Category: Best of the Web

(4,087 posts)

The best cannabis posts from around the web

December 5, 2012
Arizona Marijuana Law Is Constitutional, State Judge Says

Arizona Marijuana Law Is Constitutional, State Judge Says

An Arizona voter-approved law that decriminalizes the possession and sale of marijuana for medical uses isn’t pre-empted by the federal Controlled Substances Act, and therefore is not unconstitutional, a state...
December 5, 2012
Encouraging Anti-diabetic Results for New Cannabinoid Drug from GW Pharmaceuticals

Encouraging Anti-diabetic Results for New Cannabinoid Drug from GW Pharmaceuticals

A new cannabis-based medicine from GW Pharmaceuticals (GWP42004) has been identified as a potential drug treatment for patients with type 2 diabetes.
December 5, 2012
This Week’s Corrupt Cops Stories (2012.12.04)

This Week’s Corrupt Cops Stories (2012.12.04)

09:12pm Greed strikes down a pair of cops, including a Bay Area drug task force commander, and two more go down because of dope habits they...
December 5, 2012
Landlord Can’t Evict Harborside Health Center, Oakland’s Largest Medical Marijuana Dispensary

Landlord Can’t Evict Harborside Health Center, Oakland’s Largest Medical Marijuana Dispensary

Ana Chretien, the landlord for Harborside Health Center (Oakland’s largest medical marijuana dispensary), cannot evict the business just because the federal government has threatened to seize the...
December 5, 2012
Bipartisan Lawmakers Introduce “Respect States’ and Citizens’ Rights Act”

Bipartisan Lawmakers Introduce “Respect States’ and Citizens’ Rights Act”

A bipartisan group of legislators from around the country led by Rep. Diana DeGette  (D-Colorado) introduced a bill in Congress today that would clarify that Colorado and...
December 5, 2012
Fake Marijuana Use Is a Serious Problem for Teens

Fake Marijuana Use Is a Serious Problem for Teens

Close to 11,500 people were treated in emergency rooms in 2010 for nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and other symptoms related to the use of synthetic or fake marijuana products, such as “K2”...
December 5, 2012
Poll: Solid Majority of Voters Back Legalizing Cannabis

Poll: Solid Majority of Voters Back Legalizing Cannabis

Nearly six out of ten Americans support legalizing cannabis, according to a just released Public Policy Polling automated telephone survey of 1,325 voters, commissioned by the Marijuana Policy Project. 58...
December 4, 2012
First Non-Violent Drug Offender Released Under CA Prop 36

First Non-Violent Drug Offender Released Under CA Prop 36

02:14pm It didn’t take long. Voters in California last month approved Proposition 36, which amends the state’s draconian Three Strikes law to require that a third...
December 4, 2012
Medical Marijuana Clinic Eyes Locations in Framingham, Needham and Newton Massachusetts

Medical Marijuana Clinic Eyes Locations in Framingham, Needham and Newton Massachusetts

A Newton Massachusetts native is working with California-based CannaMed to open consultation centers in Framingham, Newton Centre and Needham to “approve” patients for medical marijuana.
December 4, 2012
Medical Marijuana Advocates Urge Mendocino County Officials to Fight Federal Subpoena for Records

Medical Marijuana Advocates Urge Mendocino County Officials to Fight Federal Subpoena for Records

The Mendocino Board of Supervisors and County Counsel Thomas Parker are scheduled to meet in a closed-door session Tuesday to discuss a pending federal subpoena for records...
December 4, 2012
Marijuana’s Fate May Hinge on Raisins and Wheat

Marijuana’s Fate May Hinge on Raisins and Wheat

The Supreme Court of the United States has agreed to hear from California raisin producers who are challenging a federal price support program granted by the Constitution’s Commerce Clause and...
December 4, 2012
Colorado Business Groups Ask Feds to Enforce Marijuana Laws

Colorado Business Groups Ask Feds to Enforce Marijuana Laws

01:46pm Some 20 Colorado business organizations wrote a letter to US Attorney General Eric Holder last Friday urging him to enforce federal laws barring the sale and possession...
December 4, 2012
Colorado Cannabis Coffeeshops?

Colorado Cannabis Coffeeshops?

While someone smoking pot at a table on a patio or next to a window might run afoul of the Amendment 64 ban on “openly and publicly”...
December 4, 2012
Legal Marijuana: a $46 Billion Industry?

Legal Marijuana: a $46 Billion Industry?

The Medical Marijuana Business Daily, an industry new service, projects that if marijuana were legalized nationwide it would result in a market potentially worth more than $46 billion.
December 4, 2012
Coast Guard Officer Killed By Drug Smugglers

Coast Guard Officer Killed By Drug Smugglers

01:13pm A member of the US Coast Guard was killed in the line of duty early Sunday morning when his vessel was rammed by a panga...
December 3, 2012
University Bans Student NORML Chapter From School Logo Use On T-shirts

University Bans Student NORML Chapter From School Logo Use On T-shirts

Iowa State University has rescinded permission for NORML ISU, its campus chapter, to use the Cy logo (school mascot) on its T-shirts. On the front is “NORML ISU,”...
December 3, 2012
Washington Set to Legalize Marijuana Use Without Justice Department Guidance

Washington Set to Legalize Marijuana Use Without Justice Department Guidance

Adults in Washington state will be able to smoke marijuana legally on Thursday, even though the Justice Department has offered no guidance on the conflict with federal...
December 3, 2012
Marijuana Advocates Hope to Rise from ‘Prohibition’

Marijuana Advocates Hope to Rise from ‘Prohibition’

However pot’s future is going to play out in this country, its recent path to limited legalization has interesting parallels to alcohol, which was banned by the...
December 3, 2012
Legal Marijuana May Give NFL a Headache

Legal Marijuana May Give NFL a Headache

The Denver Broncos and Seattle Seahawks play in states where marijuana is now legal, a massive potential legal and public relations headache for the NFL. This could have implications for where...
December 3, 2012
Spottedcrow Flies Free

Spottedcrow Flies Free

by Sabrina Fendrick, NORML Women’s Alliance, November 30, 2012 Patricia Spottedcrow, an Oklahoma woman who was sentenced to 12 years for selling $31 worth of pot, with...