Jeremy Daw, editor of, is also the author of Weed the People: From Founding Fiber to Forbidden Fruit (2012). A graduate of Harvard Law School, he is also a professor of Economics, Politics & History at Oaksterdam University in Oakland, California.
While Herblore is inventive, I must criticize it for missing the core essence of cannabis, which is the plant’s versatility. While the mod allows players to harvest...
It was as if a whole pack of Jolly Ranchers matured into a refined, adult taste, ditched the sugar, and blended all together in a freshly-ground flower.
Some of the information in this freely downloadable ebook is useful. Other tidbits are demonstrably false. And some of the book’s advice, if followed uncritically, could lead...
The idea that cannabis could be much worse for teenage users than previously expected, could make any parent lose sleep at night. Fortunately, those parents can breathe...
Even without the scores of hazy clouds billowing between my present high and those of my days living in Brooklyn a decade hence, the chronological gulf would...