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Edibles Review: Wana Magic Bars - Weedist

Product Review: Wana Magic Bars, Source: Original Photography by Phe HarphaOne thing that all edible cannabis consumers and lovers can agree on is that for the particular product to be an all around good edible, it indeed needs to be edible, with a preferably nice texture, a flavor not overwhelmed by hash (though I personally enjoy a nice earthy cookie once in a while too) and an effect that can help various consumers with a multitude of ailments.

Wana brand edibles always stand out to me and are far superior to many other brands in my opinion. In my eyes, they truly hold up to the mission statement on every one of their packages, “Potent, Consistent, Delicious.”

This time around I decided to try the Wana “Magic Bars” for my sweet medicated treat. With 7 layers of repeating salted caramel, pretzels, coconut and chocolate on a graham cracker crust, these bars are packed full of flavor and a potency of 100mg of activated THC. Per Wana brand protocol and ethics, all THC extract used in products is derived from food grade alcohol or ethanol extraction methods rather than CO2 or BHO (butane) like for the popular “dabs.”

In one package, based on Colorado state standards, the total 100mg THC present is actually ten, 10mg single servings. But I decided to eat my normal dosage of about 50mg and split the bar into two pieces. And as I cut it — yummy — the crumbs that parted from the bar are delicious and have me excited to take a bite.

This Wana bar really does taste like magic. Sweet, but not overly sweet, and a chocolate morsel present in every bite. Salty hints from the caramel and pretzels linger, and the pretzels add a nice crunch too. The coconut has a nice toasted flavor and adds density and a chewiness to the bar, but is not overpowering in the slightest. Overall, it tastes better than the average bake sale bar and above average in comparison to other edibles. The hash taste is nice but does not outdo the sweet treat or have a bitter aftertaste.

After about a half hour I can tell a difference in my mental clarity and state, a textbook “head change,” if you will. It wasn’t foggy, but made me feel mellow, relaxed and carefree at heart. With a blissful and energizing feeling coursing through my body, I threw on some tunes and enjoyed the rest of my evening. That night I settled in after dinner, about 5 hours after consumption, for a movie and a wonderful night’s rest. I awoke the next day alert and well rested, again proving her magic in the start of my day.

Check out other posts from Weedist’s Edibles Review series!