Category: Best of the Web

(4,087 posts)

The best cannabis posts from around the web

December 7, 2012
Piece of the Week | Spine Pipes and Bongs

Piece of the Week | Spine Pipes and Bongs

Using medical marijuana for your back pain? Medical advances may someday allow you to replace your spine, but until then you can remind yourself exactly why you...
December 7, 2012
Sir Richard Branson: War on Drugs a Trillion-Dollar Failure

Sir Richard Branson: War on Drugs a Trillion-Dollar Failure

Sir Richard Branson, the founder of Virgin Group and a member of the Global Drug Commission poses the simple question on drug prohibition; What do we have to...
December 7, 2012
Arizona’s Medical Marijuana Law Upheld

Arizona’s Medical Marijuana Law Upheld

Arizona’s medical marijuana law is not pre-empted by federal drug laws because it does not stop the federal government from enforcing its laws, a Superior Court judge...
December 7, 2012
First Arizona Medical Marijuana Dispensary Set to Open

First Arizona Medical Marijuana Dispensary Set to Open

Arizona’s first legal medical marijuana dispensary is to open in Glendale two years after voters approved the use of the drug to treat certain health problems such...
December 7, 2012
A History of Pot, From George Washington to Legalizing Ganja

A History of Pot, From George Washington to Legalizing Ganja

The grass is no greener. But, finally, it’s legal — at least somewhere in America. It’s been a long, strange trip for marijuana.
December 7, 2012
Georgia Police Kill Armed Man During Marijuana Bust

Georgia Police Kill Armed Man During Marijuana Bust

04:35pm Police officers in Buford, Georgia, shot and killed a man who refused to drop his weapon after they encountered him as they investigated a report...
December 7, 2012
Ithaca Mayor: Legalize Marijuana in New York

Ithaca Mayor: Legalize Marijuana in New York

Ithaca Mayor Svante Myrick has called on New York lawmakers to allow medical marijuana and consider legalizing marijuana in general.
December 7, 2012
Cannabis Is Now Legal in Washington State

Cannabis Is Now Legal in Washington State

History was made in Washington on Election night when 55 percent of voters decided in favor of Initiative 502. And at 12am this morning, history was made once again. Today,...
December 7, 2012
First Ounces Leave a New Jersey Medical Marijuana Dispensary

First Ounces Leave a New Jersey Medical Marijuana Dispensary

New Jersey’s first and so far only medical marijuana dispensary opened in downtown Montclair on Thursday, nearly three years after the law allowing such enterprises was passed.
December 7, 2012
Washington State’s Cannabis Legalization Explored in Detail on NPR

Washington State’s Cannabis Legalization Explored in Detail on NPR

On what sounded more like ‘National Pot Radio’ than good ol’ National Public Radio, a two-part series today on the morning and afternoon shows did a good...
December 6, 2012
Pennsylvania Medical Marijuana Bill to Be Considered in 2013 – Maybe

Pennsylvania Medical Marijuana Bill to Be Considered in 2013 – Maybe

Over the last four years, two medical marijuana bills have sat in the Pennsylvania legislature, just waiting to come up for a vote. And they haven’t. Not...
December 6, 2012
How to Sell Marijuana Legally, In Four Inconvenient Steps

How to Sell Marijuana Legally, In Four Inconvenient Steps

John Davis, who runs a legal medical marijuana business in Washington, shares with NPR 4 key steps in trying to operate in the cannabis industry, as it’s really...
December 6, 2012
Quinnipiac Pollster Calls Marijuana Legalization “Just a Matter of Time”

Quinnipiac Pollster Calls Marijuana Legalization “Just a Matter of Time”

08:46pm The third different poll in less than a week to report a majority favoring marijuana legalization was released Wednesday, with the pollster saying the results...
December 6, 2012
Jamen Shively: Microsoft Executive Turned Marijuana Entrepreneur

Jamen Shively: Microsoft Executive Turned Marijuana Entrepreneur

Jamen Shively, a former Microsoft executive, has decided to enter the marijuana gold rush about to occur in Washington state “by creating the category of premium marijuana,...
December 6, 2012
Seattle Feds Warn Public: Don’t Bring Weed to Our Buildings and Parks

Seattle Feds Warn Public: Don’t Bring Weed to Our Buildings and Parks

On Wednesday, one day before Initiative 502 goes in effect in Washington, feds in Seattle gave the public a warning about bringing any amount of pot into courthouses,...
By: Lateralus
December 6, 2012
$1.5B Worth of Marijuana Confiscated in Appalachia (Kentucky, Tennessee and West Virginia)

$1.5B Worth of Marijuana Confiscated in Appalachia (Kentucky, Tennessee and West Virginia)

Federal, state and local law enforcement agencies confiscated more than $1.5 billion worth of marijuana this year in Appalachia, a region where widespread unemployment may be enticing...
December 6, 2012
Medical Marijuana Update (2012.12.05)

Medical Marijuana Update (2012.12.05)

03:42pm Yes, it’s true, medical marijuana dispensaries really are coming in Arizona, and in Massachusetts. Meanwhile, Harborside wins in state court, and Mendocino County ponders a...
December 6, 2012
Saugus, Massachusetts Board of Selectmen Bans Marijuana Dispensaries

Saugus, Massachusetts Board of Selectmen Bans Marijuana Dispensaries

The Saugus, Massachusetts Board of Selectmen took a strong position opposing medical marijuana dispensaries, voting 5-0 to prohibit the placement of marijuana distribution points in town.
December 6, 2012
Prohibition Repealed 80 Years Ago Today — and Again One Day from Now

Prohibition Repealed 80 Years Ago Today — and Again One Day from Now

01:16pm On December 5, 1933, the 21st amendment to the Constitution was ratified, repealing federal prohibition of alcohol and sending alcohol regulation back to the states. Tomorrow,...
December 5, 2012
Marijuana Charge Dropped Against NFL Lions’ Nick Fairley

Marijuana Charge Dropped Against NFL Lions’ Nick Fairley

A Mobile, Alabama municipal judge has dismissed a misdemeanor marijuana charge against Detroit Lions defensive tackle Nick Fairley.