there remain only three dispensaries in the state,...
Marijuana can affect how often you dream by rearranging your sleep cycle. People who smoke marijuana before bed often struggle to recall their dreams the next morning....
Tuesday’s primary election in New Hampshire produced remarkably positive results for those of us who care about reforming the state’s marijuana laws. The New Hampshire Senate has been the...
Earlier this year, Hollywood-born ganja entrepreneur Henry Mark, 24, introduced Los Angeles to the Stoned Oven Gourmet Pizza, placing his frozen $10 pies in a handful of...