The Kansas Senate Thursday approved a bill requiring welfare and unemployment benefits recipients to undergo drug tests if there is “reasonable suspicion” they are using drugs. But...
A proposal to legalize marijuana for medical use in Iowa likely is dead for this session. A Senate subcommittee approved the bill Monday, but the panel’s chairman,...
special to Drug War Chronicle by Clarence Walker, America’s war on drugs overseas was dealt a heavy blow in the federal courts late last year. In November,...
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie denies sabotaging the medical marijuana system in the state. “I do not want people flying to New Jersey, getting off a plane, going...
Aspen police and Pitkin County Sheriff’s have made no marijuana DUI arrests. Sheriff’s Office records manager Charlie Matthews: “I wouldn’t say it’s so much a policy as that...
William R. Sherman, Acting Special Agent in Charge of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) San Diego Field Division, has declared an outright war on medical marijuana patients...
An undercover police officer shot and killed an Oklahoma City man while attempting to arrest him after observing a suspected drug deal Friday. Marcus Dewayne Patterson, 35,...
Danny Danko @ High Times goes back to 1960s Santa Cruz to discuss the origins of the popular Haze strain and covers its history throughout the decades. Also included...
The French government is considering legalizing Sativex, a marijuana-based nasal or mouth spray for muscle pain, such as people with multiple sclerosis. Sativex would be the first authorized use...
Kevin Sabet, co-founder of the anti-marijuana group Project SAM, has trouble remembering his ‘facts’. In three different interviews, Sabet claimed that 80%, 90% and 95% of MMJ...
The Senate Health and Human Services Committee passed Senate Bill 281 on a 4-1 vote. SB 281 would allow those suffering from PTSD to use medical marijuana....
The Norwegian government said Friday it wants to decriminalize the smoking of heroin as a harm reduction measure, Agence-France Presse reported. Smoking heroin is less dangerous than injecting it,...
The Boulder City Council will consider recreational marijuana regulations proposed by city officials at its regular meeting Tuesday, covering topics such as recreational pot stores and 21 being the...
The administration of the nonpsychotropic cannabinoid cannabigerol (CBG) mitigates colitis (inflammation of the large intestine) in a preclinical model and ought to be assessed in clinical trials, according to data published...
This week we consider a sustainable bong that can be homemade, or could be purchased as a decorative ornament from an excursion abroad: the bamboo bong. Origins...
A high school basketball star caught selling marijuana off campus cannot sue the police for arresting him at school, though a federal judge was “deeply troubled” by...
A Message from the Chair of NORML’s Board of Directors, Norm Kent: NORML is the pioneer, the grand patron and founder of the marijuana policy reform movement in...
On Tuesday, US Attorney General Eric Holder told America to expect a decision “soon” on how he’ll respond to the recent legalization of pot by states. The...