Category: Best of the Web

(4,087 posts)

The best cannabis posts from around the web

January 10, 2013
Medical Marijuana Update (2013.01.09)

Medical Marijuana Update (2013.01.09)

Montana caregivers continue to get sentenced in federal court, an Arizona lawmaker wants a redo on medical marijuana, an Illinois bill is delayed, and the back and...
January 10, 2013
DEA Raids Three LA Medical Marijuana Dispensaries

DEA Raids Three LA Medical Marijuana Dispensaries

DEA agents raided three Los Angeles medical marijuana dispensaries Wednesday afternoon, according to a preliminary report from Americans for Safe Access California director Don Duncan. More details were not...
January 10, 2013
CNN: Why Marijuana Should Be Legal for Adults

CNN: Why Marijuana Should Be Legal for Adults

The negative legal consequences of marijuana use are far worse than the medical consequences.
January 10, 2013
San Diego Mayor Attends ASA Meeting – Lays Out Strategy for Safe Access

San Diego Mayor Attends ASA Meeting – Lays Out Strategy for Safe Access

Last night for the first time in our chapter and city’s history, a sitting mayor attended the monthly chapter meeting. Former Congressman and newly-elected Mayor Bob Filner...
January 10, 2013
Mendocino County OKs Medical Marijuana Ordinance Revision

Mendocino County OKs Medical Marijuana Ordinance Revision

The Mendocino County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday approved a change to the county’s federally-scrutinized medical marijuana ordinance, Chapter 9.31 of the Mendocino County Code, which calls...
January 10, 2013
Pennsylvania State Senator Prefiles Marijuana Legalization Bill, Pennsylvanians Approve

Pennsylvania State Senator Prefiles Marijuana Legalization Bill, Pennsylvanians Approve

Last week, state Senator from Montgomery County Daylin Leach announced his intentions to file legislation that would legalize the adult use of marijuana, in a way similar to the...
January 10, 2013
Donahoe Asks to Withdraw From Chris Williams Marijuana Case

Donahoe Asks to Withdraw From Chris Williams Marijuana Case

The strange saga of Chris Williams and his marijuana conviction took another twist Tuesday after his defense attorney Michael Donahoe filed a motion to withdraw from the...
January 10, 2013
This Week’s Corrupt Cops Stories (2013.01.09)

This Week’s Corrupt Cops Stories (2013.01.09)

Texas cop wanted cash to make a pot possession arrest go away, Hawaii cop had his own pot garden, Philly cop was peddling ‘roids, and then there’s...
January 9, 2013
187,000 Pounds of Marijuana Annually? Legal Pot Business to Bloom in Washington

187,000 Pounds of Marijuana Annually? Legal Pot Business to Bloom in Washington

Pot is expected to be big business in Washington. Roughly 1,000 grow sites will be needed to meet demand, with 363,000 consumers in the state anticipated to...
January 9, 2013
US Drug Czar Unloads on Medical Marijuana in San Francisco

US Drug Czar Unloads on Medical Marijuana in San Francisco

It’s legal to use medical marijuana for certain ailments in California — but that doesn’t mean Gil Kerlikowske has to like it.
January 9, 2013
Federal Magistrate Rules for Harborside Medical Marijuana Dispensary

Federal Magistrate Rules for Harborside Medical Marijuana Dispensary

A federal magistrate in Oakland Monday ruled that landlords for the Harborside Health Center cannot stop it from selling medical marijuana in their properties in the cities...
January 9, 2013
Panel Examines Federal-State Conflict Over New Marijuana Laws

Panel Examines Federal-State Conflict Over New Marijuana Laws

The Brookings Institution, and the Washington Office on Latin America, host a panel discussion on the implications of legalizing marijuana.
January 9, 2013
Singapore Death Row Drug Defendants Can Now Seek Review

Singapore Death Row Drug Defendants Can Now Seek Review

Drug traffickers and other death row inmates in Singapore can now seek review of their death sentences after changes to the island city-state’s mandatory death sentence went...
January 9, 2013
Michigan Cities Challenging Marijuana Reform, Despite Voters’ Wishes

Michigan Cities Challenging Marijuana Reform, Despite Voters’ Wishes

Michigan political organizers behind easing laws against marijuana use have been quietly cheering since November. But they’re also monitoring a rash of challenges to implementing voters’ wishes.
January 9, 2013
MPP Slams Patrick Kennedy’s Plan to Force Marijuana Consumers Into Treatment and ‘Education’ Classes

MPP Slams Patrick Kennedy’s Plan to Force Marijuana Consumers Into Treatment and ‘Education’ Classes

MPP is taking issue with former Congressman Patrick Kennedy’s plan to force marijuana consumers into treatment and marijuana “education” classes, which his new organization, Smart Approaches to...
January 9, 2013
Drug Czar Sees “Serious National Conversation” About Marijuana

Drug Czar Sees “Serious National Conversation” About Marijuana

Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP—the drug czar’s office) head Gil Kerlikowske said Tuesday that the country is “in the midst of a serious national conversation...
January 8, 2013
Openings of Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Delayed in Oakland

Openings of Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Delayed in Oakland

A hard-line stance by the federal government on medical marijuana dispensaries and the reluctance of landlords to rent out their space, is being blamed for a delay in the...
January 8, 2013
NORMLIZE CONGRESS: Marijuana Law Reform Heating Up in 2013

NORMLIZE CONGRESS: Marijuana Law Reform Heating Up in 2013

The votes this past November in Colorado and Washington to regulate marijuana for adults have sparked a fire of change that seems to be spreading across the...
January 8, 2013
New Bermuda Attorney General Wants Marijuana Law Debate

New Bermuda Attorney General Wants Marijuana Law Debate

Newly-appointed Bermuda Attorney General Mark Pettingill is calling for a debate about reforming the island nation’s marijuana laws. But he has stopped short of advocating any particular...
January 8, 2013
Fights over Medical Marijuana Case Evidence Could Be Costly in Colorado

Fights over Medical Marijuana Case Evidence Could Be Costly in Colorado

A medical marijuana grower acquitted of drug-cultivation charges at a December trial wants Colorado Springs police to return her marijuana — or fork over $3.3 million in...