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Great Movies While High: The One I Love - Weedist
Weed Lifestyle

Great Movies While High: The One I Love, Source: http://filmint.nu/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/The-One-I-love-3.jpgI’m compelled to keep this brief, because The One I Love is a movie where the less you know going into it, the better.

What first attracted me to the film was the presence of Elisabeth Moss, who many may recognize as the actress who plays Peggy in the popular television series Mad Men. Moss is a brilliant actress, so right away I was intrigued to see her in a new role.

The description offered for The One I Love doesn’t reveal much, “Confronted with the potential end of their marriage, Ethan and Sophie take off for a weekend together, hoping to negotiate their future.” From this alone, one may think they are sitting down to watch a dull and ordinary “rom-com” or other such typical relationship based film. Do not be fooled!

The One I Love is one of the most unique and original story-lines I have seen in a very long time, with excellent acting and surreal twists that will keep surprising you. I’m a fairly picky film critic, and I earnestly loved this movie. Without giving too much away, I will say that those who enjoy psychological thrillers and “Twilight Zone” reminiscent films will be very pleased.

Do yourself a favor, roll something potent up and take a chance on this film, you will not be disappointed.

Check out other posts from Weedist’s Great Movies While High series!