Berry White from Redwood Garden Delivery, Bay Area, CA (@redwoodmeds)
I never knew fruity could be this sexy… until I tried the legendary Berry White.
And I’ll admit that I had my misgivings at first. Being a consummately cultivated weedist, I initially scoffed at the terpene bouquet which greeted my nostrils — it smelled like kid’s cereal, cloying and sweet. How could this strain possibly fit my mature tastes?
Then I lit up.
Medicating with Berry, I discovered, is a transcendent experience. The same saturating flavors which smelled excessive on first waft spread like a warm quilt over my tongue, and within minutes I was lost in a high beyond the confines of my imagination. The cannabinoids connected to each other, offering a variegated bliss from the crown of my head to the tips of my toes in one, uninterrupted high, at once both cerebral and corporeal. It was simply out of this world.
On the tongue, the berry flavors mellowed, grounded by subtle earthy undertones; I was forced to admit that this was a true connoisseur’s strain after all. But to be honest, it was the incredibly potent high of this special variety which made it my new favorite strain: after coming on in a rush, the euphoria mellowed gradually over the next 2 hours and finally lowered me to the ground as gently as a new mother tucking in her infant for the night. This, I thought, is how Barry would have done it (if he was gay).
As a strain equally well adapted to either day-time or night-time use, Berry White can count me as its latest convert. While I maintain my staples of piney, citrus-dominant strains for daily wear and tear, I no longer scoff at the idea of giving myself a fruity treat from time to time. In so doing, surely I’m doing as Barry would want me to — every weedist needs to cut loose every once in a while.
Check out other posts from Weedist’s My Favorite Strains series!