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Dr. Gupta and Gov. Christie: Science vs. Fear Mongering
Law & Politics

Dr. Gupta and Gov. Christie Science vs. Fear Mongering, Source: http://www.prevention.com/sites/prevention.com/files/images/articles/featured_images/dr-sanjay-gupta-628x363.jpeg & http://static.businessinsider.com/image/51dae85969bedd431d000000/image.jpgMost politicians are not well known for their scientific knowledge. This has long bothered me because these are the people who are empowered to enact laws that affect all of us. Yet many of them seem to almost celebrate their ignorance and willfully ignore the (ideally) unbiased, data-driven information that science provides. This is how we get people with actual power who think climate change isn’t real because it snowed this year.

Often, what drives their decisions is self-interest. The canyon between actual truth (science) and fear-mongering (politicking) is beautifully displayed by two recent high-profile individuals.

In the corner for science, we have Dr. Sanjay Gupta, CNN’s chief medical correspondent. You will probably remember Dr. Gupta for being one of the first well-respected and trusted public figures who came out in support of medical cannabis. What’s more, Gupta was once a strong opponent of cannabis, himself believing the specious “facts” about marijuana.

Several years ago (prior to any recreational cannabis measures), Dr. Gupta spent many months meeting with medical cannabis users in preparation for his documentary on cannabis. It’s possible that his original intention was to use his celebrity status to debunk the claims that medical cannabis advocates had been making.

However, what Gupta saw completely changed his mind on cannabis. He saw just how effective and safe cannabis was for people. Ultimately, he released a public statement coming out in full support of medical marijuana and apologizing for his former oppositional stance. Dr. Gupta’s third weed documentary recently aired.

In the corner of politics, we have New Jersey Governor, Chris Christie. Lately, Christie has been far from silent in his views about marijuana. In the last few months he has called medical cannabis revenue, “blood money,” he has stated, as fact, that marijuana is a gateway drug (is this 1995?), and my personal favorite, he boldly stated that, if he were to become president, he would actively prosecute cannabis users in states that have already legalized it.

Christie claimed (at the opening ceremony for a drug rehab center in his home state) that, “Every bit of objective data tells us that [marijuana] is a gateway drug…” That’s the part that is so infuriating. Christie has a national forum and people are hearing him. He’s hiding his personal agenda and political ambition in language that sounds an awful lot like it’s scientifically sound to the lay person.

This war will continue to rage until enough people start to see the truth about cannabis and stop electing folks like Christie to make laws for them. By the way, Governor, you should probably take a gander at one of the numerous national polls about cannabis acceptance before you hang your shot at the oval office on reinstating prohibition. Are all politicians allergic to science? No, of course not. But I wish those for science would talk louder than the ignorant.