Category: Best of the Web

(4,087 posts)

The best cannabis posts from around the web

October 28, 2014
Alaska’s Marijuana Ballot Measure Language Proves Explosive Issue for Dueling Campaigns

Alaska’s Marijuana Ballot Measure Language Proves Explosive Issue for Dueling Campaigns

Opponents of marijuana legalization are concerned that if Alaska’s Ballot Measure 2 passes, Alaskans would see an increase in butane hash oil, and with that, an increase...
October 28, 2014
Why Today Is a Historic Day for Cannabis Policy

Why Today Is a Historic Day for Cannabis Policy

Today’s hearing on cannabis policy is a very big deal. By finally taking updated testimony from eminent experts – including Dr. Carl Hart, Dr. Phillip Denny, and the...
October 27, 2014
Healing Recipes: Epilepsy – Medicated Skirt Steak Salad

Healing Recipes: Epilepsy – Medicated Skirt Steak Salad

While no single special diet is prescribed for epileptic patients, those with epilepsy are advised to followed a well balanced and nutritious diet full of all the...
October 27, 2014
Home Kits Test Halloween Candy for THC but Not Real Danger

Home Kits Test Halloween Candy for THC but Not Real Danger

A Colorado-based testing company has released a new home testing kit which allows parents to detect the presence of THC in their kids’ Halloween candy stash before letting...
October 24, 2014
Setting the Record Straight on Two Decades of Cannabis Research

Setting the Record Straight on Two Decades of Cannabis Research

A literature review was released on October 7th in the journal Addiction, which examined the past twenty years of research on recreational cannabis use. According to various...
October 24, 2014
Can Second-Hand Weed Smoke Cause You to Fail a Drug Test?

Can Second-Hand Weed Smoke Cause You to Fail a Drug Test?

Can you flunk your drug test by simply being in the same room with other tokers? It’s possible. So say the results of a new study published...
October 23, 2014
War on Marijuana Unconstitutional, Doctors Testify in Federal Court Monday

War on Marijuana Unconstitutional, Doctors Testify in Federal Court Monday

The U.S. government claims marijuana is a dangerous, addictive drug with no medical benefits. But that claim will be up for debate Monday in California when a...
October 23, 2014
Uruguay’s Roll-Out of Marijuana Experiment Faces Election Risk

Uruguay’s Roll-Out of Marijuana Experiment Faces Election Risk

Uruguay is struggling to roll out the commercial production and sale of marijuana and its ground-breaking experiment could be dropped or watered down if an opposition candidate...
October 22, 2014
Marijuana and Your Memory

Marijuana and Your Memory

It’s no secret that marijuana can affect a person’s memory. In today’s society, the stereotypical marijuana user is often perceived as someone who is forgetful and absent-minded....
October 22, 2014
Terpene Profile: Caryophyllene

Terpene Profile: Caryophyllene

In this issue of Terpene Profiles, the properties of caryophyllene are broken down and the therapeutic benefits are explored. Get to know this terpene and discover what studies...
October 21, 2014
Growing for Maximum Flavor

Growing for Maximum Flavor

So you’ve finally decided to grow your own marijuana, but 10 steps into your local grow store, you’re already overwhelmed by what seem like hundreds of choices....
October 21, 2014
Texans Take Cannabis Law Into Their Own Hands

Texans Take Cannabis Law Into Their Own Hands

As the rest of the world sits back and watches Washington and Colorado rake in all of the profits from the cannabis industry, many states cannot help...
October 20, 2014
Healing Recipes: Crohn’s Disease – Pumpkin Potato Soup

Healing Recipes: Crohn’s Disease – Pumpkin Potato Soup

Crohn’s Disease is a form of inflammatory bowel disease, and can be accompanied by a bevy of serious symptoms. Fortunately, cannabis has been shown time and time...
October 20, 2014
Recklessness Compared: Legalization vs. Prohibition

Recklessness Compared: Legalization vs. Prohibition

At a televised debate between Gov. John Hickenlooper and his Republican challenger Bob Beauprez on October 6th, Hickenlooper repeatedly used the word “reckless” to describe the passage...
October 17, 2014
Poll: Oregon Marijuana Legalization Still Leading

Poll: Oregon Marijuana Legalization Still Leading

A new poll conducted for Oregon Public Broadcasting/Fox 12 indicates that legalization of marijuana for recreational use is headed for approval in Oregon — but only if...
October 17, 2014
Family Law & Cannabis Alliance Announces Groundbreaking Legal Network

Family Law & Cannabis Alliance Announces Groundbreaking Legal Network

Family Law & Cannabis Alliance (FLCA), a national nonprofit organization providing information on Child Protective Services (CPS), family court, and marijuana is proud to officially launch its...
October 16, 2014
After California Decriminalized Marijuana, Teen Arrest, Overdose and Dropout Rates Fell

After California Decriminalized Marijuana, Teen Arrest, Overdose and Dropout Rates Fell

A new report from the Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice adds to the growing body of evidence that legalizing or decriminalizing marijuana does not lead to...
October 16, 2014
What Are the Highest CBD Strains?

What Are the Highest CBD Strains?

By using strains that are high in CBD and low in THC, people living with illness are able to unlock the therapeutic benefits of marijuana without having...
October 15, 2014
Dollars, Chasing Cannabis Profits, Leave US

Dollars, Chasing Cannabis Profits, Leave US

In the midst of prolonged recession which has left millions jobless for years at a time, American investors are offshoring their funds in droves in an attempt...
October 15, 2014
How a Twitter Campaign Exposed the Madness of Banning Medical Marijuana

How a Twitter Campaign Exposed the Madness of Banning Medical Marijuana

After Corey Hunt watched doctors overdose his girlfriend’s mother on morphine while battling breast cancer, he knew there had to be something better out there. It was cannabis....