Category: Best of the Web

(4,087 posts)

The best cannabis posts from around the web

December 3, 2012
CBS Poll Has Support for Marijuana Legalization at All-Time High

CBS Poll Has Support for Marijuana Legalization at All-Time High

02:59pm A CBS News poll released this week has support for marijuana legalization at an all-time high, with as many Americans now saying it should be legal as...
December 3, 2012
Congressional Lawmakers Introduce Legislation to Halt Federal Interference In State Marijuana Laws

Congressional Lawmakers Introduce Legislation to Halt Federal Interference In State Marijuana Laws

United States Representatives have introduced bipartisan legislation in Congress — House Bill 6606, The Respect States’ and Citizens’ Rights Act of 2012 — to amend the US Controlled...
November 30, 2012
Piece of the Week | Hello Kitty

Piece of the Week | Hello Kitty

Hello Kitty is a defining piece of Japanese pop culture. Originally introduced by Sanrio Co. Ltd. into the Japanese market in 1974, Hello Kitty was brought to...
November 30, 2012
Marijuana Legalization Favored in US, Canada

Marijuana Legalization Favored in US, Canada

03:14pm A new Angus-Reid Public Opinion poll has majorities favoring marijuana legalization in both Canada and the US. According to the poll, 57% of Canadians and 54% of...
November 30, 2012
TSA Says Flying Between Colorado and Washington With Marijuana Will Be Okay… Sort Of

TSA Says Flying Between Colorado and Washington With Marijuana Will Be Okay… Sort Of

According to the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), if medical marijuana patients’ paperwork checks out, they can board a flight with meds in tow as long as they are headed...
November 30, 2012
Massachusetts: NORML Files Friend of Court Brief – Sharing Marijuana Cigarette Not Criminal Distribution

Massachusetts: NORML Files Friend of Court Brief – Sharing Marijuana Cigarette Not Criminal Distribution

Members of the NORML Legal Committee (NLC) have filed a friend-of-the-court amicus brief in the case of Commonwealth v. Antonio Pacheco, scheduled for oral argument in the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court (SJC) at 9:00...
November 30, 2012
Bridgeport Mayor Bill Finch Backs Medical Marijuana Farm for City

Bridgeport Mayor Bill Finch Backs Medical Marijuana Farm for City

Bridgeport Mayor Bill Finch wants zoning commissioners to speed up economic growth and that includes approving a medical marijuana farm.
November 30, 2012
California Marijuana Decriminalization Drops Youth Crime Rate to Record Low: Study

California Marijuana Decriminalization Drops Youth Crime Rate to Record Low: Study

A new study “California Youth Crime Plunges to All-Time Low” shows between 2010 and 2011, California experienced a drastic 20 percent decrease in juvenile crime, a level...
November 30, 2012
Pot Seized at Border Will Not Be Used Against Teenager

Pot Seized at Border Will Not Be Used Against Teenager

A brick of marijuana that Border Patrol agents found in a boy’s pants while frisking him illegally should have been excluded as evidence, the 9th Circuit ruled...
By: Tim Hull
November 30, 2012
Massachusetts Becomes the 18th Medical Marijuana State; Now Comes the Difficult Work of Implementation

Massachusetts Becomes the 18th Medical Marijuana State; Now Comes the Difficult Work of Implementation

Earlier this month, an overwhelming sixty-three percent of Massachusetts voters approved Ballot Question 3 and, in so doing, became the country’s 18th state to pass a medical marijuana law. Massachusetts is...
November 30, 2012
Chronicle DVD Review: Code of the West

Chronicle DVD Review: Code of the West

03:37pm DVD Review: Code of the West, directed by Rebecca Richman Cohen (2012, Racing Horse Films, 71 minutes) In Code of the West, Emmy nominated filmmaker Rebecca Richman...
November 29, 2012
Outrage at Potential Sentence for Montana Marijuana Grower

Outrage at Potential Sentence for Montana Marijuana Grower

05:43pm Chris Williams is sitting in a private federal prison on the Montana prairie these days awaiting sentencing. If the federal government has its way, he...
November 29, 2012
Mendocino Officials Mum on Federal Medical Pot Subpoena

Mendocino Officials Mum on Federal Medical Pot Subpoena

Both Federal and Mendocino County officials declined to comment on a federal subpoena for financial records regarding the county’s medical marijuana ordinance, a local paper reported. Under...
November 29, 2012
Medical Marijuana Update (2012.11.28)

Medical Marijuana Update (2012.11.28)

04:16pm Arizona marks a medical marijuana first, there’s an ominous move by the feds in Northern California, Illinois is considering a medical marijuana bill, and that’s...
November 29, 2012
New Jersey Medical Marijuana Patients Hopeful the Last Hurdle Has Been Cleared

New Jersey Medical Marijuana Patients Hopeful the Last Hurdle Has Been Cleared

New Jersey medical marijuana patients say they have encountered mostly silence for more than three months as they have waited anxiously for the call saying the nonprofit...
November 29, 2012
DC Department of Health to Educate Prospective Medical Marijuana Patients in Dec Town Hall Meeting

DC Department of Health to Educate Prospective Medical Marijuana Patients in Dec Town Hall Meeting

Forum and survey will help gauge patient needs and guide their participation in new program District voters overwhelmingly passed the Legalization of Marijuana for Medical Treatment Initiative...
November 29, 2012
Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Up in Smoke in Peabody, Massachusetts

Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Up in Smoke in Peabody, Massachusetts

The Peabody City Council Legal Affairs Committee voted 4-1 against allowing medical marijuana dispensaries in the city.
November 29, 2012
This Week’s Corrupt Cops Stories (2012.11.28)

This Week’s Corrupt Cops Stories (2012.11.28)

03:12pm There seem to be some problems with drug task force leadership in Mississippi, and a Michigan cop gets in trouble for treating the forfeiture shed...
November 29, 2012
Governor Hickenlooper to Create Marijuana Task Force to Iron Out Laws for Legal Weed in Colorado

Governor Hickenlooper to Create Marijuana Task Force to Iron Out Laws for Legal Weed in Colorado

Colorado Governor Hickenlooper will create a marijuana task force to help iron out the new laws and policy regarding legal marijuana in the state.
November 29, 2012
Harborside Health Center Must Stay Open, Oakland Says

Harborside Health Center Must Stay Open, Oakland Says

Forfeiture proceedings against a medical marijuana dispensary should be stayed while a federal judge considers claims that such regulation belongs to the states, the city of Oakland...