I love edibles as much as smoking cannabis, especially when they are made right and are both tasty and effective. Love’s Oven does not let me down in any respect.
I just had surgery and was fearful of coughing fits, so I stuck with edibles. Because I couldn’t go anywhere, my boyfriend had to hit up the recreational side of my favorite dispensary and it was there that he found Love’s Oven edibles, in a big variety.
He ended up getting me the Chewy Caramel Bites and the S’mores Brownie. Because each of these were purchased for adult use only and not for medical usage (though I myself have a red card), each product was divided into 10 mg bites and contained 10 pieces per package, equaling a total of 100 mg.
My only complaint is the usage of so much plastic, so make sure you at least recycle the outside container they come in, and have some scissors handy to open the tiny packages holding the delectable bites. I can also tell, compared to medical edibles that are not separated, that the smaller sizes do compromise the moisture aspect of the brownies. But the caramels seem unaffected.
I’m sure my significant other had my ethical beliefs in mind when he chose what brand to buy. He picked Love’s Oven after reading up on their background. They are a Denver based, “small batch, home-style bakery.” They state that whenever they can, all ingredients are local and/or organic. They also use a “chemical-free heat extraction method” and a special cooling process that allows for the efficiency and strength of the THC to be consistent and flavorful for their in-house made cannabutters.
Looking through their product line, not only do they have sweet treats like the everyday edible, but they also have savory treats such as a peanut Hot Nutz mix and Rosemary Parmesan and Cheddar Crackers. This sticks in my mind as a great treat for a nice hiking or camping trip. Hopefully soon!
Because I do not use pharmaceuticals for pain I can handle with cannabis, I decided to eat my normal dosage of about 20 mg at first. I ate one of each — a Chewy Caramel Bite and a S’mores Brownie bite. This hit me within about a half hour of ingesting, and kept me nice and relaxed, enough so to nap for about a 3 hour period.
I woke up in slight discomfort so I ate another caramel bite and the uncomfortable sensations and pain subsided soon after. This brings the total to about 30 mg of these products eaten. I can say that if they take pain away from abdominal surgery, they can take pain away from most other sensations. I also did not feel my normal levels of joint and muscular related pains at the time of mediating.
Love’s Oven Chewy Caramel Bites and S’mores Brownies taste exactly as the name suggests — made from an oven of love, as though my mom was there to take care of and comfort me. Knowing artificial sweeteners aren’t in my sweet treat, and that the dosing is effective and consistent, I have zero complaints. I’m on the hunt for those Hot Nutz and crackers next!
Check out other posts from Weedist’s Edibles Review series!