A reader wrote to us asking: Hi, my dog was diagnosed with hemangiosarcoma cancer. Can you ask if anyone knows about treating tumors of this type with...
I’ve seen people talking about it in Seattle and Denver and even in Southern California. Monday Night Football and Dabs (of hash oil, that is), being offered...
Whenever Felicity and I go to a medical marijuana event, such as The Emerald Cup held at the Santa Rosa Fairgrounds in Sonoma County, California last weekend,...
It’s happening everywhere. Maybe in your very own neighborhood. People enjoying themselves with marijuana…but not suffering all the agony of smoking it! They’re using these mysterious new gadgets which...
Many people have heard a variation of “marijuana can help cancer”, even if they’re not medical marijuana patients or even recreational users. Research scientists have been studying...
A fellow named David Frum recently wrote an anti-cannabusiness screed on CNN.com entitled “Be Afraid of Big Marijuana.” Frum is a Prohibitionist yammerer who’s on the Board of Directors...
Because I signed one of those pro-cannabis online petitions once upon a time, the White House sent me a follow-up email that made reference to last week’s...
Over the weekend, we brought you the meta-story that a fire chief was quoted speculating that the cause of the massive Rim Fire in Yosemite National Park...
A recent story in the San Jose Mercury News really rustled my jimmies, because it was entitled “Rim Fire: Did illegal marijuana growers start the blaze?” Basically, the...
On Election Day, by an overwhelming majority of voters, Massachusetts legalized medical cannabis and approved the Act for the Humanitarian Medical Use of Marijuana. The law includes allowing patients to possess...
The city of Napa, California, is generally fairly compassionate. The City Council wrote a law several years ago to approve and allow medical marijuana dispensaries, but they...
CNN reports that — despite the increasing calls from activists, the public, and even Dr. Sanjay Gupta (who was Obama’s original pick for Surgeon General) to reschedule marijuana...
While it’s apparently taken centuries for scientists to take serious notice of the medical effects of the cannabis plant, virtually all the attention has been on THC,...
With the exception of R. Crumb and the other comix and concert poster creators, possibly no other artist is more associated with the Sixties than M.C. Escher...
Salvador Dali was one of a kind. He was not only “an artist”, but a unique individual of the highest order…a world-class eccentric, surrealist, and someone who...
The real reason I was down in Richmond for the High Times Medical Cannabis Cup was that they had asked for a representative from reddit’s /r/trees to...
The world was duly shocked at the bombings during the Boston Marathon last month, but information has come out suggesting that one or both of the alleged Boston...
James Bond on LSD. That’s my succinct summary of Archer, the most over-the-top parody of secret agents since Peter Sellers and Woody Allen last made a movie...