Category: Best of the Web

(4,087 posts)

The best cannabis posts from around the web

December 17, 2012
Federal Government Reportedly Vastly Expands Big Data Spying, Includes Innocent Citizens

Federal Government Reportedly Vastly Expands Big Data Spying, Includes Innocent Citizens

After fierce internal controversy, the White House has reportedly authorized a vast expansion of spying capabilities, including the ability to investigate innocent citizens. One senior official called the...
December 17, 2012
Speaker Says He’ll Let Vermont House Debate Marijuana Decriminalization

Speaker Says He’ll Let Vermont House Debate Marijuana Decriminalization

Vermont House Speaker Shap Smith (D) says he has his own misgivings, but he won’t block the Vermont House from debating decriminalization of marijuana, which Gov. Peter Shumlin...
December 17, 2012
Arizona Court of Appeals to Hear Medical Marijuana Case

Arizona Court of Appeals to Hear Medical Marijuana Case

The Arizona Court of Appeals will hear oral arguments on a high-profile medical marijuana case on Dec. 20. The Maricopa County Attorney requested that the appellate court...
December 17, 2012
Obama Breaks His Silence on Marijuana Legalization: We’ve Got Bigger Fish to Fry Than Cannabis Users

Obama Breaks His Silence on Marijuana Legalization: We’ve Got Bigger Fish to Fry Than Cannabis Users

Breaking his silence on the topic of marijuana legalization since two states approved ballot initiatives to regulate cannabis, President Barack Obama addressed the issue in an interview with Barbara...
December 14, 2012
Piece of the Week | Pokemon Paraphernalia

Piece of the Week | Pokemon Paraphernalia

Pokemon has become a pop culture phenomenon, time to check out some Pokemon paraphernalia. Pokemon Paraphernalia For those unfamiliar with Pokemon, it was created in 1996 by...
December 14, 2012
Michigan Cops Ponder Detroit Marijuana Legalization Vote

Michigan Cops Ponder Detroit Marijuana Legalization Vote

05:17pm Voters in Detroit overwhelmingly approved legalizing the possession of small amounts of marijuana by adults on private property in last month’s elections, but according to Michigan...
December 14, 2012
ASA Comments on CA Sales Tax Exemption Proposal

ASA Comments on CA Sales Tax Exemption Proposal

Recently, the California State Board of Equalization asked for comments on a conceptual proposal to exempt terminally ill patients from paying sales tax on cannabis provided by dispensaries. In...
December 14, 2012
Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Say County Changed the Rules

Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Say County Changed the Rules

Two medical marijuana dispensaries sued Kern County, claiming they spent a total of $99,000 to set up under state and local laws, only to have the county...
December 14, 2012
Colorado Attorney General Suthers Says He Will Respect Marijuana Measure

Colorado Attorney General Suthers Says He Will Respect Marijuana Measure

Colorado Attorney General John Suthers, an ardent opponent of marijuana legalization, said Wednesday he would respect the will of the voters on Amendment 64 but cast doubt...
December 14, 2012
Senate Judiciary Committee to Hold Hearings on Marijuana Policy

Senate Judiciary Committee to Hold Hearings on Marijuana Policy

04:08pm Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-VT) said in a statement Thursday that he intends to hold a hearing seeking information about how the Obama...
December 14, 2012
Don’t Eat Daddy’s Cookies: How to Talk to Your Kids About Pot

Don’t Eat Daddy’s Cookies: How to Talk to Your Kids About Pot

As moms and dads figure out how to negotiate marijuana’s transition from illegal drug to just another ho-hum way to unwind, TIME sought advice from experts on...
December 14, 2012
Study: Cannabis Associated With Lower Diabetes Risk

Study: Cannabis Associated With Lower Diabetes Risk

Adults with a history of marijuana use have a lower prevalence of type 2 diabetes and possess a lower risk of contracting the disease than those with...
December 13, 2012
Medical Marijuana Update (2012.12.12)

Medical Marijuana Update (2012.12.12)

06:21pm Lots of action–good, bad, and ugly–in California this week, plus a Washington appeals court ruling that appears to clear the way for dispensaries. Let’s get...
December 13, 2012
Listen to Voters President Obama, Not the Vice President!

Listen to Voters President Obama, Not the Vice President!

According to Rolling Stone: “There are not many friends to legalization in this administration,” says Kevin Sabet, director of the Drug Policy Institute at the University of Florida...
December 13, 2012
This Week’s Corrupt Cops Stories (2012.12.12)

This Week’s Corrupt Cops Stories (2012.12.12)

04:40pm Another Border Patrol agent goes bad, an Orlando cop power trips his way to trouble, a former Texas cop has problems with sticky fingers, and...
December 13, 2012

Sonoma’s Medical Pot Guidelines Stand

The Sonoma County Board of Supervisors has postponed the decision to repeal a 2006 medical marijuana ordinance, which was called “very permissive” by one of the leaders...
December 13, 2012
Pot Patient Wins Custody Case

Pot Patient Wins Custody Case

Defense Attorney Lauren K. Johnson won a major court victory for parents who legally use marijuana for medical purposes last week in Los Angeles.  In the case of Drake...
December 13, 2012
Will National Legalized Marijuana Help or Hurt Big Pharma, Tobacco and Alcohol?

Will National Legalized Marijuana Help or Hurt Big Pharma, Tobacco and Alcohol?

In a country desperate for tax revenue, and an aging population that grew up with marijuana as part of the landscape, the concept of national marijuana legalization...
December 13, 2012
President Jimmy Carter: I’m in Favor of Legalizing Marijuana

President Jimmy Carter: I’m in Favor of Legalizing Marijuana

Today, speaking to a CNN panel, Former President Jimmy Carter stated that he is in favor of legalizing marijuana. On the topic of the recently passed initiatives in Washington...
December 13, 2012
Washington Medical Marijuana Dispenser’s Conviction Overturned

Washington Medical Marijuana Dispenser’s Conviction Overturned

The drug-trafficking convictions of the man who operated Spokane’s first medical marijuana dispensary were reversed Tuesday in a state Appeals Court ruling that also appears to clear...