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2016 GOP Presidential Contenders Admit to Smoking Weed
Law & Politics

2016 GOP Presidential Contenders Admit to Smoking Weed, Source: http://politicsofpot.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/GOP-marijuana-760x430c.jpgRepublican party Texas Senator Ted Cruz smoked weed as a teenager, as his campaign disclosed to Daily Mail on Tuesday. His team blamed his “mistake” on the folly of his youth.

“Teenagers are often known for their lack of judgment, and Sen. Cruz was no exception,” said a Cruz spokesperson. “When he was a teenager, he foolishly experimented with marijuana. It was a mistake, and he’s never tried it since.” Despite this disclosure the spokesperson did not give any details as to how many times Cruz hit the joint, how heavy his use was, his age at the time, or how long of a period Cruz was a toker.

Cruz says he’s open to debate on the issue of cannabis legalization but was critical of Obama’s stance on the issue. “The Obama administration’s approach to drug policy is to simply announce that across the country, it is going to stop enforcing certain drug laws,” Cruz said last year. “Now, that may or may not be a good policy, but I would suggest that should concern anyone — it should even concern libertarians who support that policy outcome — because the idea that the president simply says criminal laws that are on the books, we’re going to ignore [them]. That is a very dangerous precedent.”

“I think we can have an intelligent conversation about drug policy and the degree to which it may or may not be achieving the ends we hope it would achieve,” he also stated.

This new admission puts Senator Cruz among the ranks of Republican politicians who admitted to smoking weed, such as former Florida Governor Jeb Bush who was apparently a smoker and high school bully in his youth. All these southern politicians who have smoked weed yet there is still no love in any southern states in the legalization movement, for shame.

“I drank alcohol and I smoked marijuana when I was at Andover,” admitted Bush, who is currently the Republican front-runner for his party’s 2016 presidential nomination. “It was pretty common.”

It was certainly common in the Bush family, as Jeb’s brother, former President George W. Bush, has admitted to smoking weed since he left the white house. Peter Tibbetts, a former classmate of Bush, recounts his first experience with cannabis in some woods near their dorms. “The first time I really got stoned was in Jeb’s room,” Tibbetts said. “He had a portable stereo with removable speakers. He put on Steppenwolf for me.”

We will see how the politician’s stance on cannabis progresses as we near party nominations and the 2016 election.