Category: Best of the Web

(4,087 posts)

The best cannabis posts from around the web

December 21, 2012
Michigan Court Rules Collective Marijuana Growing Illegal

Michigan Court Rules Collective Marijuana Growing Illegal

Michigan’s medical marijuana law does not allow a collective grow operation, the state Supreme Court said Wednesday in the case of Ryan Bylsma, a Grand Rapids man who...
December 21, 2012
Seattle Medical Marijuana Dispensary Owner Sentenced in Federal Court

Seattle Medical Marijuana Dispensary Owner Sentenced in Federal Court

Brionne Corbray, known a year ago as a flashy medical marijuana entrepreneur, on Wednesday became the first Seattle dispensary owner to be sentenced on federal drug-dealing charges.
December 21, 2012
Teen Pot Use Stalls as States Continue to Regulate Use

Teen Pot Use Stalls as States Continue to Regulate Use

012 Despite several attempts by the media and policy makers to associate the rising number of state regulated medical marijuana programs (and popular legalization efforts) with a...
December 21, 2012
Seattle Police Department Loosens Rules On Marijuana Use For Recruits

Seattle Police Department Loosens Rules On Marijuana Use For Recruits

A month after Washington became the first state in the nation to legalize marijuana for adult recreational use, the Seattle Police Department has relaxed its rules on...
December 21, 2012
Chronicle Review Essay: What Next for Mexico?

Chronicle Review Essay: What Next for Mexico?

012, 11:34am The Fire Next Door: Mexico’s Drug Violence and the Danger to America by Ted Galen Carpenter (2012, Cato Institute, 307 pp., $16.57 HB Amazon) Drug War...
December 21, 2012
Marijuana Laws Enforced, Poor Hit Hardest

Marijuana Laws Enforced, Poor Hit Hardest

An opponent of legalization says it would exacerbate inequality in the United States. But he fails to account for the impact of jail time on inequality under...
December 21, 2012
US Law Enforcement Seeking To Use Drones For Domestic Policing

US Law Enforcement Seeking To Use Drones For Domestic Policing

012 Electronic Freedom Foundation board member and drug policy reform activist John Gilmore memo: EFF.ORG (where I’m on the board) filed a Freedom of Information request to FAA about...
December 21, 2012
Marijuana’s New Market

Marijuana’s New Market

It’s a new age for weed. Find out who’s capitalizing on liberal new laws and where.
December 21, 2012
Harborside and the Feds’ Failed Medical Marijuana Communications

Harborside and the Feds’ Failed Medical Marijuana Communications

012, 07:10pm Harborside is in the news again today. Two weeks ago we noted the premiere (and largest) dispensary had won a battle in state court. Facing threats by federal authorities...
December 21, 2012
The Top Ten Drug Policy Stories of 2012

The Top Ten Drug Policy Stories of 2012

012, 11:21am In some ways, 2012 has been a year of dramatic, exciting change in drug policy, as the edifice of global drug prohibition appears to crumble...
December 20, 2012
Medical Marijuana Update (2012.12.19)

Medical Marijuana Update (2012.12.19)

08:38pm Dispensary wars continue in California, a package of restrictive bills passes in Michigan, and DC’s long-awaited dispensaries are a step closer to opening. California Last...
December 20, 2012
Increased Real Estate Interest in Medical Cannabis Lenient States

Increased Real Estate Interest in Medical Cannabis Lenient States, a real estate website, is detecting a small yet increasing trend under-current in the ocean of politics. There is an amplified interest in the states where medical...
December 20, 2012
Zen Healing: Veterans Get Free Marijuana at Los Angeles Dispensary With Proof of Military Service

Zen Healing: Veterans Get Free Marijuana at Los Angeles Dispensary With Proof of Military Service

West Hollywood medical marijuana dispensary Zen Healing announced this week that it’s giving vets a true “gift of appreciation:” Free weed!
December 20, 2012
Video: Cop Gives Two Women Body Cavity Search for Pot on Public Highway, Using Same Glove

Video: Cop Gives Two Women Body Cavity Search for Pot on Public Highway, Using Same Glove

Who knew throwing a cigarette butt out of your car window in Texas (sure it’s littering) would lead to a publicly humiliating body cavity search under the...
December 20, 2012
First Rural Arizona Medical Marijuana Dispensary Opens in Cochise

First Rural Arizona Medical Marijuana Dispensary Opens in Cochise

Arizona owner and operator Cathy Mead is a breast cancer survivor who began to see marijuana in a different light when she witnessed how it helped her...
December 20, 2012
Will Cigarette Makers Jump Into Cannabis Market?

Will Cigarette Makers Jump Into Cannabis Market?

A Philip Morris USA (Marlboro) spokesman was vague when asked if the nation’s largest tobacco company will produce or market cannabis. A spokesperson from the 2nd largest firm, Reynolds American...
December 20, 2012
Lubbock Orchestra Teacher Alejos Anaya Reinstated After Resolution of Marijuana Charge

Lubbock Orchestra Teacher Alejos Anaya Reinstated After Resolution of Marijuana Charge

Lubbock High School’s orchestra director, Alejos Anaya, resumed teaching duties on Monday after the resolution of his arrest Nov. 7 on a marijuana charge.
December 20, 2012
Alternet: “Will Obama Go After Legal Pot In Washington and Colorado?”

Alternet: “Will Obama Go After Legal Pot In Washington and Colorado?”

It has been nearly seven weeks since voters in Colorado and Washington made history, enacting at the ballot box unprecedented measures legalizing the adult possession on cannabis. Yet...
December 19, 2012
This Week’s Corrupt Cops Stories (2012.12.18)

This Week’s Corrupt Cops Stories (2012.12.18)

04:54pm A small-town Florida department run amok loses its chief–at least temporarily–an Alabama cop gets caught delivering weed, four South Texas cops get caught running cocaine,...
December 19, 2012

The Next Seven States to Legalize Marijuana?

09:15pm Rolling Stone’s Tim Dickinson continues his coverage of marijuana legalization with a not unjustifiably optimistic article, “The Next Seven States to Legalize Pot.” Dickinson’s predictions:...