This recipe has been in my arsenal for years. It was one of the first dishes that I learned as a professional and is still one my favorites. What follows is the recipe and any places where it can be cannabis infused. The recipe is just for the sauce. It goes great on pasta or with livestock/poultry.
Here’s What You Need:
- 1 lb crimini mushrooms
- 1 shallot
- 1 tsp crushed garlic (powder will work in a pinch)
- 2 cups Marsala wine
- ½ cup heavy cream (sub cannabis cream if you like)
- ½ stick butter (or cannabutter)
- ¼ cup olive oil (or cannaoil)
- 1 tsp chopped thyme.
- salt
- pepper
How to Make Cannabis Marsala Cream Sauce
Step 1: Slice mushrooms into thin slices, peel the shallot and slice it into thin rings as well. Chop the garlic. Get out a large saute pan and put it on med-high heat. Let the pan get hot before you add anything to it.
Step 2: Once the pan is very hot, add the oil and swirl it around for even coverage on the bottom of the pan. Let the oil heat until it’s just before the smoke point (if you kind of hold your eyes in a soft gaze, you’ll see little wisps of smoke start to come out of the oil in the pan, that’s where you want it). Toss the mushrooms into the pan and saute them until they start to sweat (they look like they’re sweating). Then add the shallots and saute them until they start to get translucent. Then add the garlic and saute for another 90 seconds or so. Then add the thyme.
Step 3: Add the Marsala wine to the pan, stir it all together and reduce it by half. That just means to let it saute until roughly half of the Marsala has cooked off (evaporated). Then add the cream/cannacream and let it thicken. You want the consistency of the sauce to be like room-temperature syrup.
Step 4: Add the butter/cannabutter and gently stir the sauce until the butter has fully melted and blended with the sauce (no little oily tracers left, stir it until it all looks homogeneous).
Step 5: Eat that goodness!
Check out other posts from Weedist’s Great Edibles Recipes series!